Triplicity 2024 - 3v3 Ultimate Tournament Registration
Sign-up now to join us for Triplicity 2024! This 3v3 ultimate tournament on Saturday, November 23 is open to anyone that wants to join. Here are some event details for now...

These are the details that are subject to (but hopefully unlikely to) change:
Date - Saturday, 11/23
Start Time - 10:00am
Tournament Type - 3v3 Ultimate (Men's and Women's Divisions)
Early-Bird Cost (by 11/17) - $15 for an individual or $60 for a team of five players
Regular Cost (by 11/21) - $20 for an individual or $75 for a team of five players
* Any excess revenue from the event will go to Steamboat Ultimate as a fundraiser

All payments should be made via PayPal to or via Venmo to @ryanmgorman. Please make sure to avoid any transaction fees!

Here are the details that are being considered, but may change based on responses:
End Time/Rounds - This will depend on the final number of teams that register, but will likely end by early afternoon
Location - Likely at Linwood Park (possibly Otto Armleder, if necessary)
Amenities - provisions such as food, drinks, prizes, and so on will be determined based on the size of the event

If you are interested in registering for this 3v3 ultimate tournament on Saturday, 11/23, please complete the form below. Based on registration numbers by Thursday (11/21), we'll determine final plans from there. If you have any questions, let me know.

Ryan Gorman
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Name: *
E-mail Address: *
Division: *
Registration Type: *
Registration will be considered complete upon receipt of payment (send via PayPal to or via Venmo to @ryanmgorman). Those who register as individuals will be grouped into teams appropriately on a first come, first serve basis.
If you are registering as an "Individual", how would you rate yourself as an ultimate player?
The scale is just from 1 to 10 with 1 representing a brand-new player to the sport and 10 representing a player that embodies all the best attributes of an ultimate player. This isn't a perfect science, but it will at least help to attempt to balance the teams of individuals.
If you are registering as a "Team Member", what is the name of your team?
Additional Comments/Questions:
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