PROM Application
Positive Reinforcement over Myself (PROM) develops young women’s independence and leadership skills via sewing while including principles of critical thinking, positive self talk, team work, and social skills for ages 12-18. Our mission is to "Sew seeds of greatness" into every child. Every class is free to all children and all supplies are provided by ACE Project however if you need help learning from your own sewing machine, we encourage you to bring it. Enrollment September 2023
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Email *
Child's First Name *
Child's Last Name *
Gender *
Child's Home Address
Street Name *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Parent/Guardian First Name  *
Parent/Guardian Last Name *
Parent/Guardian Phone Number *
Child Email (If Applicable)
Child Date of Birth *
Age *
Grade *
School *
Shirt Size 
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