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Workshop feedback
I welcome direct and honest answers. Thanks for helping me make these workshops better.
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Which workshop is this feedback about?
What to Expect in the Later Identified Autism Journey (May 2024)
Alternative, Sustainable Income Sources for Autistics and AuDHDers (Jan 2024)
Autistic Energy Management (Oct 2023)
Unmasking Strategies (July 2023)
Anxiety Reduction for Neurodiverse Humans (Apr 2023)
Recovering from Autistic Burnout (Jan 2023)
How to Start Investigating Your Sensory Differences
How to Use Body Signals to Make Better Decisions
The 5 Most Overlooked (and Common) Autistic Stressors
What did you
like about this workshop?
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What could have been done differently to make it better?
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What about the workshop did you particularly appreciate?
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Is there a personal takeaway or insight that you would like to share?
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Would you like more workshops from Heather?
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Any topics you would like to suggest? I'm open to ideas.
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How did you first learn about the workshop?
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From Heather's newsletter (Autism Chrysalis)
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From the last workshop
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On Heather's website
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