Open Letter from the Film Department at QMUL
[please scroll to the bottom of the page to sign]

We, the staff of the Film Department at Queen Mary University of London, condemn consistent potentially unlawful threats to the future of our department and livelihoods, and the relentless hostility colleagues have been facing from the Principal of QMUL for taking part in a legal marking boycott. The marking boycott has been part of the wider national industrial action over declining salaries, unmanageable workloads, pension reform and inequalities [1]. In recent days this intimidation has culminated in explicit written threats to close our leading Film Studies programmes if marks are not delivered.

Throughout the industrial dispute Colin Bailey, the President and Principal of QMUL, and the Senior Executive Team (SET), have taken the path of vindictiveness and intimidation, instead of negotiation and reconciliation. In this, QMUL has been an outlier among the many successful negotiations around the country, where meaningful offers were made by management (see Leeds, Sheffield, Durham, among others) [2]. An outlier too as the only institution in the UK whose management are threatening to deduct 100% of pay for 42 days (15 of which are weekends and bank holidays) for participation in the marking boycott. These deductions are unjust and of questionable legality, as staff have otherwise continued to work normally during the period in question.

We also know that management has looked far and wide, including internationally, to find replacement markers for our modules (it is illegal according to UK law to hire agency workers to cover for striking staff) [3]. This tactic was used in some departments in the college, and is of grave concern to us as it undermines academic standards and the students’ hard work. On top of this a large number of External Examiners (EEs) across the college have resigned in protest at the punitive deductions policy, including all four of the Film EEs [4]. As a result, there is no assurance this year that students' work complies with national quality thresholds and that students are treated with consistency. As management has so far not been successful in finding replacement markers for most film modules, their threats against our department have recently intensified.

In the past few days, the Principal has made explicit and repeated written threats to block the recruitment of students onto Film degrees, threatening the survival of the department if marks are not delivered. This was done in retaliation for staff continuing to resist his more veiled coercion to deliver the marks. Compounding the reputational damage the Principal and the SET have already caused to QMUL, an institution we love and have poured our hearts into, it is shocking that they now seek to further harm the institution by issuing an existential threat to a department that has achieved, and was only a few weeks ago commended on, significant success at the recent Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise, coming 1st nationally in its subject area for quality of research outputs and 9th overall within its Unit of Assessment [5]. The staff in the Film department have worked for years to earn the best for the university, and the threat of removing Film programmes indicates the willingness of the Principal to lose some of the best scholars in this area in the UK.

The Principal’s written threats include an assertion that students cannot be enrolled onto programmes that ‘refuse to deliver the promised education’. We find this an extremely disappointing comment from a manager who presided over the years of the pandemic when staff worked overtime tirelessly to deliver an excellent education under extreme duress in unprecedented circumstances, often with detriment to physical and mental health. Our efforts  were driven by a deep commitment to our students, their well-being and success. The implication that our participation in the marking boycott was proof of our lack of care for students is particularly insulting and untrue. We are committed unequivocally to the duty of care to our students on a daily basis, working to enrich their lives with meaningful knowledge and skills. During this marking boycott management has demonstrated a disregard for that mission, valuing only the clinical delivery of numerical marks at any cost, detached from any actual relation between us and our students, making a mockery of the education they now claim we failed to deliver. We want our students to graduate and progress on time. It is management’s responsibility to make that happen, as we continue to hope for a successfully negotiated outcome.

The repeated bullying we have withstood over the past few weeks has had a significant psychological toll on us, with colleagues whose stress levels have impacted the mental and physical well-being of their children. Hiring external workers, disregarding quality assurance standards, threatening punitive deductions and explicit blacklisting are indicative of the deteriorating working conditions of academic staff, and compound our desire to strike to secure better conditions in the sector.

We call on the Council to investigate the Principal’s written threats against the Film department, as well as the broader culture of intimidation and bullying he and his team adopted in the recent weeks and months.

We call on the Principal to negotiate a solution to the dispute in line with other Principals and Vice Chancellors in the UK; and to rescind the threats against a principled department collectively exercising their legally protected right to participate in industrial action.

We call on university staff at QMUL and nationally to sign this open letter in solidarity, as at this moment we are fighting for every member: this is a fight for all of our right to strike.

We call on our current and recent students to sign in support of their teachers and to demonstrate, counter to the Principal’s claims, that they did, in fact, receive an education.

We call on film academics and film professionals around the country and beyond to sign to protect the future of the discipline.

We want to live and work in a world and an institution where education is sacred, where good teaching conditions make for good learning conditions, where our politics reflect our values, where every worker is paid fairly for their work, is able to live with dignity and to protect their rights, where leaders exist to value and unite, not punish and divide, the community they lead.  



Signatories supporting the open letter (2100+ signatures)

