Society Games
Societies will put forward 2 Tributes and 2 back ups if the primaries are unavailable.
This form is for societies who wish to sign up, not for their tributes

The Society Games, is an all-society charity game of tag-rugby, with a grand prize of €500 to go to the winning society.

This is an homage to best-selling franchise ‘The Hunger Games’, as such the object of the Games is to be the last man standing with at least one of your tags still attached. When both of your tags are taken, you are declared dead. 

Entry Requirements:

  • Each society can send up to 2 Tributes, internally reaped from your member pool.

  • Each society also nominates a Mentor to aid their tributes during the games.

  • To qualify your society needs to raise €50 per Tribute, with any excess money raised used by the Mentor to supplement gameplay. This money can come from anywhere other than your society’s Schedule of Allowances.

All money raised will go towards the Societies RAG charities.

There will be a fundraising Introductory Gala in Sult on Wednesday the 7th of February to introduce the Tributes.

The Games themselves will take place on Friday the 16th of February to close out RaiseAndGive Week. 

 If you would like to get in contact with us to help behind the scenes, email: 

We look forward to hearing from you, and may the odds be ever in your favour.

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