Cascade Christian Child/Youth Program Sign Up
Sign your child up for Elementary, Middle, and High School Programming at Cascade Christian Church
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your child's/youth's full name? *
What is your address? *
What year will your child/youth graduate high school? *
What is your child's/youth's birthday? *
What is the best way to contact your child/youth to invite them to group events? *
What is your name? (adult/guardian) *
What is your phone number? *
What is your email? *
In case of an emergency, do we have your permission to seek medical care for your child/youth? *
In case of an emergency, who should we contact? *
Additional emergency contact person
Does your child/youth have any allergies?
Does your child/youth have any underlying medical conditions? *
Do we have your permission to take photos which could be used in church or youth group publicity? *
How did you hear about Cascade Christian Church's Youth Programs? *
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