Hard Drive Pitch Test
Hello! Do you want to write for Hard Drive? All you gotta do is pitch us a headline we really like. Every headline is read. If we love it, we reply back via email and a slack invite.

If what you are pitching is very niche, feel free to explain it after the headline. You do not need to pitch a long form idea if you don't have one.

Good luck! Please note that your pitches and email address will be seen by several Hard Drive people.
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Headline Pitch #1
Headline Pitch #2
Headline Pitch #3
Pitch a creative idea for a list.
If we like one of these headlines, would you like to also write the article for it?
We have a slack group where all of our writers hang out and pitch ideas. If one of your headlines gets approved, would you like to be invited into this group so you can pitch more and hang out?
If you'd like to be credited for your headline, how would you like to be credited?
If someone from the group recommended that you apply please name them here
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