Returning Student Form

WE ARE CLOSED July 1st thru 5th and August 5th thru 9th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once you have scheduled, if you have questions, please text or call 509.838.5867 and we would love to answer any concerns you have!
We have had too many students no show or show up late without calling. We work very hard to schedule instructors to work with you so please be respectful of their time. We will be enforcing a $50 fee for each no show or late arrival that hinders our ability to have instructors available for other students. Thank you to those who give us back the 110% we are dedicated to giving you!

To help us utilize your available time to your greatest advantage, please fill this form out by MONDAY @ 6PM. Call us directly if you are sending this later the 6pm cut off or if you have question/concerns... 509-838-JUMP(5867).  We will expect you here at 7am on each day you have indicated unless you have specified a time limitation on this form. Please call or text us at 509.838.5867 with any changes to your planned schedule.

This form with not confirm with an email so please be sure of your input and plan on arriving at your reserved time slot! 

Thank you and blue skies!
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Email *
Full Name: *
First, Middle Initial, and Last (i.e. - Wiley P. Skylander)
Phone: *
with area code
What days are you available this coming week? *
Do you have any time constraints? *
(We generally start at 7am but will text you if alternate arrival times are needed. Upon arrival, please retrieve your folder and start working on your flight planners and Category quizzes. We will jump until dark most days. If you are not available the entire day, please let us know when you plan on being here).
Which jump level did you last complete? *
It is okay if you do not know this. *If you have NOT jumped in 30 days, please choose "Need a Refresher Course" as your answer and we will get you back in the air asap after you schedule a Refresher (not available everyday).
How many jumps would you like to accomplish each day? *
Please note that this is for our scheduling purposes and not a guarantee that you will get this many jumps in a day. We will do our best to get everyone in the air as much as often as they want.
What is your preferred method of contact? *
How would you like us to get a hold of you?
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