The Submarine School of Music
Scholarship Application and January 2024 Scholarship Renewal Form 

Financial Aid is provided through community. Each session lasts one year, and needs to be reapplied for each January. If receiving financial aide, the balance should be paid by the first lesson of every month via credit card. 

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Students Name *
First and last name
Students Date of Birth
Students Instrument(s)
Parent/Guardians Name (if applicable)
Phone Number
I understand that scholarships are limited and rewarded on a first come first serve basis and come from fundraising from our community.
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Please explain in a few sentences a bit about your background and why you would like to be considered for a scholarship. We operate completely on honor system.
Ideally, how much tuition assistance are you in need of?
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If you chose "other," please specify.
Thank you for filling out our scholarship request form! You will be notified shortly about how much assistance we can provide. If you don't hear back within a week, please email the school at
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