2024 TNB+50 baseball registration
The TNB Over 50 baseball league is a recreational baseball league for men and women of all abilities who are 50-ish* and older. We play on 90-foot diamonds, pitch overhand, and use wood bats only. We primarily follow Major League Baseball rules except for matters of free substitution and expanded batting orders. Games are intended to be competitive and fun. Good sportsmanship - toward your teammates, your opponents and the umpires - is of utmost importance.  Failing to abide by this can get you suspended or even ejected from the league.  Please don't be a jerk.

*For our purposes, 50-ish is defined as age 45 and older, but you need to be 50 to pitch.

Any questions, contact league president Stu Clark at stuman019@gmail.com

Registration fee is $130. That covers 12 regular season games and playoffs. Unless arrangements made with league president in advance, all league dues must be paid before the start of the season.

Make checks payable to Patrick Johnson, 15 Crescent St., Easthampton, Ma. 01027
Or if you prefer, you can pay through Venmo at https://venmo.com/u/PaddyJ666 

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Email *
Name *
Mailing Address (#, street, city/town, state) *
zip code *
Phone  (how do we reach you 30 min. before game time?) *
Landline is OK but cell is best.
How old are you on May 1? *
45+ to play, 50+ to pitch. Pitching waiver for <50 may be granted by league president on case-by-case basis
Are you a returning player? Returning players automatically stay with their previous team unless they indicate otherwise (see below). New players go into the league draft. *
If returning, what was your team?
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If returning, do you want to go to a new team?
Everyone is a free agent. Clicking 'Yes' will put you in the league draft. League president will try to accommodate placement on a specific team where possible.
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Height *
Weight *
I hit... *
I throw *
Positions I am able to play *
Not what did you play 30 years ago. What positions you are confident you could play now?
Briefly describe you baseball-playing experience *
For new people, don't worry; you're still in. We just need to know if you're Junior Griffey or something.
Are you generally healthy, and capable of running 90 feet, throwing, catching, sliding and occasionally diving? *
Do you have any pre-existing conditions that could be impacted by playing baseball? *
Consent and liability waiver *
Please consult with a physician before participating in any strenuous exercise.  In consideration of membership into the Thursday Night Baseball Over 50 league, I hereby agree to conduct myself in a manner which will reflect favorably upon my teammates, fellow competitors and spectators. I understand that failure to do so may result in my suspension and/or expulsion without reimbursement of any fees I may have paid.  Furthermore, I understand and agree that I am not entitled to any refund once assigned to a team and the season begins.  In addition I understand that certain risks are inherent in my participation in the game of baseball and I assume those risks of my own accord and will hold harmless TNB+50, its members, officers and board of directors, sponsor and field owners for any injury I may sustain in the course of participating in or traveling to and from any TNB+50 activity.  I certify, under penalty of suspension, that my birth date is correct and my description of my abilities and playing history are complete and accurate. Although I may request to be drafted to a particular team, I understand that the draft procedure cannot guarantee my placement on any particular team, and agree that I am not entitled a refund once drafted by any team.   I have read and agree to abide by the guiding principles and playing rules of the League and accept the above conditions.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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