Perspectivas de la experiencia europea en materia de cambio climático y desarrollo
Sesión académica organizada por el Comité Asuntos Ambientales y Desarrollo Humano del CARI.  
Esta reunión se realizará en idioma inglés, sin traducción simultánea.

Palabras de Bienvenida
Elsa Kelly / Embajadora. Directora del Comité Asuntos Ambientales y Desarrollo Humano CARI.

Pablo Bereciartua / Ingeniero. Ex Secretario de Infraestructura y Política Hídrica.

Anders Wijkman / As of March 2017, Anders is chairman of the Governing Board of EIT Climate-KIC. Anders has served as a Member of the European Parliament and the Swedish Parliament, as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and Policy Director of UNDP.  He was Co-President of the Club of Rome between 2012 and 2018, is chairman of the Swedish Association of Recycling Industries, and member of the Board of the Swedish Development Authority (SIDA). Anders is an honorary doctor at Linköping University (2011).

Jim W Hall FREng / Professor of Climate and Environmental Risks in the University of Oxford and Director of Research in the School of Geography and the Environment. He is the Director of the University's Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford. Prof Hall is internationally recognized for his research on risk analysis and adaptation to climate change. Professor Hall is a member of the Prime Minister's Council for Science and Technology and is Expert Advisor to the National Infrastructure Commission. He is Chair of the Science Advisory Committee of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). He was a member of the UK independent Committee on Climate Change Adaptation from 2009 to 2019.


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