Unmet Need Passenger Questionnaire
Local Link Kerry provides Safe, Secure and Reliable Bus Transport Services in Co Kerry. Local Link Kerry (LLK) has 17 years’ experience and expertise in the coordination and delivery of public & community transport services and manage over 170 Bus Services on a weekly basis around Kerry.

Please call Local Link Kerry on 066 7147002 for queries on existing bus services or if you can identify the need for a transport service in your area. Please visit our website at www.locallinkkerry.ie.

This questionnaire is designed to gather relevant information so Local Link Kerry can analyse existing services and examine the feasibility for new services.
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What is your townland/Parish in which you live? *
Eircode *
Phone Number *
Please indicate what age group you fall under? *
Are you aware of Local Link Kerry services in your area? *
If you were to use Local Link Kerry bus services, for what reason would you travel? *
If you have not used Local Link Kerry bus services, what limits your use of the services? *
Please indicate the main town or village you would like to get to on a regular basis? What days of the week would be your preference and also the time of the day? *
Do you require assistance when travelling? If Yes, please provide further details.
Please indicate if you would be a fare paying passenger or travelling by free travel pass?   *
Have you any suggestions or comments to make regarding the improvement of rural transport services in Co Kerry? *
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