Yoga Narada® Video Order Form
After you fill out this order form, we will review it and send you an email with payment instructions. Once payment is made, we will send you instructions on how to download the video.  

These videos are intended for individuals who have prior experience with Yoga Narada®.  Whether they are currently working with me in New York or are frequent attendees of the Yoga Narada retreats which are held  in the US and Europe.

If you have any questions, please email 
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First Name, Last Name *
Address *
Phone number *
How did you learn of Yoga Narada®? *
Which video(s) would you like to order?  (These videos are intended for individuals who have prior experience with Yoga Narada®.  Whether they are currently working with me in New York or are frequent attendees of the Yoga Narada retreats which are held  in the US and Europe.) *
How would you like to pay? *
You Tube Accounts
You must have a you a YouTube account associated with a gmail address.  It is free and takes only a few minutes to get one if you do not have a gmail account.  If you have a gmail account, a You tube account is already associated with it.
You MUST be logged into your GMAIL You Tube account to view the video.  Please check to acknowledge you have read this. *
GMAIL Email Address.  ONLY a gmail address can be used to share the Yoga Narada videos. *
On receipt of payment by Venmo (US customers only) or PayPal, you will receive an invitation from YouTube to open a private File. You will have permanent access to this at any time, unless an infringement of the conditions occurs.  This is NOT a public Youtube.  It is PRIVATE and you will be recorded as an identified person to share the file.  This file cannot be forwarded or shared with anyone other than those listed.  It is for your PERSONAL USE ONLY. It may not be used with other people, or for class purposes.  This is to protect and preserve the integrity of the material and protect the site from any fraudulent activity. Please INITIAL to acknowledge that you have read and understand this. *
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