Breslau Mennonite Church - Breslau Community Needs Survey


Breslau Mennonite Church located at 226 Woolwich St. Breslau, Ontario is exploring the potential uses for the original church building. As a member of the Breslau community, we value YOUR INPUT.

The church hosts an active, thriving and welcoming congregation with weekly services and activities for all ages. 

Currently, we are preparing to renovate the original sanctuary (pictured above) and are inviting input from Breslau residents as to what community needs might exist.

Who should complete the survey? 

The survey is meant for residents of the Breslau community.


Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and share your insights. Most questions are optional. If you do not know or have an answer, feel free to pass on the question. 

Thank you for sharing your opinion.

If you have questions about this survey contact Brent Schmidt @

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Q1. Do you live in Breslau? *
Q2. Which specific services or amenities are needed in the Breslau community that could be addressed by repurposing a church building?
Q3. How likely or unlikely are you (or someone living in your home) to utilize the following services if they are located in a repurposed church building in Breslau? Note: A rating is required for each service. *
Very unlikely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very likely
Health and wellness, counselling services
Childcare services
Food assistance programs
Job training and employment support services
Meeting space for rent, e.g., for book clubs, business meetings
Quiet/private office space for rent, e.g., for small businesses/non-profits
Concert space for rent, e.g., for local bands or performance acts
Indoor play area for children
Fitness classes
Affordable housing
Senior citizen programs
Kitchen and dining area for rent, e.g., for group events or family dinners
Q4.  Do you know of any other needs within the Breslau community or uses for a repurposed church building?
Q5. Final Thoughts. Is there anything else you would like to share regarding the future use of our old church building or the needs of Breslau residents? Any additional suggestions, concerns, or comments are welcome.
Contact Information
Are you interested in receiving updates on this project as it evolves? If so, please provide your contact information.
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