2024 Businessperson of the Year Application

Since 1987, The Worthington Area Chamber’s Businessperson of the Year Award has recognized the business leader or organization within the Chamber membership who demonstrates successful and innovative business practices, along with a mission deeply rooted in impacting the Worthington Area to become a better place to work, live and do business.

This application can be sent to a businessperson you’d like to nominate to complete on their own or can be a self-nominated application. Nominations could also be made by emailing Matt Lofy, President/CEO, at mlofy@worthingtonchamber.org and he can nominate your businessperson on your behalf


  • Be a business based within the Worthington Area Chamber's area of service. 
  • Substantiate history as an established business. 
  • Show examples of management, creativity, innovation, improvement, or quality of customer service.
  • Have a commitment deeply impacting the Worthington area as a place to live, work and do business. Show examples of successful solutions to business problems. 
  • Be a member in good standing with the Worthington Area Chamber.
Submit completed questionnaire via email to connect@worthingtonchamber.org by 4 p.m. on Monday, October 21, 2024The Chamber will contact you as soon as your application is received. Award recipient will be honored at the Chamber’s Annual Membership Luncheon & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, November 14 at 11:15 a.m.  

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Name of nominee: *
Name of business: *
Business address: *
Number of years in Worthington area business community: *
Number of Employees: *
What is the mission of your business? Has your mission/focus changed over the years? If so, why?   
How are you and your business a leader in business practices or innovation within your industry?  
What are some things that you have learned over the years that you would like to share with other businesspeople?   
Through your leadership, what have you and your business done to make our community of greater Worthington a better place to live, work and do business?   
What has been your biggest success in developing your business?  
What has been the biggest obstacle you have had to overcome in developing your business? How have you dealt with this obstacle?   
Since the pandemic, and the economic conditions that followed, how has your business responded and / or changed the manner in which you conduct business?  
What have you done to continue the growth and development of yourself as a businessperson and your employees?   
Please read before you submit your questionnaire.
  • Attend the Annual Membership Luncheon & Awards Ceremony on Thursday, November 14 of this
    year commencing 11:15 a.m. at Brookside Golf & Country Club. Upon receiving the award, give a brief
    description of your business, the story of its founding and its unique position in the marketplace.
  • Serve as the Selection Committee Chair of the Businessperson of the Year Selection committee along with other past recipients, to choose and introduce the 2025 honoree.
  • Participate in special business programming alongside the Chamber leadership as we look at new initiatives to connect our business leaders with our community and Worthington Schools students.
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