Haiti TPS Extension Faith Orgs/Leaders Letter
This faith community letter was sent to the Trump Administration on May 1, 2017. You can find the final letter at this link: https://cliniclegal.org/news/more-400-faith-leaders-and-organizations-nationwide-urge-support-haitians-risk-deportation

Do you know someone who would be negatively impacted if TPS for Haiti was terminated and would like to share their story with the media?  Contact Jill Marie Bussey, Director of Advocacy at the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. at jbussey@cliniclegal.org.  

Here are a few other ways you can get involved:
•        Join a letter urging Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kelly to extend TPS for Haitians. This letter is open to individuals and organizations and can be found at the the following link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfsfxFbWq_K-yrol28-t_caVJr60t-CQUuCbdyMXawAK46Ygw/viewform 
•        Contact Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea (sstanley@dhm.discples.org) if you are a faith leader of Haitian descent, and please sign the Haitian Faith Leader Letter at:   https://goo.gl/forms/lggo0ITlJ5q7NKDj1.  We hope to finalize the letter by May 11, 2017.

•        Call the Department of Homeland Security and the White House to urge the Trump Administration to extend temporary protections for Haitians in the U.S.
o   DHS Comment Line: 202-282-8495 (please leave a message)
o   White House Comment Line: 202-456-1111 (please leave a message)
•        Amplify this message on social media. Here’s a sample post you can use on twitter:
o   .@DHSgov @WhiteHouse – Protect Haitians by extending #TPS. Don’t return families to danger, poverty, & instability.
o   As a member of the faith community, I urge @DHSgov and @WhiteHouse to extend protection for my Haitian neighbors in the U.S. #HaitianTPS
o   Approx. 50k Haitians in the US could be at risk of deportation if @POTUS doesn't renew #HaitianTPS. https://cliniclegal.org/sites/default/files/advocacy/Haiti-TPS-Extension-Interfaith-Ltr-to-Sec-Kelly-1-May-2017.pdf

Questions about our advocacy? Email Jill Marie Bussey at jbussey@cliniclegal.org and Meredith Owen at mowen@cwsglobal.org

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