Dr Lucy Bolton, Reader in Film, QMUL
Dr Ashvin Devasundaram, Senior Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Professor Steven Eastwood, Professor of Film Practice, QMUL
Dr. Yasmin Fedda, Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Professor Janet Harbord, Professor of Film, QMUL
Professor Sue Harris, Professor of Film, QMUL
Dr Grazia Ingravalle, Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Dr Alasdair King, Reader in Film, QMUL
Dr Sasha Litvintseva, Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Ms Athena Mandis, Lecturer in Film Practice, QMUL
Dr Anat Pick, Reader in Film, QMUL
Dr Libby Saxton Reader in Film QMUL
Dr Mario Slugan, Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Dr Kiki Tianqi Yu, Senior Lecturer in Film, QMUL
Dr Guy Westwell, Reader in Film, QMUL
Dr Elizabeth Watkins Visiting Research Fellow University of Leeds BAFTSS Executive Committee Chair of BAFTSS (Dr Liz Watkins on behalf of the Executive Committee) British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies
Professor Einar Thorsen Chair Media, Communication, and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA)
Dr Zara Dinnen, QMUCU Branch Co-Chair
Dr James Eastwood, QMUCU Branch Co-Chair
Dr Ruth Fletcher, QMUCU Branch Committee, Senior Lecturer in Law, QMUL
Dr Eva Nanopoulos, QMUCU Law Rep, Senior Lecturer in Law, QMUL
Dr Waseem Yaqoob, QMUCU Branch Committee, Lecturer in History, QMUL
Dr Chris McLachlan, QMUCU Branch Committee, Lecturer in HRM, QMUL
Dr Julian Hough, QMUCU Branch Committee, Lecturer in EECS, QMUL
Dr Claudine Grisard, QMUCU Branch Committee, Lecturer in Accounting, QMUL
Dr Jessica Jacobs QMUCU Branch Secretary, Research Fellow, Geography, QMUL
Dr Anthony Phillips, QMUCU Branch Committee, Reader in Physics and Chemistry of Materials, QMUL
Dr Émilie Oléron Evans, QMUCU School of Languages, Linguistics and Film rep, Lecturer in French, QMUL
Dr Alexis Wearmouth, QMUCU Co-membership Secretary, Teaching Fellow, School of Business & Management, QMUL
Dr Jeffrey Kennedy, QMUCU Law Rep, Lecturer in Criminal Law
Professor Neve Gordon, Professor of International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, QMUL
Dr Tanzil Chowdhury, QMUCU Branch Committee, Lecturer in Law, QMUL
Dr Sharri Plonski, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, QMUL
Dr. Daniel Mattingly Associate Lecturer in English and Film Studies University of Winchester
Liam Campling Associate Dean for Research and Professor of International Business and Development
Sarah Joss Branch VP Heriot-Watt UCU
Dr Paula Serafini Lecturer in Creative and Cultural Industries Queen Mary University of London
Alex Rhys Wakefield MA Student, English Literature QMUL
Daisy Richards Lecturer in Media and Communications Nottingham Trent University
Amit S Rai Reader Queen Mary University of London
Professor Andrea Brady Department of English, Queen Mary University of London
Sebastian Mylly Film Studies and Drama BA QMUL
Dr Ben Jackson Teaching Fellow in Early Modern History University of Birmingham
Dr Catherine Lester Lecturer in Film and Television University of Birmingham
Dr Shreya Sinha Lecturer in Business & Society QMUL
Isabel Stuart PhD student QMUL
Professor Erica Fudge Professor of English Studies University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Dr Sam McBean Senior Lecturer in SED QMUL
Dr Anthony Thomas McKenna Senior Lecturer in Film Liverpool John Moores University
Dr Chris Nunn Assistant Professor of Film University of Birmingham
Annegret Marten PhD researcher KCL/ MetFilm
Dr Simon Layton Lecturer in History QMUL
Dr Sanghita Sen Honorary Research Fellow of Film Studies University of St Andrews
Dr Neil Fox Associate Professor Falmouth University
Brett Mills Visiting Professor of Media and Culture Edge Hill University
Dr Luisa Martí Senior Lecturer in Spanish Linguistics QMUL
Dr Kyla Sankey School of Business & Management, QMUL QMUCU
Dr Rebecca Harrison Lecturer in Film & Media UCU member
Professor Lisa Downing Professor, College of Arts and Law University of Birmingham
Dr Kit Heyam Lecturer in Medieval and Early Modern Studies QMUL
Professor Jen Harvie Professor of Contemporary Theatre & Performance QMUL
Dr Eva Naripea Director of Film Archives The National Archives of Estonia
Dr Shane Boyle Lecturer in Drama QMUL
Leshu Torchin Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of St Andrews, St Andrews UCU
Ian Hunt Goldsmiths UCU
Dr Emma Sheppard Lecturer in Sociology Coventry University
Matthew Broome Director of the Institute for Mental Health and Chair in Psychiatry and Youth Mental Health University of Birmingham
Dr Adrian Garvey Film Historian IES
Laura Blair Teaching Associate, School of History QMUL
Sean Redmond Professor of Film and Television Deakin University
Dr. Shelley Stamp Professor of Film and Digital Media University of California, Santa Cruz
Dr Leanne Weston ECR/GRP Administrator University of Warwick
Prof Christine Cooper Director of Research Edinburgh University, UCU
Dr Robert Mills KCL
Dr Angela Sherwood Lecturer in Law QMUL
Dr David Archibald Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies University of Glasgow
Dr Sarah Hudspith Associate Professor in Russian University of Leeds
Dr Maha El Hissy Lecturer in German and Comparative Cultural Studies QMUL
Dr Natalia Christofoletti Barrenha Visiting scholar Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava - VŠMU
Dr Asha Rogers Associate Professor, Department of English Literature University of Birmingham
Dr Valentina Aparicio Lecturer in Romanticism Queen Mary University of London
Dr Rebecca Menmuir BA Postdoctoral Fellow, SED Queen Mary
Dr Julie Lobalzo Wright Assistant Professor University of Warwick
Roxana Banu Lecturer in Law Queen Mary University
Jonathan Boffey Student Administrator: Learning Resources & Student Information QMUL
Rory Rowan Assistant Professor of Geography Trinity College Dublin (formerly QMUL)
Dr David Sorfa Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Edinburgh
Dr Amanda Sciampacone Staff Tutor in Art History Open University
Dr. Roberto Mozzachiodi Associate Lecturer Goldsmiths College
Professor David Whyte School of Law QMUL
Dr. Kata Kyrölä Lecturer in Media Studies Institute of Education, University College London
Dr Clare Stainthorp Leverhulme Early Career Fellow QMUL
Jaap Verheul Senior Teaching Fellow in Film Studies University of Southampton
Dr Isadora Cruxen Lecturer in Business and Society QMUL
Tom Cornford Reader in Politics and Performance Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Dr Matthew Ingleby Lecturer in English QMUL
Dr Thomas MacManus Senior Lecturer in State Crime QMUL
Dr Hannah Hamad Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Cardiff University
Professor Helen Wheatley Professor of Film and Television Studies University of Warwick
Professor David Colclough Professor of Renaissance Studies QMUL
Dr James MacDowell Assistant Professor UCU
Dr James Burton Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies Goldsmiths
Dr Lucie Glasheen Honorary Researcher, School of Languages Linguistics and Film (QMUL), and Teaching Fellow (Southampton) QMUL/ Southampton
Dr Joseph Noonan-Ganley Lecturer in Fine Art Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Elsa Petit Senior Lecturer in French language Studies QMUL
Dani Vilu Film studies graduate
Dr Miles Leeson Reader in English Literature University of Chichester
Itamar Kastner Lecturer in the Cognitive Science of Language University of Edinburgh (QMUL SLLF alum)
Dr Craig Ian Mann Lecturer in Film and Media Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Tessa Whitehouse Senior Lecturer in English and Director of Education in SED QMUL
Sai Englert Lecturer Leiden
Emma Morton Senior Graduate teaching assistant University of Warwick
Dr Cat Mahoney Derby Fellow/Lecturer University of Liverpool
Kaya Davies Hayon Lecturer in Film and Media The Open University
Ian Archie Beck Freelance lecturer Painter Author University of Brighton
Martin O'Shaughnessy Professor of Film Studies Nottingham Trent University
Dr Hannah Boast Assistant Professor, School of English, Drama and Film University College Dublin
Dr Evi Stamatiou
Dr David McKee Reader University of Strathclyde
Louis Strange Teaching Fellow / PhD Candidate in Linguistics QMUL
Roy Claire Potter Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Liverpool John Moores University, UCU
Dr Maja Grundler Postdoctoral research assistant QMUL
Louis Moreno Lecturer in Visual Cultures Goldsmiths
Dr Jonathan Tweedie Lecturer in Accounting University of Manchester
Aida Hassan PhD Student, Centre for Public Health and Policy QMUL
Dr Shereen Fernandez Researcher LSE
Alex Mesoudi Professor University of Exeter
Dr Victoria Grace Walden Senior Lecturer and Director of Learning Enhancement (and former QMUL Film PhD student) University of Sussex
Dr Ulrike Marx Lecturer in Accounting QMUL SBM, UCU
Dr Dominic Lash postdoctoral affiliate University of Cambridge
Dr Caroline Gonda College Associate Professor and Director of Studies in English St Catharine’s College, Cambridge
Dr Dario Llinares Principal Lecturer in Contemporary Screen Media University of Brighton
Noam Maggor Lecturer, School of History QMUL
Ivo Pizano English Teacher University of Bath
Will Lickley Film and TV studies graduate
Joseph Harrison Research student University of Warwick
Dr Alaina Piro Schempp Lecturer of Film University of Birmingham
Dr. Michelle Cannon Lecturer UCL Institute of Education
Dr Stephen Morgan Visiting Lecturer in Film Studies King's College London (and former Lecturer of Film at QMUL)
Dr. Christian Ilbury Lecturer in Sociolinguistics The University of Edinburgh
Dr Noel Brown Senior Lecturer in Film Liverpool Hope University
