Recruitment 2023
Join the team which is passionate about the work they do. We provide environment for each team member to grow to their max potential. If you have the hunger to learn & innovate, come join the team.
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Name *
Please enter your name
Position you want to apply *
Please select the role for which you want to apply
Total Experience *
Please select the total experience you have in the selected role
Why you should be hired? *
Please enter one reason why you are better than the others.
Age *
Please select your current age in years
Gender *
Current Salary *
Please select you current salary range per month
Expected Salary *
Please select the expected salary per month
Residence City *
Please enter you current address city
Mobile Phone *
Please enter you cell phone nunber
Email ID *
Please enter your primary one email id, please enter only one email id, this email id should be used to submit your resume.
Highest Qualification *
Please enter your  highest qualificaton
Pass Year *
Please select the year you passed or will be passing your highest qualification
Email Resume *
Please email your resume to HR@ERAIL.IN after submitting the form, the file name should be in the following format - 9898989898_raj_singh.doc    <mobile number>_<your_name>.doc
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