🌱 InspireHer Collective 🌱 Membership Application 

We are committed to fostering a nurturing and trustworthy environment, where humor is our ally in facing challenges and growth is achieved through authentic exchanges and valuable insights.

Recognizing that a perfect balance between work, life, and family is an aspirational myth, we support each other in striving for a fulfilling, albeit imperfect, harmony.

Do you want to be the one to bring this incredible community to your city?

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
Where do you prefer to receive mail 
(physical address):
City, State *
Industry *
Job Title *
Role *
Career Aspirations *
Topic(s) I would like to discuss *
Topic(s) I could present on *
A book or podcast I highly recommend *
My superpower is... *
I am ready to lead! *
I know someone who would be an incredible leader for this group in a different city!  Include their name and at least one form of communication. *
How did you hear about InspireHER Collective? *
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