AVID Shadow Day at Legend High School
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college and career readiness program designed to support students academically, socially, and emotionally. The successful AVID student possesses a desire to go to college, has a willingness to work hard, but many of them need support to harness their full potential. The AVID program will provide students with the necessary skills to be successful and the ability to achieve goals just beyond their reach. In the AVID elective, students will be given opportunities to discover and explore different individualized pathways of a post secondary world. AVID creates a family environment that includes support from our AVID teachers.

If you are interested in shadowing the AVID program, join us on January 22nd or 29th. Shadow students will report to the main office at Legend High School. 

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Student First Name 
Student Last Name *
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Parent Name *
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Parent cell number *
Shadow Day Choice *
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