Dr Jack McGowan Teaching Fellow, SLLF (recently resigned) QMUL and UCU
Sam Keogh Senior Lecturer, Fine Art University of East London
Richard Dhillon PhD student (Film and Television Studies) University of Warwick
Dr. Alexander Sergeant Senior Lecturer in Film and Media Studies University of Portsmouth
Dr Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn Lecturer in Film Studies Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, and QMUL alumni
Dr Molly Macdonald Senior Lecturer in Critical and Literary Theory QMUL
Laleh Khalili Professor of International Politics QMUL
Dr Elizabeth Evans Associate Professor of Film and Television University of Nottingham
Dr Liesbeth Corens Lecturer in Early Modern History Queen Mary, University of London
Tim Bergfelder Professor University of Southampton
Dr Nicolette Busuttil Post-Doctoral Research Assistant QMUL
Robyn Gall PhD Student Exeter University
Michael McKinnie Professor of Theatre QMUL
Saeed Taji Farouky filmmaker & film educator
Noe Mendelle Director of Scottish Documentary Institute BECTU
Dr Clive Gabay Reader in International Politics Queen Mary University of London
Pushpinder Work with student / lecturers workshops lecturese events  for the film festival
Dr Rebecca Arnold Senior Lecturer in History of Dress Courtauld Institute of Art
Jose Arroyo Associate Professor University of Warwick
Dr Rowan Lubbock Lecturer in international relations and development   Queen Mary
Kofi Biney
Solange Manche PhD candidate University of Cambridge, King’s College
Greg Pittard Film Editor
Odin O'Sullivan PhD Candidate University College Dublin
Dr Bogna Konior Alumni NYU
Dr Nivi Manchanda Senior lecturer in international politics
James Brackley Lecturer in Accounting University of Birmingham
Isobel Roele QMUL
Dr Marian Mayer Principal Lecturer   Bournemouth University  & UCU
Dr Hollie Price Lecturer in Film and Television Studies Keele University
Dr Emer McHugh Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Studies NUI Galway
Sam Bannister Lecturer in Law QMUL
Dr Charlotte Young Teaching Fellow in Drama QMUL
Dr Mhairi Lecturer in Film and Television University of Glasgow
Dr Zoë Shacklock Lecturer in Film Studies University of St Andrews
Iga Harasimowicz Film Researcher Polish National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institute
Dr. Laura Staab King’s College London
Dr Michael Romyn Leverhulme Early Career Fellow QMUL
Jo McNeill Vice President University of Liverpool UCU
Dr Emma Barker Senior Lecturer in Art History The Open University
Heather Heiner Professional Services, School of Languages, Linguistics and Film QMUL
Dr Federica Mazzara Reader in Cultural Studies University of Westminster
Jack Gain Library Assistant UNISON
Professor Matthew Rubery Department of English, QMUL
Cameron Michie PhD Mathematics QMUL UCU
Liam Rogers PhD Student (Film and Television Studies) University of Warwick
Neil Warner PhD candidate in sociology London School of Economics
Roberto Veneziani Professor School of Economics and Finance
Dr Richard Wallace Associate Professor, Film and Television Studies University of Warwick
Russ Whitfield Branch Administrator University of Birmingham
Professor Omar García Head of School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies Trinity College Dublin
Ela Metalia History Student QMUL
Anandi Ramamurthy Professor of Media and Culture Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Hannah Scott Deuchar Lecturer in Comparative Literature QMUL
Dr Jonathan Wroot Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Greenwich
Dr Julie Tanner Recent PhD graduate Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Steven Markham Research Fellow University of Oxford
David Adger Professor Of Linguistics QMUL
Dr Martin Hall Senior Lecturer in Film Studies and Media & Communication York St John University
Frederike Beyer Lecturer in Psychology QMUL
Nicholas Ridout Professor of Theatre QMUL
Felix Fischer Senior Lecturer in Optimisation QMUL
Dr. Anik Nandi Visiting Researcher Leiden University, The Netherlands
Sarah Barnes PhD Candidate, Department of Drama QMUL QMUL
Dr Sheldon Hall Reader in Film & Television Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Layli Uddin Lecturer in Politics and IR QMUL
Jonathan Keane Phd researcher/ Teaching Associate QMU English and Drama
Dr Katharine Hall Lecturer in Politics and International Relations Queen Mary University of London
Dr Stefan Visnjevac Teaching Fellow in Medieval History Queen Mary University of London
Dr Julian Ross Assistant Professor Leiden University
Dr Kevin Biderman Senior Lecturer University of Brighton
Tom Cutterham Associate Professor of United States History University of Birmingham
Ben Skelton Degree programme for students (BA and MA) Qmul
Emma Yates Operations Manager, History QMUL
Dr Rick Crownshaw Senior Lecturer Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Steph Fuller Academic Practice Taught Programmes Manager QMUL
Elena Gorfinkel Senior Lecturer in Film Studies King’s College London
Dr Leon Hunt Senior Lecturer, Film and TV Studies Brunel University
Andrew Ellis Exams and Awards Officer QMUL
Dr Lorenzo Ferrarini Lecturer in Visual Anthropology University of Manchester
Dr Deborah Jermyn Reader in Film & TV Uni of Roehampton
Zlatomira Ilchovska Lecturer in Psychology at School of Education University of Birmingham & UCU
Rebekah Shaw Senior Counsellor QMUL
Dr Alice Guilluy Deputy Programme Leader, Postgraduate Programmes MetFilm School
Catherine O’Rawe Professor of Italian and Film University of Bristol
Dr Nicola Perugini Senior Lecturer in International Relations University of Edinburgh
Dr Simon Jackson Assistant Prof History, University of Birmingham
Dr Miri Davidson Teaching Associate in Politics QMUL
Dr Deepa Driver UCU NEC
Dr Tamar Steinitz Senior Lecturer in English and World Literature Goldsmiths, University of London
Professor André Singer Professorial Research Associate and filmmaker SOAS and Spring Films
Dr Hannah Andrews Associate Professor of Film and Media University of Lincoln
Paul Deb Panel Tutor University of Cambridge
Professor Nadia Valman Professor of Urban Literature QMUL
Alex Kelly Film Studies Alumni QMUL
Georgia Kumari Bradburn Undergraduate BA Film Studies QMUL
Dr Elke Weissmann Reader in TV Studies Edge Hill University
Meena Masood PhD Candidate & Teaching Associate Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Ben Davies Senior Lecturer in English Literature University of Portsmouth
Dr Peter Adkins Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow University of Edinburgh
Charline Foch PhD student. University of York.
Cathy Lomax PhD researcher Film Studies QMUL
Professor Rob Stone Professor of Film Studies University of Birmingham
Dr Martyn Wemyss Lecturer Goldsmiths University
Professor Phil Taylor Professor of Work and Employment Studies University of Strathclyde, UCU Committee
Jonathan Gentle Film Studies (BA and MA) QMUL
Dr Rowland Curtis Lecturer in Organisation Studies QMUL
Dr Michael Wheare Teaching Fellow QMUL
John McTague Senior Lecturer in English University of Bristol
Dr Eleanor Halsall Research Associate, Department of Film University of Southampton
Dr Raisa Sidenova Lecturer in Film Newcastle University, UCU member
Sean Wallis Principal Research Fellow University College London
Lucy Freedman TA / PhD candidate in Drama QMUL
Dr. Laura Loyola-Hernández Lecturer School of Geography University of Leeds
Natasha Brockman Film Studies student QMUL
Dr Benjamin Bland Lecturer in Contemporary History University of York
Ann Cordery student unison
Dr Yari Lanci Associate Lecturer in Sociology Goldsmiths University of London
Dr Margit Thofner Senior Lecturer in the History of Art Open University
Dr Ben Tyrer Associate Lecturer in Film Theory Middlesex University
Professor Jeremy Hicks Professor of Russian Culture and Film QMUL
Dr Dave Rush Student Development Manager University of Essex
Jennifer Honey
Adelheid Russenberger PhD Student QMUL
  Farida Soliman, PhD Candidate, QMUL
Dr Homaira Semeen Lecturer QMUL
Ida Roland Birkvad Teaching Fellow Queen Mary
Dr Debora Marletta Librarian University College London
Andrew Woodhouse University of Liverpool
Dr Joanna Starzynski Phd York St. John university
Dr Kathleen McCarthy Senior Lecturer in Linguistics QMUL
Dr Ed Charlton Lecturer in English QMUL
Kev Bickerdike PhD Candidate Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Angeliki Lymberopoulou Senior Lecturer, Art History The Open University, UK
Prof Geoff Whittam Professor Glasgow Caledonian University
Dr Emily Rowe Lecturer in Early Modern Literature
Dr Ananya Mishra Lecturer in Global Race Studies QMUL
Sally Irvine HR Director Four Corners Film School
Ieva Ragaisyte PhD Student Imperial College London
Dr Neil Ewen Senior Lecturer in Communications University of Exeter
Dr Eytan Zweig Lecturer in Linguistics University of York
Ethan Lyon PhD student University of Southampton
Dr Sam Marsh University Teacher University of Sheffield
Dr Gareth Fsarmer Senior Lecturer in English University of Bedfordshire
Dr Anya Lewin Reader in Art and Moving Image University of Plymouth
Dr John Lyons Reader in Religion and History University of Bristol
Vicky Blake UCU Immediate Past President UCU, University of Leeds UCU
Dr. Frederika Tevebring British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow King's College London
Dr Andreas Papamichail Lecturer in Global Health & International Relations QMUL
James Dunkerley Professor of Politics QMUL
Shelley Cobb Associate Professor Film University of Southampton
Dr Jonny Jones Teaching fellow QMUL
Mytch Parks BFA, Media Arts (MCAD)
Mark Glancy Professor QMUL
Francesco Quario QMUL Alumnus
Jack Carland Teacher / Masters Student NEU / UCL
Dr Lewis Church Lecturer / Former QMUL PhD Student Birkbeck
