2023 Entry Form
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Student Filmmaker(s) *
Student Email(s) *
Student Phone Number *
Production Title *
Running Time *
Entries, not including credits, must be 5 minutes or less.  Please state the running time in minutes and seconds. i.e. (4:01)
YouTube URL: *
Entries submitted must be uploaded to YouTube.  Copy URL link here.
Film features end credits and follow copyright laws. *
In order to be considered, student filmmakers must include end credits and follow copyrights.
Entrant Level *
Category *
Name of School: *
City/State of School: *
Your mailing address: *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Teacher/Advisor Name *
Teacher/Advisor Email Address *
Name and address of your school *
RULES & REGULATIONS  1.  GUIDELINES The Festival is open to students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Filmmakers may work in groups as long as group participants are all of one entrant level category (K-5, 6-8, 9-12).  Work may be guided by an adult advisor such as a parent or teacher.  Entrants must complete the online submission form.  Incomplete forms will not be accepted. Entrants may submit up to three films and a separate entry form must be submitted for each film.  Entries that had previously been entered into this Festival may not be entered again. The Festival Committee reserves the right to move an entry to a more appropriate category.  Music Videos will not be considered.  Filmmakers are encouraged to work within a variety of styles including, but not limited to, Animation, Live Action, Mixed Media, etc.  2. DEADLINE The online entry form including link to film via public YouTube video must by submitted by 5pm on 5/24/23.  3.  REVIEW & SELECTION  All films from entries that meet the submission requirements and abide by guidelines will be viewed in their entirety.   Work will be evaluated using criteria listed within the Rod Serling Film Festival Rubric(s).  Entries that the Festival Committee considers inappropriate, in its sole discretion (for example, containing gratuitous sex or violence) will be disqualified.    4.  AWARDS Awards will be presented for Best in Show and by other categories determined by the Judging Committee during the review process.  Filmmakers who enter films within ‘SciFi/Fantasy’ and ‘Social Commentary’ categories will also be considered for special ‘Spirit of Serling’ award(s).  All awards will be announced online at wskg.org/filmfest during spring/summer 2023 and winners will be notified individually.   5.  PUBLICITY & MARKETING All selected films and scripts may be excerpted for publicity purposes.  WSKG Public Telecommunications Council reserves the right to promote films submitted to the Rod Serling Film Festival within broadcast, internet media, and print as required to market the Festival.  WSKG has non-exclusive rights to utilize still images and/or video excerpts from films within materials used for fundraising purposes.    6. BROADCASTS & SCREENINGS  WSKG Public Telecommunications Council reserves the non-exclusive right to air films submitted to Rod Serling Film Festival on WSKG media platforms.   The filmmaker will provide MP4 file(s) of their winning film(s) and grants WSKG non-exclusive rights to showcase their film during community screening events associated with the Rod Serling Film Festival.    7. COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL All filmmakers represent and warrant that they have received permission to use all materials within their respective film and WSKG will not be held liable for any legal action that may occur by posting a film that has copyrighted music or other material that was used without permission. *
I have read and agree to the terms, rules and regulations of the Rod Serling Film Festival.  The terms, rules and regulations are listed above.
Rules and Regulations Agreement:
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