TMS Transportation Form



The Tolland Board of Education Administrative Regulation, 5040 used to establish transportation for students to/from parent, guardian, daycare/babysitting locations for the school year are:

1. Parent (other than primary residence), guardian, babysitting, or daycare transportation will only be provided to an other-than-legal residence in Tolland if it is for the entire school year.

This alternate transportation will be provided in the a.m. or the p.m. or both a.m. and p.m.

2. For special transportation to a parent, guardian, babysitter/daycare the student will be picked up or dropped off if:

a. it is at the same location weekly for the entire school year;

b. the stop is located on an established destination route; or

c. if the required rerouting does not increase the cost of transportation to the District.

PLEASE NOTE:  If you need to have your child transported to an address other than his or her home address, a Special Transportation Request Form must be filled out every year.  These forms are not carried over from year to year.


1. Transportation to and/or from other-than-legal residence of a student is permitted when such transportation is for the purpose of daycare or babysitting services, provided that the special transportation procedure is adhered to.

2. Each student must designate a single address as his/her primary residence for the purposes of establishing the bus routes.

3. Transportation must be to the same location every day of the week and for the entire school year although the morning location need not be the same as the afternoon location.  However, the superintendent of schools or his/her designee, in his/her sole discretion, may waive the “same location every day of the week” requirement where the parents present to the superintendent of schools or his/her designee the following: (1) the parents/guardians of the student share joint physical custody; 2) the student spends relatively equal time during the school year in each parent/guardian’s home; and (3) homes of both parents/guardians are within the Tolland Public School district.  

4. Transportation will be provided in the a.m. or p.m., or both a.m. and p.m.  Students may ride different buses in the morning and afternoon because of the route schedules.

5. All students will be picked up or dropped off at established bus stops (in accordance with these Board of Education Regulations) or the stop closest to the babysitter/daycare location.

6. Parents of elementary and middle school students must inform the school by July 1st of each year if a student is to be transported to and/or from other-than-legal residence for the upcoming year.

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Please select the correct academic year for which this request will be applied *
Last Name of Student
First Name of Student
Grade the student will enter in the fall
School in which the student is enrolled in the fall
Parent/Guardian Last Name
Parent/Guardian First Name
Best Contact Phone Number (please put in XXX-XXX-XXXX format)
Home Address
Name of parent, guardian, or daycare provider
Address of parent, guardian, or daycare provider
Phone # of parent, gurardian, or daycare provider (please put in XXX-XXX-XXXX format)
Special Transportation is requested for (Please mark all that apply: Note grade level breakdown and check day of week for parent, guardian, or daycare/babysitter):
Please share any comments:
Date I am requesting this special transportation to begin:
Is this a change from a previous request?
Clear selection
Please allow three days for processing of this form. This will go into effect the following Monday of the request. Requests need to be in by Friday at 12:00 pm to take effect the following week.
DIGITAL SIGNATURE: (by typing in your name below, you are certifying that the above information is accurate and that you understand the district policy and related practices at the beginning of this document)
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