Dr Fan Carter Associate Professor, Department of Critical and Historical Studies Kingston University
Dr Rossana Capitano University of Warwick
Dr Fryni Panayidou Researcher Development Adviser QMUL
Rebekah Building Coordinator Charity
Dr Barbara Knorpp Film Tutor Open City Docs
Rosemary Koper Former BA & MA Film Studies Student at QMUL Birkbeck
Kulbir Maras Alumnus University of Warwick (Film and Literature)
Holly Cooper Film & Literature alumni, Warwick University
Dr Aisling O' Beirn Associate Lecturer Fine Art UCU Ulster
Dr Tim Lindemann Teaching Assistant, Film Studies QMUL
Phil Maguire Senior Arts Technician Brunel University London, UCU member
Gerard Ortín Castellví Tutor MA Art & Ecology, Goldsmiths; UCL MFA Creative Documentary by practice Goldsmiths UCU
Dr Laurence Kent Teaching Associate University of Cambridge
Deborah Shaw Professor of Film and Screen Studies Univesrity of Portsmouth
David Tarandek Teaching Assistant, PhD student University of Zagreb
Dr Catherine Grant Honorary/Senior Research Fellow Birkbeck, University of London/University of Reading, and elected Academia Europaea member for Film and Media Studies
Joe Davies PhD Candidate QMUL, UCU
Denise Breyer Architect ARB ByAK
Dr Emma O'Dwyer Senior Lecturer in Psychology University of Greenwich
Elspeth Taylor Film Studies BA QMUL
Dr Samuel Solomon Senior Lecturer in English Sussex UCU
Kathryn Yusoff Professor of Inhuman Geography QMUL
Dr James Taylor Teaching Fellow in Film and Television Studies University of Warwick
Dr Adam Vaughan Associate Lecturer in Film & Television Solent University
Dr Kaltërina Latifi Research Fellow Queen Mary University of London
John Foley Film Studies alumni QMUL
Anna Llb law Student
Tanroop Sandhu PhD Candidate in History QMUL
Dr Hedi Viterbo Senior Lecturer in Law QMUL
Dr Joyce Mamode Research Associate QMUL
Rebecca Barden Senior Publisher, Bloomsbury/BFI Personal capacity
Cíara Dempsey Teaching Assistant University College Dublin
Dr Morgan Lefeuvre Post-Doctoral Research Assistant QMUL
Rob Lutton Associate Professor of Medieval History University of Nottingham
Lara Fothergill School Manager QMUL
Dr Laura Mayne Lecturer in Film University of Hull.
Andrew Fisher PGR in pure mathematics University of Sheffield
Dr Gavin Maclea Lecturer in Sociology Edinburgh Napier University & EIS ULA
Elliott Greene PhD Student in English Literature University of Edinburgh
Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen Professor of Scandinavian and Comparative Literature, Vice Dean for Education UCL
Josh Appignanesi Senior Lecturer in Film, Roehampton University
Dr Richard Mason Lecturer in French QMUL
Dr Rui Gomes Coelho Assistant Professor in Historical Archaeology Durham University
Dr Paula Gilligan Senior Lecturer in Film and Cultural Studies IADT Dun Laoghaire,  Teacher's Union of Ireland, @TUI
Dr Eleonora Sammartino HPL in Film and Media University of Greenwich
Dr Axel Rossberg Reader in Theoretical Ecology QMUL
Dr. Joel Neville Anderson Visiting Assistant Professor of Cinema Studies and Film Purchase College, State University of New York
Professor Gerard Hanlon Proessor of Organisational Sociology School of Business and Management, Queen MaryUniversity of London
Dr Cecilia Wee Visiting Tutor and RCA UCU Equalities rep Royal College of Art
Dr Kellyanne Findlay Senior Teaching Fellow University of Strathclyde
Dr Fauzia Ahmad Senior Lecturer, Sociology Goldsmiths
Rabyah Khan
Anna Grimaldi Lecturer in Politics and International Relations University of Leeds
Arwel Rees-Kay BA Film Studies Student QMUL
Dr David Roberts Associate Professor King's College London
Ben Taylor Film Studies Graduate QMUL
Dr Ángela Dorado-Otero Lecturer in Iberian and Latin American Studies QMUL
Dr Paul Moody Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications Brunel University London
Chao-yo Cheng Lecturer Birkbeck College
Erika Balsom Reader in Film Studies King’s College London
Jenny Bangham Lecturer QMUL
Dr Annabelle Wilkins Postdoctoral Research Assistant, School of Geography Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Amy Herzog Chair of Media Studies Queens College, CUNY
Linnaea Stockall Reader in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language QMUL
Christian Haywood Film Sutides Graduate
Rob Playfair EAP practitioner University of Liverpool
Lawrence Napper Senior Lecturer in Film Studies King’s College London
Karin Bottom Associate Professor University of Birmingham
Joe Johnson Film Studies BA Alumni QMUL
Professor Robert Vanderbeck University of Leeds
Dr Emma Harrison Lecturer in Digital Practice University of Sussex
Danny Millum Librarian University of Sussex
Dr Derek Johnston Lecturer in Broadcast Queen's University Belfast
Dr Hannah Field Senior Lecturer in Victorian Literature University of Sussex, UCU Rep
Nat Arias PhD Researcher University of Sussex
Lucretia Rose McCarthy Doctoral Researcher University of Leicester
Dr Silvia Angeli Visiting Lecturer University of Westminster
Dr Manuel Hijano Assistant Professor in Hispanic Studies University of Durham
Dr Ruth Lang Senior tutor, MA Architecture Royal College of Art
Robin Gentle Insurance University
Dr Rebecca May Johnson Writer UCU
Patrick Tunde Kachingwe Film and Drama m University
Dr Kai Heron Lecturer in Politics Birkbeck College, University of London
Dr James Harvey Lecturer in Film QMUL
Eoghan Ó Ceannabháin Political Organiser People Before Profit
Dr Phil Mathews Senior Lecturer in Screenwriting Bournemouth University
Dr Ashley Morgan Masculinities Scholar Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dr Gavin Schwartz-Leeper Associate Professor in Liberal Arts University of Warwick/Warwick UCU co-vice chair
Dr RIck Saull Reader in International Politics QMUL
Dr Ken Weir Lecturer in Accounting Heriot-Watt University & HWUCU Branch Committee
Lee Grieveson Professor of Media History UCL
Dr Sarah Carter-Walshaw Lecturer in Applied and Interdisciplinary Ethics University of Leeds
Dr Keith Jensen Senior Lecturer University of Manchester
Dr Anastasia Stouraiti Senior Lecturer Goldsmiths, University of London
Nicole Hamilton PhD Candidate Ulster University
Dr Findlay Bewicke-Copley Bioinformatician Queen Mary University
Dr Lavinia Brydon Senior Lecturer in Film University of Kent
Dr Alice Pember Teaching Fellow University of Warwick
Lawrence Webb Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Sussex
Dr Iain Robert Smith Senior Lecturer in Film Studies King’s College London
Dr David Lunn UCU Branch Secretary SOAS University of London
Dr Keith Jensen Senior Lecturer University of Manchester
Dr Francesca Berry Associate Professor University of Birmingham
Ilona Sagar Doctoral researcher Royal college of art
Dr Deven Parker Postdoctoral Research Associate QMUL SED
Dr Draško Kašćelan Postdoc, Linguistics University of Leeds
Dr Bill Aitchison Associate Professor Xiamen University
David Jones Senior Lecturer University for the Creative Arts
Dr Lisa Duffy QMUL Film Studies alum
Dr Aura Satz Reader and lecturer Royal College of Art
Dr Francesco Sticchi Lecturer in Film Studies Oxford Brookes University
Dr Katherine Twomey Lectureer University of Manchester, UCU
Simon Carr Associate Professor in Geography (former QMUL lecturer) University of Cumbria
Dr Caroline Magennis Reader in English Literature University of Salford and Chair of Council, British Association for Irish Studies
Dr Ross Macdonald Lecturer in Psychology Liverpool John Moores University
Viviane Saglier Lecturer in Film studies University of St Andrews
Dr Paul Sutton Film Studies Tutor City Lit
Dr Chris O'Rourke Senior Lecturer in Film and Television History University of Lincoln
Dr Jann Matlock Assoc. Professor, School of European Languages, Culture an Society (SELCS) University College London
Alissa Ferry Lecturer University of Manchester
Dr Michael Thompson Associate Professor in Hispanic Studies Durham University
Dr Hannah Williams Senior Lecturer in History of Art QMUL
Dr Catriona Fallow Lecturer in Performance University of the West of Scotland
Professor Sophie Harman Professor of International Politics
Annie Goliath Creative and Critical Practice PhD University of Sussex
Dr. Paul Johnson
Dmitrii Ovchinnikov Film Studies BA Student Queen Mary University of London
Dr Dan Bishop Lecturer University of Leicester
Hannah Holway Alumni Queen Mary
Prunella Lunberg 1:1 specialist study skills support tutor Queen Mary, University of London
Issy van der Velde MA Graduate University of Warwick
Lucy Oulton PhD student University of Chichester
Francesca Hanig Dill LLB graduate Oxford Brookes
Leo Goldsmith Assistant Professor The New School
Rhiannon Harries Assistant Professor University of Nottingham
Dr Dušan Radunović Associate Professor Durham University
Jonathan Beebe MA Ecology Culture and society Goldsmiths
Lewis Taylor Drama and Film Studies Student QMUL
Ian Dolan Lecturer Arts University Bournemouth
Archie Wolfman PhD Researcher and Teaching Associate, Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Dr Will McMorran Reader in French & Comparative Literature QMUL
Prof Santiago Fouz Hernández Professor in Iberian Studies and Film Studies Durham University
Lauren Edlin PhD Student QMUL
Daniel Frampton
Sam Ladkin Senior Lecturer in Critical and Creative Writing University of Sussex
Dr Katie Barnett Senior Lecturer in Film and Media Studies University of Chester
Célia Richy PhD candidate Linguistics QMUL
Dr Darren Elliott-Smith Senior Lecturer in Film and Gender University of Stirling, UCU
Dr Dağhan Irak Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication University of Huddersfield
Dr Carla Mereu-Keating Research Associate University of Bristol
Linnéa Borg Film studies alumni
Klaus Abels Prof. of Linguistics University College London

