Postdoc Appreciation Ice Cream Social


Thanks for your interest in the PDA's ice cream social. Currently, all spots are filled. We have limited the number of participants in order to maintain physical distancing. Register anyway, we will let you know if a spot opens up :-)

It's Postdoc Appreciation Week and the UBC PDA is celebrating YOU by giving away free ice cream. Enjoy the last days of summer with ice cream and cold drinks while safely meeting up with other postdocs!

When? - NEW DATE: Tuesday, Sept 29 at 3:00 pm
(We have postponed the event, as there is an active weather warning with heavy rain and strong winds in the forecast for the original date)
Where? - The lawn on Main Mall, in front of the Biodiversity Museum (look out for the group of people with coolers full of ice cream)

A note on Safety Precautions:
We are taking safety very seriously and as such we will be following several safety measures. We will be capping the registration at 30 people and during the event we will be enforcing social distancing of 2 meters. We will be providing hand sanitizer and will be encouraging masks to be worn unless you are eating (we will provide masks as needed). The ice cream provided will be individually wrapped. As the pandemic is always evolving, we will be monitoring the situation and may cancel the event if needed.
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What is your e-mail address? *
What is your affiliation? (Faculty/Department) *
How many people (including you) will be attending? *
Do you have any special dietary requirements?
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Do you agree to abide by the above-mentioned safety precautions and social distancing? (Please reach out if you have any questions) *
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