Student Production Team Sign Up for GO DOG GO! 
This form is for students interested in joining the Production Team of Go Dog Go! 

Parent meeting is April 1 , 6:30pm. First all teams meeting is April 5, 9am-Noon. You will receive an email with more details as we get closer to April. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and last name of student. *
What grade are you currently in?  *
What school do you attend?   *
How did you learn about MYT?  *
Your parent or legal guardians name?   *
Email(s) of parent or guardian that you would like to use for communication.  *
What team are you most interested in joining? 
Tell us about your past theater experiences and why you would like to join one of our production teams.
If the team you would like to join is already full, do you have a second choice?    *
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