Extra-curricular Activity or Club
The below information must be completed by the parent/guardian of any student wanting to participate in Extra-curricular Activity or Club.  NOTE: if you answered YES on the student registration process then you do not need to complete this form.
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Student First - Last Name *
Drug Testing Policy
Please review the Drug Testing Policy and answer the following statement. ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NGG0spPwMTf2_ijgHuTHOn0hn8FZdsuG/view?usp=sharing )

I understand and agree that participation in athletic or extra-curricular activities is a privilege that may be withdrawn for violations of the Bryan City Schools Drug Testing policy. I have read the Drug Testing Policy and thoroughly understand the consequences that I will face if I do not honor my commitment to the Drug Testing policy. I understand that when I participate in any athletic program or extra-curricular activity I will be subject to random urine drug & alcohol testing, and if I refuse, I will not be allowed to practice or participate in any athletic activities or extra-curricular activities. I have read the informed consent agreement and agree to its terms. I understand the policy applies to me while I am a student in grades 7-12 in the Bryan City School District.
I have read the Bryan City School District drug testing policy and understand the responsibilities of my son/daughter/ward as a participant in athletic or extra-curricular activities in the Bryan City School District. I understand that my son/daughter/ward, when participating in any athletic program or extra-curricular activity, will be subject to random urine drug and alcohol testing, and if he/she refuses, will not be allowed to practice or participate in any athletic or extra-curricular activities. I have read the informed Consent Agreement and agree to its terms. I understand this agreement is binding while my son/daughter/ward is a participant in athletics or extra-curricular activities in 7-12 in Bryan City School District.

We have reviewed Drug Testing Policy and we agree *
Electronic Signature
The electronic signatures below, and all of its related fields, replaces a handwritten signature on paper and is legally binding.

I affirm that the information provided is true, correct and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief. This electronic signature below and its related fields are treated just like a handwritten signature on a paper form.
Parent/Guardian Signature *
Student Signature *
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