Travel support application
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Personal information 
First and last name
At the time of DINGUE VIII I will be
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What country are you residing and conducting your research in?
What is the name of your research institution?
Will you attend an international scientific conference in the 12 months prior to DINGUE VIII? 
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If yes, please then tell us what conference(s)
Please provide a short description of your research (50 - 100 words). You may qualify for the Meteoritical Society Endowment Fund Travel Grant if you are doing research in planetary science, especially if you study meteorites and other extraterrestrial materials.
Will you give a presentation at DINGUE VIII if the travel grant is awarded?
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Travel budget and Financial need
Please provide a motivation for why you need travel support. We are only interested in financial need here, not in your motivation to attend DINGUE.
How much money do you need to be able to attend DINGUE VIII? Please provide your answer in CHF
Please give a detailed description of how you arrived at the number given above (flights, ground transportation, lodging and board, etc.)
Additional information
You can provide additional information not covered by the questions above here if you would like to add something.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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