Australian Society of Plant Scientists (ASPS) 2023 Conference Expression of Interest
Please indicate your interest in attending a 4-day conference (28 Nov - 1 Dec 2023) in person in Hobart to join our mailing list and give us an idea of expected numbers. We welcome you to share this form with your colleagues and students.

Save the date and watch out for more details (including official registration and abstract submission) in 2023!
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Name: *
Email address: *
Australian state/territory or country of residence (if outside of Australia; please type in "other") *
Are you a student? *
Are you an ASPS member? 

If not, you can sign up here:

Existing/past members can check their membership is up to date here:
Field/topic of interest (select all that apply): *
Would you like to present your research at ASPS 2023? *
Which social activity would you choose? *
Intended registration: *
Would you be interested in assisting with conference organisation? *
Email addresses of anyone else (e.g. students, colleagues) who may be interested in attending (separate multiple addresses with ';'):
Any additional comments:
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