Hymn Talk Twin Talk Trivia
Test your knowledge of all things related to Hymn Talk Twin Talk!  Have you listened to Season Two?  This QUIZ is all about episodes 16-27.  Listen and download today on https://redcircle.com/shows/hymn-twin-talk. We will pick FIVE winners to receive special prizes.  Thank you for playing!
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1.  Kerrie and Kellie are IDENTICAL twins.   *
2. This hymn was originally written as a poem by Joseph Scriven called "Pray Without Ceasing". *
3. Which TWO hymns were written by a husband and wife team?   *
4. What sci-fi television series prominently featured the hymn The Old Rugged Cross in one of its episodes of Season 3? *
5. In episode #16, Kerrie and Kellie talked about the Spafford Children's Center in Jerusalem, named after Bertha Spafford Vester.  Which hymn did Bertha's father write in 1873? *
6. Kerrie and Kellie discussed a German hymn that was originally titled Jesus Nimmt Die Sünder An.  What does that mean in English? *
7.  The Fisk Jubilee Singers performed concerts all over the world and raised money for their school, Fisk University.  Which genre of music did the Jubilee Singers perform? *
8.  Kerrie and Kellie were excited to discover that this hymn has its own museum in Reed City, Michigan.  Which hymn is it? *
9.  Rev. Alfred Henry Ackley, who wrote the testimonial hymn He Lives, also led music for tent revival meetings.  For a few years, he worked with an influential American evangelist.  What was his name? *
10. Which hymn can be categorized as a Mission Hymn and can be found in this hymnal from 1915? *
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Do you have any feedback for Hymn Talk Twin Talk?  What hymn would you like Kerrie and Kellie to do next? *
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