Sarah Street Professor University of Bristol
Dr Jennifer O'Meara Assistant Professor in Film Studies Trinity College Dublin
Michelle Byrne Unite Trade Union
Dr David Chapman Senior Lecturer in Film University of East London
Dr Andrew Zurcher Fellow and Director of Studies in English Queens' College, Cambridge
Dr George Crosthwait Associate Lecturer KCL
Prof Nelya Koteyko Professor of Language and Communication QMUL
Dr. Mark J Williams Associate Professor Dartmouth Film and Media Studies, Hanover, NH USA
Nivedita Nair PhD in English and Humanities Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Fanis Missirlis Professor of Physiology Center for Research and Advanced Studies, Mexico
Hanife Schulte TA/PhD candidate Drama QMUL
Rebecca Hamilton Postgraduate Researcher University of Manchester
Dr Roisin Read Lecturer in Peace and Conflict Studies University of Manchester
Dr Ray Campbell Associate Lecturer Royal Holloway UCU
Dr Jack Sargeant Teaching Associate School of Business and Management, QMUL
Dr Matthew Hunt Teaching Fellow Queen Mary Uiversity of London
Dr Hannah Paveck Lead, Policy
Dr Jeremy Gow Lecturer, EECS QMUL
Alisa Lebow Professor of Screen Media University of Sussex
Professor Claire Parkinson Professor of Culture, Communication and Screen Studies Edge Hill University
Hanife Schulte TA/PhD Candidate Drama QMUL
Prof. Valentina Vitali Professor of Film Studies, Co-director Centre for Creative and Cultural Practice University of East London
Dr Matt Melia Senior lecturer in Film, Media and English Literature. Kingston university
Esca van Blarikom PhD student QMUL
Dr. Rakesh Sengupta Assistant Professor University of Toronto
Jacob Engelberg Doctoral Candidate King's College London
Sherin White Teaching Fellow School of Languages Linguistics and Film Queen Mary University of London
Sam Davies QM alumni
Professor Jason Scott-Warren Professor of Early Modern Literature and Culture University of Cambridge
Dr Kasia Mika Lecturer in Comparative Literature QMUL
Dr Ryan Burns Senior Lecturer in Media studies University of Brighton
Dr Michael Temple Director, Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image Birkbeck
Dr Elena Baglioni Senior Lecturer in Global Supply Chain Management QMUL
Dr Simon Pate Senior Lecturer in Film, Coordinator of Foundation Programmes QMUL
Dr Nicola Georgiou Lecturer in Law Queen Mary University of London
Prof. John David Rhodes Professor of Film Studies and Visual Culture University of Cambridge, UCU
Katherine Phipps PhD candidate QMUL
Dr Omiros Georgiou Associate Professor of Accounting The University of Birmingham
Dr Laetitia Calabrese Senior Lecturer in French language Studies & SLLF Senior Tutor QMUL
Elisa Cuter Research Associate Filmuniversität Konrad Wolf Babelsberg (Potsdam)
Darcy Giles Film Studies Graduate QMUL
Sarah Currant Senior Librarian, BFI Reuben Library BFI
Dr Oreet Ashery MFA Course Leader University of Oxford
Leila Sohawon Casting Agent Alumni of QMUL Film Bachelors Degree (1st Class)
Emily Everdee Film Producer
Dr Hans van de Koot Reader in Linguistics UCL
Emma Smart Head Librarian British Film Institute
Dr Oreet Ashery MFA Course Leader University of Oxford
Dr Savannah Whaley Teaching Fellow, Department of Drama QMUL
Emily Simmons Gallery & Communications Coordinator Four Corners
Mick Kavanagh Senior Tutor, University of Essex
Ad Neeleman Professor of Linguistics UCL
Liam Livesley Graduate Teaching Assistant University of Southampton, UCU
Dr Annabel Cox Lecturer in Comparative Literature QMUL
Dr Robert Sinnerbrink Associate Professor of Philosophy and Director of Research Macquarie University
John Michael Professor University of Milan
Dr Toyeba Mushtaq Project Manager Tongues on Fire - UK Asian Film Festival
Sarah Wingrove PhD Researcher University of Surrey
Leila Sohawon Casting Agent FreeYOURstyle Collective
Dr Greg Wolfman Independent researcher
Dr Jonathan Ellis Reader in American Literature University of Sheffield
Dr Jonathan Ward Lecturer in Race and Diversity Studies - Culture, Media & Creative Industries Department King's College London
Pippa Sterk PhD Student in Language, Discourse and Communication King's College London
Dr Connor Winterton Course Leader - A Level Media Studies Loughborough College, UCU
Christian Dametto Development Researcher at BBC Studios QMUL
Murekah Jackson Marketing Manager - School of :Languages, Linguistics and Film QMUL
Andrew Pitt PhD candidate in Law QMUL
Professor Philip McGowan Liberal Arts Queen’s University Belfast
Andrea Woodward PhD researcher
Lena Wånggren Teaching Fellow University of Edinburgh; UCU Scotland
Giulia Rho PhD candidate/ TA Film Studies
James Carter Student
Lucy Janes Communciations Officer, College of Social Sciences, University of Glasgow UCU
Anne Kavanagh Education Development Officer University of Essex
Rob Briner Professor of Organizatonal Psychology Queen Mary University of London
Professor Melanie Williams Professor of Film and Television Studies University of East Anglia
Dr Paulo Oliva Reader in Mathematical Logic Queen Mary University of London
Dr Anne Alexander Director of Learning, Cambridge Digital Humanities University of Cambridge, UCU
Dr Robert Munro Lecturer in Film and Media Queen Margaret University
Bill Schwarz Professor Emeritus, English and Drama, QMUL QMUL
Weijia Zeng PhD Candidate & Teaching Associate QMUL
Maggie Hennefeld Associate Professor of Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature University of Minnesota
Dr Benjamin Halligan University of Wolverhampton
Dr Clara Bradbury-Rance Lecturer in Liberal Arts King's College London
Nancy Wilson PhD student (Film) QMUL
Professor Felicity Callard Professor of Human Geography University of Glasgow
Dr. Anna Meier Assistant Professor University of Nottingham
Maarten Coëgnarts Professor of Film Studies University of Antwerp
Dr Fabrizio Smeraldi Senior Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence QMUL
Chloe van der Klaauw Producer  QMUL (BA) Film Studies
Dr Tiago de Luca Reader in Film Studies University of Warwick
Dr Richard McCulloch Senior Lecturer in Media and Film University of Huddersfield
Ellen Shobrook Educational Development Coordinator University of Birmingham, BUCU
Helen de Witt Lecturer in Film Birkbeck
Rinella Cere Reader, Media and Cultural Studies Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Roz Mortimer Senior Lecturer in Film University for the Creative Arts
Dr Jess Cotton Research Fellow University of Cambridge
Theo Rollason MA Cultural Studies student Goldsmiths
Oliver Withington PhD Student, IGGI, Game AI QMUL
Professor John Ó Maoilearca Film Kingston University, London
Dr Aaron Ackerley Teaching Associate in History QMUL
Dr. Ros murray Senior Lecturer Department of French, King's College London
Ross Balzaretti Professor of Italian History University of Nottingham
Dr Bérénice Guyot-Réchard History Department King's College London
Professor D. N. Rodowick Glen A. Lloyd Distinguished Service Professor University of Chicago
Andrea Santi Associate Professor UCL
Professor Michele Aaron Film and Television Studies University of Warwick
