Request for Absence Form
Note: This form MUST be submitted AT LEAST two weeks in advance.

Absences will NOT be approved for listed Professional Days or the days before/after a holiday on which a substitute is required.

If this is an emergency request of less than two weeks notice and a sub is required, please see your supervisor IMMEDIATELY and then submit this form.

This form is to be used for visits to other schools, on- and off-site professional development/training/meetings, vacations or legitimate personal reasons.

Blackout dates have been added for vacation requests - please check the dates listed under "Requested Dates" before submitting your request.  

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Email *
Name *
Room/Position: *
Requested Dates: *
2024-25 Blackout Dates:  

August 19-September 30, 2024
May 15-June 6, 2025   

(In addition, absences will NOT be approved for Professional Days or the days before/after a holiday on which a substitute is required.)
Day(s) of the week: *
Hours (Time) of Absence: *
Type of Absence *
Reason (Use to provide details related to "Other" or "Bereavement.")
Is a substitute required? *
If yes, what hours?  
Supervisor's email (See list below) *
If you type in your supervisor's email incorrectly, it will not reach them and you will be asked to complete the form again. As a reference, below is a list of all the supervisors' emails:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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