Teaching about Race
In recent months, more than half of all states have taken steps to restrict the teaching of critical race theory or otherwise limit how race and racism are taught. How will these efforts — and the broader public debate — affect professors who address issues of race in their teaching?

Will you be altering your syllabi or changing how you teach? Will you address the controversy directly in your classes? Are departments strategizing over how best to respond? If you'd like to share your thoughts and experiences please fill out this form.
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What is the name and topic of the relevant course you are teaching this fall? *
What are some topics or issues you discuss in this course that you feel could draw attention from those advocating against critical race theory and related ideas? *
Has your state legislature, board of education, or other organization made efforts to restrict teaching on these topics in any way? If so, please explain how. *
Are you planning to change what or how you teach as a result of public attention? Please briefly explain why or why not. *
Can we follow up with you? *
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