Imogen Flower PhD Candidate Guildhall School of Music & Drama
Simon Aeppli Senior lecturer University for the creative arts
Professor Elizabeth Ezra Professor of Cinema and Culture University of Stirling
Dr Gillian W Shorter Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology Queen's University Belfast
Spela Gruden Programme Administrator, SLLF QMUL
Michael Williams Professor of Film University of Southampton
Dr Sofia Bull Lecturer in Film Studies University of Southampton
Veselina Dzhumbeva PhD Student QMUL
Dr Will Kitchen Teaching Fellow in Film University of Southampton
Charlotte Edgar Former MSc Student and Commercial Services Officer
Maurizio Isabella Reader in Modern History QMUL
Dr Mara Polgovsky Ezcurra Lecturer in Contemporary Art Birkbeck
Samuel Hutchison Adjunct Professor Dramatic Writing NYU, MA Film Studies QMUL QMUL, NYU
Dr Alex MacFarlane Postdoctoral Scholar
Ricardo Silva Pereira BA Film Studies graduate QMUL
Graham Weston Senior Academic Skills Adviser QMUL
Dr Thomas Haworth Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Fellow QMUL
Professor Astrid Köhler Professor of German Literature and Comparative Cultural Studies QMUL
Bin Yee Ang PhD in Film Studies QMUL
Dr Sara De Benedictis Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Communications Brunel University London
Jacob Thompson Film Studies Student University
Dr Jimmy Hay Senior Lecturer in Film and Television University of Bristol
Dr William Monteith Director of Research, Senior Lecturer in Human Geography QMUL
Ian Wang Film critic
Dr. Susan Kelly Senior Lecturer Goldsmiths College
Dr Chris A Williams SL in History The Open University
Joel Norcross Film Studies Alumni QMUL
Martha Shearer Assistant Professor in Film Studies University College Dublin
Theo Smith Postgraduate Student University of Southampton
Dr. Diego Perez Liebana Senior Lecturer on AI and Computer Games QMUL
Stephen Baker Lecturer in Film and Television Studies UCU @ Ulster
Jill Daniels Senior Lecturer Film University of East London UCU
Dr Daniel Molto Lecturer University of Sussex
Kate Ince Professor of French and Visual Studies University of Birmingham
Dr Guan H Tang Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law Queen Mary University of London
Dr Sophie Jones Lecturer in Contemporary Literature and Gender Studies University of Strathclyde
Beny Wagner Filmmaker / Associate Lecturer / PhD student QMUL / University of Southampton
Dr, Richard MacDonald Senior Lecturer, Media & Communications Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Sahil Jai Dutta Lecturer in Political Economy Goldsmiths
David Brydan Lecturer in Modern History King's College London
Aimee Guest Student QMUL
Lauren Houlton PhD researcher University of Westminster
Nils Peters PhD Candidate Politics Goldsmiths
Samer Gharib Education Developer University of Essex
Professor Tessa Wright Professor of Employment Relations QMUL
Dr Carla Ibled Associate Lecturer in Politics Goldsmiths, University of London
Yossef Rapoport Professor in Islamic history QMUL
Miriam Posner Assistant Professor, Information Studies UCLA
Dr. Adam Chong Senior Lecturer in Linguistics Queen Mary University of London
Suzan Al Sharif BA (Hons) Film Studies QMUL
Dr Angela Dunstan Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Visual Culture QMUL
Mary Laven Professor of Early Modern History University of Cambridge
Adam Elliott-Cooper Lecturer of Public and Social Policy Department of Politics and IR, Queen Mary University of London
Kyran Joughin Ass. Lecturer in Film, University of the Arts London UCU Branch Sec, UAL
Dr Amy Jane Barnes Staff Tutor in Art History The Open University
Lakkaya Palmer PhD Student QMUL Alumni (2019)
Lucie Elliott Former student (2010-2013) QMUl film studies
Joshua McCune QUB
Dr Oliver Kenny Lecturer in Film and Media Institute of Communication Studies - Lille (QMUL PhD alumnus)
Dr Ellie Armon Azoulay Lecturer in History Newcastle University
Dr Francesca Hardy Senior Lecturer in FATV Nottingham Trent University
Dr Elena Doldor Reader in Organisational Behaviour Queen Mary University of London
Dr Nausicaa Pouscoulous Associate Professor in Lingustics University College London
Dr Chris Darke Honorary Research Fellow Roehampton University
Dr Matt Selway Senior Lecturer in Media and Film York St John University
Dr Rachel Barrett Postdoctoral Research Associate in Neuroimaging Sciences King's College London
Dr Robert Edgar Associate Professor - Creative Writing York St John University
Dr. Ali Ali Lecturer Human Geography University of Sussex
Andrew Goldberg Senior Lecturer in Acting and Performance UAL Wimbledon
Dr kitt price Senior Lecturer in English School of English and Drama, QMUL
Dr Elisabetta Versace Senior Lecturer in Psychology Queen Mary Univeristy of London
Prof Alexander Sodin Chair in Analysis and Mathematical Physics QMUL
Magdalena Krysztoforska PhD Candidate University of Nottingham
Donya Maguire BA Film Studies Graduate QMUL
Stefano Castiglione PhD student UCL
Dr Daniel Mann Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, KCL King's College London
Lakkaya Palmer PhD in Film Studies QMUL Alumni (2019)
Professor Hagit Borer Professor of Linguistics QMUL
Professor John Ellis Media Arts Royal Holloway University of London
Nicola Bozzi Lecturer King's College London
Dr Malcolm James Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies University of Sussex
Edward Caddy Teachinng Associate, History QMUL
Dr Carole Jones Senior Lecturer English and Scottish Literature University of Edinburgh
Matilda Moors Associate Lecturer London Met, UWE
Sameen Ali Lecturer University of Birmingham
Professor Rachel Moseley Film and Television Studies University of Warwick
Dr Alexandra Parsons Teaching Associate, SED QMUL
Lisa Stubbings Programme Administrator, SLLF QMUL
Sara Hooshyar BA Film Studies Graduate, QMUL
Dr Sara Marzagora Lecturer in Comparative Literature King's College London
Dr Mirna Pedalo Visiting Lecturer Royal College of Art | Oxford Brookes
Dr. Gracia Ramirez Senior Lecturer Film and Screen Studies UCU University of the Arts London
Owen Holland Associate Professor Department of Literature, XJTLU
Dr Chandres Tejura Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor QMUL/UCU
Dr Holly Eva Ryan Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Political Sociology QMUL
Dr Pete Falconer Senior Lecturer in Film and Television University of Bristol
Dr Shital Pravinchandra Lecturer in Comparative Literature QMUL
Dr Omar Ceja Salgado Lecturer in Digital Media Education University College London
Dr Nick Srnicek Lecturer King's College London
Dr Richard Farmer Research Associate University of Bristol
Dr Finn Daniels-Yeomans QMUL Film Studies Alumni University of Glasgow
Michael Ho Film Editor and Lecturer (UAL & NFTS) UCU, BECTU
Dr Damian Milton Senior Lecturer University of Kent
Jessie Tepper Associate Acquisitions Editor, Film & Television Studies Lexington Books
Dr Robert Knox Senior Lecturer in Law University of Liverpool
Kirsty Rolfe University Lecturer in English Literature Leiden University, the Netherlands
Matthew Johnston PhD Candidate Columbia University (& QMUL alum)
