Self-Healing Card Order Form
Centered Healing with Stephanie Andersen
$30.00 per deck
more than one deck add $6.00 for shipping.
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Email Address
Shipping Address - street name, city, state, zip code
Phone Number
How many decks?
Please write the total cost of decks and shipping. 
More than one deck please add $6.00 for shipping
Thank you for supporting my small business and the creation of the self-healing cards. I am in gratitude for you, your kindness and support. Please send your total payment (add total number of decks and shipping) to stephanie-andersen-11 through venmo. As soon as the order is complete and payment is received in full I will mail your order to you. Reach out if you have questions, thank you so very much!!! Blessings of love to you on your journey.
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