Four Satipatthanas Application

Drawing upon the Satipatthana Sutta and the teachings of Bhikkhu Analayo, this practice and study group offers a framework within which to develop mindfulness and apply it in skillful ways. The in-person group, facilitated by Noell Clark and Matthew Hahn, will meet every Thursday evening for the duration of the 9-week program from 10/3/24 to 12/5/24 (except Thanksgiving). The group meets at 7:15 pm at the Breathe Together Yoga studio and lasts 90 minutes. 

Please don't be intimidated by application questions. The minimum requirement is familiarity with seated meditation practice and the willingness to participate fully.

All applicant responses are private and shared with Noell and Matthew alone.

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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Without Googling or looking it up, how would you define mindfulness? *
Please describe your experience with mindfulness practices. *
Please describe your formal meditation practice. *
How often do you meditate? *
For what length of time have you practiced mindfulness meditation? *
Do you have any experience practicing meditation in Buddhist communities? If yes, please describe. *
Have you ever practiced Vipassana or Insight meditation? *
Have you ever had any adverse reactions to formal meditation practice? If yes, please describe. *
Why are you interested in joining the Four Satipatthanas practice group? *
Joining the Four Satipatthanas practice group is a personal commitment to:
- attend each weekly in-person group
- meditate 20-30 minutes each day
- participate in a weekly online discussion 
- engage with each week's specific subject

Do you agree to make this commitment? 
Is there anything else we should know about you?
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