Clement Mouhot Professor of mathematics University of Cambridge
Dr Amy De’Ath Lecturer in Contemporary Literature King’s College London
Georgina Rowe PhD student in English literature University of Birmingham, BUCU
Dr Liz Morrish Visiting Fellow York St John University
Dr Gerardus Lucas Assistant Professor in Strategy and Leadership University of Nottingham
Oliver Wilson-Nunn PhD candidate University of Cambridge
Matthew Riviere PhD QMUL
Dr Patrick Brian Smith Postdoctoral Fellow University of Warwick
Prof David Martin-Jones Professor of Film Studies University of Glasgow
Elyse Singer PhD Candidate, Film Studies Adjunct Lecturer City University of New York
Dr Dominique Carlini Versini Assiatant Professor in French Durham University
Dr Lyndsey Jenkins Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in History QMUL
John Wadsworth Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education (retired) Goldsmiths, UCU
Clara McCormack
Eliot Benbow PhD Student and Teaching Associate, School of History QMUL
Elena Moreira Teaching and Learning Manager SLLF, QMUL
Dr Robert White Lecture in Media and Communication Kingston University
Dr Robert Porter Director of Centre For Communication, Media and Cultural Studies Ulster University
Sa-Ra Zwarteveen Filmmaker / Film Educator
Sladana Tegeltija Assistant Editor Former QMUL Film Student
Dr Bahar Koymen Lecturer University of Manchester
Dr MaoHui Deng Lecturer in Film Studies University of Manchester
Nathalie Grey Alumni Engagement Coordinator QMUL
Dr Michael Brown Reader in History University of Roehampton
Dr Jak Peake Senior Lecturer in Literature University of Essex
Dr Judith Hudson Associate Lecturer Birkbeck College, University of London
Dr. Chelsea Wessels Assistant Professor (Film and Media Studies) East Tennessee State University
Dr Natalia Cecire Senior Lecturer in English and American Studies University of Sussex
Dr Catherine Barbour Assistant Professor in Hispanic Studies School of Languages, Literatures and Cultural Studies, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Alex Owen Senior Physicist Programmer QMUL
Dr Philip Bull Reader in Cosmology University of Manchester (but formerly of QMUL)
Florence Smith Nicholls PhD Student Computer Science QMUL
Dr Rohit K Dasgupta Senior Lecturer University of Glasgow
Dr matteo mandarini Lecturer in organisation and politics, School it Business and Management Queen Mary university of London
Tom Whalley Postgrad Queen Mary / UCL
Dr Aimée Le Visiting Professor PNU, UCU anti-cas committee
Dr Berit Gehrke Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Slavic Linguistics HU Berlin, Germany
Dr Kate West Senior Lecturer in Criminology Oxford Brookes University
Dr Ifor Duncan Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice
Dr Xine Yao Lecturer in American Literature to 1900 University College London
Dr Conor Crummey Lecturer in Public Law University of Glasgow
Eyal Poleg Reader in history Queen Mary university of London
Dr Wing-Fai Leung Senior Lecturer, Culture, Media and Creative Industries King's College London
Ellie Kyungran Heo Artist-filmmaker, MA Moving Image graduate Royal College of Art
Dr Nick Jones Lecturer in Film, Television and Digital Culture University of York
Dr Jessie Renton Postdoctoral Researcher Barts Cancer Institute, QMUL
Dr Hitesh Dhorajiwala Guest Lecturer UCL Laws
Ivy Weikun Fan PhD candidate Communication University of China
Dr Anna Viola Sborgi Marie Curie Research Fellow University College Cork, Ireland
Dr Matthieu Burnay Senior Lecturer in Global Law QMUL
Joanne Yao Lecturer in International Relations
Dr Gen Doy Professor emerita de montfort University De montfort University
Khalid Abdalla Actor & Filmmaker
Prof. Warren Boutcher Head of English and Drama (2017-21) Queen Mary University of London
Lucie Krejcova Film Studies Graduate (2021) QMUL
Professor Karen Boyle Professor of Feminist Media Studies University of Strathclyde
Atlanta Neudorf PhD Candidate in History QMUL
Dr Nathan Emery Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Biology Queen Mary University of London
Julianne Gabriel Student BA Film at QMUL
Santosh Saddul Alumni - Former Member of the QMUL Film Society Queen Mary University of London
Dr Sarah Bartley Lecturer in Theatre and Performance University of Reading
Giulio Fella Professor QMUL
Engin Isin Professor, School of Politics and International Relations Queen Mary University of London
Dr Naaz Rashid Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies University of Sussex
Professor Thomas Dixon Professor of History QMUL
Louis Miller BA History University College London
Dr Surekha Davies Researcher Utrecht University
Dr Mark Taylor Lecturer in Civil Engineering Edinburgh Napier University
Ishita Tiwary Concordia university
Tessa King Philosophy Durham University
Anna Finiguerra PhD student Politics and International Relations Queen Mary University of London
Josef Thompson BA English and Film Studies QMUL
Ishita sharma Film studies Queen mary
Dr Bettina Nissen Lecturer in Interaction Design University of Edinburgh
Dr Lindsay Hallam Senior Lecturer University of East London
Dr Rhodri Hayward Reader School of History, QMUL
Dr Alessio Kolioulis Lecturer (Teaching) Urban Economic Development The Bartlett Development Planning Unit
Dr Louis Bayman Associate professor, Film Studies University of Southampton
Miha Brebenel Senior lecturer digital cultures Winchester school of art, Southampton
Dr Ray Campbell Associate Lecturer Goldsmiths University of London
Dr Nick Taylor Lecturer in Political Economy Goldsmiths, University of London
Chris Moffat Senior Lecturer in History Queen Mary University of London
Hannah Sigler Film Student The University of Texas at Austin
Alex Widdowson Film studies PhD candidate Queen Mary University of London
Bill Spence Professor of Theoretical Physics QMUL
Dr Colin Herd Lecturer in Creative Writing University of Glasgow
Shuma  Begum  Systems Support Officer LSE
Diyar Koyuncu Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Daniel Johnson Student nurse University of Northampton
Prof. Eric Heinze, QMUL, Law Dept. Professor of Law and Humanities Queen Mary University of London
Dr Sarah Hickmott Assistant Professor Durham University
Nathan Holmes Assistant Professor Department of Cinema and Television Studies, SUNY Purchase College
Adjoa Andoh Actor Director Equity
Tanz Hoque Film Student QMUL STUDENT
Dr Caroline Radcliffe Reader in Drama and Performance University of Birmingham
Dr Rehana Ahmed Senior Lecturer in English QMUL
Louise Coopey PhD Researcher University of Birmingham
Giulia Balsamo Alumni
Professor Daniel Harbour Department of Linguistics Queen Mary University of London
Dr Jack Noe Teaching Associate, History Queen Mary University of London
Lucy Rivers Postgraduate Student and Early Career Researcher Edge Hill University
Stephanie O'Donohoe Professor of Advertising and Consumer Culture University of Edinburgh
De Daniel Mann Leverhulme Early Career Fellow King's College London
Amy Dominian JEI Administrator QMUL, Unison
Erik Martinson Freelance Curator
Malini Guha Associate Professor Carleton University

