Eco-Justice Series Funding Interest Form
The North Carolina Council of Churches is partnering with JustFaith Charlotte to bring small group, eco-justice programs to churches across North Carolina. The JustFaith Ministries eco-justice program series is made up of three, 8-10 week programs, including:
Each program in the series is designed to educate, inspire, and equip participants to engage in efforts to increase environmental sustainability and impact change. All programs are grounded in group guidelines for respectful conversation and include prayer, dialogue, active listening, weekly spiritual practices, and relationship-building. Due to the generosity of a grant through the Gaston Community Foundation, we are able to offer our eco-justice programs FREE to the first 200 participants! Bring the program to your congregation today by completing the form below or reaching out to or (502) 429-0865  for more information. 
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What part(s) of the program would you like advice/resources for, or do you have questions about?
What is the best time to reach you? *
What is the best way to reach you? *
If you wish to be contacted, please add your number or email below. *
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