Peer Support Officer Application

Thank you for your interest in PAN HK.

As part of the application process, all potential Peer Support Officers (PSOs) are subject to vetting by externally contracted Mental Health Professionals (MHP). This is an important yet necessary process as PSOs operate independently of both the unions and the airlines, with external vetting lending itself towards a more unbiased selection process. Additionally, the PSO potentially plays a very critical role in both the wellbeing of our crew, and the safety management of our airlines; thus it is imperative that candidates are well suited for this safety sensitive role.

Please note that if you are currently engaged with any AvMed sponsored monitoring process, you are most welcome to apply, however you require prior permission from your Medical Monitoring team prior to application.

This application forms part of your assessment process and will be made available to the external MHP.

All applications are otherwise strictly confidential.
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