Doggo has questions for you!


We're excited to gather your valuable feedback to help us improve the Kagi search engine, better meet your needs and expand our Kagi community. As a Kagi user, your input is incredibly important to us.

We want to assure you that Kagi does not have any personal data about you, and the information collected through this survey will be used solely for the purpose of product enhancement and user-centric development. Your responses will remain completely confidential and will not be used for any other purpose.

We kindly request that you take a few minutes to fill the survey below and share your honest thoughts and experiences. Your feedback will directly shape the future of Kagi and help us deliver an even more valuable search experience.

Thank you in advance for your time and collaboration. We're excited to learn from you and continue improving Kagi together. 

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What country do you live in? *
How long have you been using the Kagi search engine?
What are the most important features of the Kagi search engine for you?
How often do you use the Kagi search engine?
If you could recommend the Kagi search engine to a friend or colleague, what would be the reasons for doing so?
What do you like most about the Kagi search engine compared to other search engines?
What types of content or functionalities do you think would attract more users from your market to Kagi?
How do you think Kagi can improve its presence in your local market?
Do you have any ideas for partnerships or collaborations that could help expand the Kagi search engine to new markets?
Are you interested in becoming a Kagi brand ambassador?

If you're interested, leave us your email so we can contact you and provide more information about this program

Are there any features or options you would like to see in the Kagi search engine in the future?
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