Become a Shaper of Global Shapers Odessa Hub!
The Global Shapers Community is a network of young change-makers who are exceptional in their potential, their achievement, and their drive to make a contribution to their local communities. Supported by the World Economic Forum (WEF), there are now Global Shapers Hubs in over 400 cities around the world.
In Odessa, we are a group of entrepreneurs, educators, technologists, tinkerers, dreamers, and global citizens. We see a special value in bringing young leaders from different backgrounds areas of expertise together. We embrace cross-domain collaboration, and we strive to create value by surfacing and implementing on those opportunitIes for the betterment of our community.
Potential Shapers must be:

* Young open-minded, extraordinary individuals with great potential for future leadership roles in society, and with verifiable achievements.
* Between 20 and 29 years old at the time of nomination.
* From all walks of life and share a spirit of entrepreneurship in the global public interest.
* Highly committed, with passion and dynamism, to developing their leadership potential towards serving society and building a more sustainable, peaceful and inclusive world.
* Ready to deeply and actively engage in the Shapers community, reinforcing its mission and objectives and supporting fellow Shapers in their individual and professional development.
* Ready to regularly engage in the Hub’s physical and virtual activities throughout the year.

The deadline for application is 30 of January.
The Odessa Hub will review all applications and send interview invites to short-listed candidates.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Are you a resident of Odessa or reside in close proximity to such (less than an hour driving distance)? *
Are you between the ages of 20-29 years old? *
What race and/or ethnicity do you identify yourself with?
Please indicate your highest level of education *
What achievement are you most proud of? (max. 100 words) *
If accepted into the program what project would like to see come to flourish within the Odessa community? Also, how much time are you willing to invest in such? *
Please, provide the link to your CV: *
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