Class-8,National Movement from 1870 to 1947
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Q1) Which one of the following is the correct description of the term sovereign *
1 point
Q2) In which year was the Arms Act passed disallowing Indians from processing arms. ? *
1 point
Q3) In which year was the Vernacular Press Act enacted to silence those who were critical to the Government? *
1 point
Q4) Why there was a furore over the attempt by the Government to introduce Ilbert Bill in 1883? *
1 point
Q5) From the outline map of India, name this city where 72 delegates from all over the country met in December 1885. *
1 point
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Q6) Identify this political reformer, who was one of the important founders of the Indian National Congress, also considered to be a great ornithologist. He also played a part in bringing Indians from the various regions together. *
1 point
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Q7) Name the important book written by Dadabhai Naoroji that offered a scathing criticism of the economic impact of British rule. *
1 point
Q8) A few reasons as to why the British generally preferred not to give Indians good positions of responsibility are given below. Which one is not TRUE? *
1 point
Q9) Which one of the following is closest in meaning to Repeal? *
1 point
Q10) Which one among the following is closest in meaning to the word Nationalism *
1 point
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