Kester Richardson-Dawes QMUCU Branch Committee
Josephine Reader in Film QMUL
C m maratos Retired Retired affiliated union member
Declan Cumberlidge-Myford Student Support Officer QMUL
Dr Martin O’Brien Senior Lecturer in Live Art School of English and Drama, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Paul Ward Arts University Bournemouth
Dr Robert Stearn Postdoctoral Research Associate Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Craig Agnor Senior Lecturer in Physics QMUL
Alisa Limpaiboon A film studies graduate UCL
Professor AhuTatli School of Business and Management Queen Mary University of London
Professor Claire Thomson Director, MA Film Studies UCL
Taylor McCarthy-Richmond BA Film studies QMUL
Dino Jacovides Film programme coordinator University
Olga Koroleva Film Practice Fellow, the Centre for Film and Ethics, QMUL QMUL
Erifyli Gigante BA Acting Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts (UEL)
Andreas Kramer Professor of Comparative Literature Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Charlotte Crofts Associate Professor of Filmmaking UWE Bristol
Dr Stamatis Zografos Lecturer in Architectural History and Theory University College London
Naz Simsek School of English & Drama Alumn Queen Mary University of London
Prof. Veronica Spencer Head of Film Studies University of Southampton
Chris Downs The Open University
Professor John London Director of the Centre for Catalan Studies QMUL
Dr Maryam Tafakory Filmmaker/researcher
Dr Ted Tregear Research Fellow Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
Taylor McCarthy-Richmond BA film studies student Queen Mary University of London Mile End
Dr Tanya Serisier Reader in Feminist Theory Birkbeck College University of London
Dr Milly Williamson Media Communications and Cultural Studies Goldsmiths UCU member
Lucy Baxter Lecturer, film practice Queen's University Belfast
Dr Oriana Fox Art Histories Lecture City & Guilds of London Art School
Peter Hill Lecturer Northumbria University
Will Hutton Teaching Fellow, The Language Centre, SLLF QMUL
David Cooper Professor Universities of Edinburgh and Alberta
Dr. Onwu Inya Lecturer Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria
Dr Daniel Mann Leverhulme Early Career Fellow King's College London
Dr Hannah Silva Leverhulme Early Career Fellow Queen Mary University of London
Marina Ashioti Film Critic, QMUL graduate in English & Drama
Alberto Rho Lawyer Università Cattolica SC Milano
Giulia Carabelli Lecturer in Sociology QM
Kito Kitev Film Studies alumni Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Sarah Louise Smyth Lecturer in Film University of Essex
Emmanuel Guerre Professor SEF QMUL
Joya Choudhury English with Creative Writing Univesity student
Dr Catherine Chiniara Charrett Senior Lecturer, Global Politics University of Westminster
Teodosia Dobriyanova Film Programmer / Filmmaker
Alina Associate Lecturer UCL
Dr Felicity Gee Senior Lecturer in Modernism and World Cinema University of Exeter
Dr Tara Blake Writer
Dr Lewis Turner Lecturer in International Politics Newcastle University
Alexandra Sage Senior Lecturer, BA Film Production, University of Roehampton UCU
Anna Caselli PhD
Connie Thomas PhD Student and Teaching Associate in History QMUL
Dr Hazel Pearson Senior Lecturer in Linguistics QMUL
Dr James Fenwick Senior Lecturer Sheffield Hallam Universitt
Shelby Prichard Film Studies PhD candidate QMUL
Dr. George Clark Lecturer University of Westminster
Helen Gerolaki Psychotherapist
Dr Maria Rovisco Associate Professor of Sociology University of Leeds
Dr Adhira Mangalgiri Lecturer in Comparative Literature, School of Languages, Linguistics, and Film Queen Mary University of London
Joanna Cohen Senior Lecturer School of History QMUL
Catherine Rottenberg Professor, Department of American and Canadian Studies, University of Nottingham
Michael Proulx Reader University of Bath
Zubair Shafiq Visiting Research Fellow King's College London
Dr Hoi Lun Law Teaching Fellow in Film Studies University of Edinburgh
Natalia Stewart Film Studies Student QMUL
Fergus Nicol prof Londonmet UCU
Zoe Bowers BA Film Studies student QMUL
Dr Michelle Devereaux Leverhulme Early Career Fellow University of Warwick
Jennifer M. Bean Professor of Cinema and Media Studies University of Washington-Seattle
Dr Lorcan Whitehead Learning and Teaching Adviser University of Essex
Dr. Marius-Ionut Calu Lecturer in International Relations Regent's University London
Dimitri Bakalis Film Studies student Queen Mary
Paul Tarragó     Associate lecturer University of the Arts London
Jennet Thomas Reader in Time Based Media and Performance UCU, University of the Arts London
Kendra Bean Former MA Film Studies student King’s College London
Professor Sarah Colvin Modern Languages University of Cambridge
Professor Adam Ganz Department of Media Arts Royal Holloway, University of London
Dr Jamie Steele Senior Lecturer in Film & Screen Studies Bath Spa University
Anamik Saha Professor of Race and Media University of Leeds
Francesca Bascoe Administrative Assistant QMUL
Shirley Jordan Professor of French Newcastle University
Dr C.D. Rose RLF Fellow
Prof. Shohini Chaudhuri Film Studies University of Essex
Dr S Leahy Senior Lecturer, French and Film Newcastle University
Dr Howard Finn lecturer in English QM UCU
Dr Jonathan Kasstan Lecturer in French and Linguistics University of Westminster
Dipak Kapur
Tom Jones Professor, English University of St Andrews
Dr Guan H Tang Senior Lecturer in Commercial Law Asia Queen Mary University of London
Dr Gwen Brekelmans Lecturer in Psychology Queen Mary University of London
Professor Rosalind Galt Film Studies King's College London
Dr Jen Slater Reader in Queer Disability Studies & Education Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Karen McNally Reader London Met
Marcio Julio da Silva Mattos Fellow Researcher University of Brasilia
Dr Niall Kennedy Teaching Fellow in French Studies Trinity College Dublin
Dr Rachel White Teaching Fellow University of Durham
Dr Maggie Gray Senior Lecturer Critical & Historical Studies Kingston University
Andre Singer Director and Executive Producer Spring Films
Dr Donatella Barbieri Senior Research Fellow University of the Arts London
Dunja Fehimovic Lecturer in Hispanic Studies Newcastle University
Mr. Ashley Otu Marketing Intern QMUL Alumni 2016
Chenée Psaros Senior Academic Skill Adviser, Library Services Queen Mary University of London
Yvette Russell Associate Professor of Law and Feminist Theory University of Bristol
Shaul Bar-Haim Senior Lecturer, Sociology University of Essex
Dr Ariel caine Post Doctoral fellow, Visual studies Lab Tampere University
Alex Nicholas UCU member
 Rosie Thomas Professor of Film University of Westminster
Jane Hindlety Senior Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies University of Essex
Dr. Christopher Horrocks Associate Professor and Reader Kingston University
Dr Sarah Campbell Senior Lecturer in Irish/British History Newcastle University
Simona marletta Designer Brother in law
Miriam Kent Lecturer in Film and Media University of Leeds
Edoardo Sirianni MA Music Business Management University of Westminster
Simona Marletta Designer
Dr Francisco Mazzola
Daniel Rojas Brackett Film Studies Alumni Queen Mary, University of London
John Field Actor, theatre director and former deputy head teacher Equity
Kathy Kubicki Senior lecturer Kingston University
Dr Charlie Pullen Teaching Associate in English QMUL
Maria Tarnacka
Dr Jack Rutherford Associate Fellow; Assistant Lecturer Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies (LiFTS), University of Essex
Dr Rob Waters Lecturer in Modern British History QMUL
Prof Diana Jeater Associate Dean (Education), Humanities, Languages & Cultures University of Liverpool UCU
Dr Geoffrey Poole Senior Lecturer in Linguistics Newcastle University
Florian Gebreiter University of Birmingham
Dr Felicia Chan Senior Lecturer, Drama and Film programme University of Manchester
Dr Simone Knox Associate Professor University of Reading/UCU
Michael Mohebbi The University of Liverpool
Kim Coleman Associate Lecturer School of Media and Communication, LCF, UAL. UCU member  
Dr Lezley George CHS KSA Kingston
Luke Dickens Senior Lecturer King's College London
Dr Alice Bennett English Literature Liverpool Hope University
Daniel Lange  Teaching Associate History QMUL
Dr Andrew Weir Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Dr Ting Chang Associate Professor University of Nottingham
Andy Beresford Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Studies Durham University
Dr Jack Newsinger Associate Professor University of Nottingham
Jackie Grant Senior Teaching Fellow in Physics University of Sussex and QMUL Alumna
Dr Lynn Hancock Senior Lecturer University of Liverpool UCU
Simina Dragos PhD Candidate University of Cambridge, UCU
Julia Bardsley Lecturer in Drama, Theatre & Performance QMUL
Felipe Mesa Koch Film Studies and Drama graduate QMUL
Miri Rubin Professor of Medieval History and Director of Research, School of History QMUL
Ioana Cerasella Chis Doctoral researcher University of Birmingham
Dr Frances Grahl Lecturer in Cultural Studies UAL (LCF)
Dr Jessica Jung Curriculum Development Officer Newcastle University
Dr. So Mayer independent scholar
Gabriel Lawson PhD Student QMUL
Reuben Loffman Senior Lecturer in African History QMUL
Dr Sean Seeger Senior Lecturer University of Essex
Dr Michaela MacDonald Lecturer EECS, Queen Mary University
Esther Beadle Lecturer in Journalism Newcastle University
Danny MacKinnon Professor Newcastle University
Michal Rotem PhD student Queen Mary University of London
Dr Robert Watts Lecturer in Television and Creative Industries University of Manchester
Charlotte Baker Professor Lancaster University
Dr Samuel Thomas Associate Professor in English Studies Durham University
Dr Teresa Castro Associate Professor in Film Studies Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
Lina Hakim Senior Lecturer Kingston University
Alex Garbutt Peer Support Coordinator QMUL Film Studies Graduate
Ana Sofia Soto BA Film Studies QMUL
Saeed Gadir Musician School of English of Drama, School of Film Alumni QMUL
Ariana Film Student University
Dr Claire Carrothers Research Manager and Teaching Fellow School of History, QMUL
Jill Clark Professor Newcastle University
Dr Bella Honess Roe Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Surrey
Dr Victoria Flood Associate Prof in Medieval Lit University of Birmingham
Dr Joanne Sayner Senior Lecturer in Cultural and Heritage Studies Newcastle University
Dr Angus McNelly Lecturer in International Relations University of Greenwich
Dr Vincent Gaine Lecturer Lancaster University
Ian Stewart Lecturer, History UCL
Peter Gurney Professor of History University of Essex
Dr K Crosby Senior Lecturer in Law Newcastle University
Dr Kiron Ward Lecturer in US literature University of Essex
Dr Andrew Moor Reader in Cinema History Manchester Metropolitan University
Kim A. Wagner Professor History, QMUL
Dr Stephen Connolly Senior Lecturer Film Production University for the Creative Arts
Dr Mark Bould Professor of Film and Literature UWE Bristol
Dr Tanya Horeck Associate Professor in Film & Media Anglia Ruskin University
Dr David Kennerley Leverhulme Early Career Fellow School of History QMUL
Dr Nichola Dobson Lecturer in Animation University of Edinburgh, UCU Scotland
Dr Richard Stamp Director of Undergraduate Programmes School of Writing, Publishing and Humanities, Bath Spa University
Dr Katherine Parker Teaching Associate Queen Mary University of London
Dr Kelli Fuery Associate Professor in Film Studies Chapman University
Dr Piotr Cieplak Senior Lecturer University of Sussex
Prof Kiera Vaclavik Professor of Children’s Literature & Childhood Culture QMUL
Dr Leila Ullrich Lecturer in Law Queen Mary University of London
Dr Hilary Powell Artist Optimistic Foundation cic. RCA
Joanne Smith Finley Reader in Chinese Studies Newcastle University
Dr Emilija Talijan Postdoctoral Research Fellow St. John's College, University of Oxford
Caterina Sartori RAI Film Festival director Royal Anthropological Institute
Daniel Edelstyn. Film maker Optimistic Productions
Laura Mee Senior Lecturer in Film & Television University of Hertfordshire
Mélodie Roulaud Lecturer in visual communication UAL
Philippa Kennedy Teaching Fellow,  Language Centre  SLLF UCU
James Dilley MA History of Political Thought Student QMUL / UCL
Dr Emilia Halton-Hernandez Lecturer University of Essex
Dr Alice Haylett Bryan Teaching Associate QMUL Department of History
Dr Stephen Bentel TA/TF School of History QMUL
Dr Mark McKenna Associate Professor of Film and and Media Industries Staffordshire University
Prof. Jason Dittmer Professor of Political Geography UCL
Mx. Kodi Maier PhD Film Studies University of Hull
Dr Maurice Nagington Lecturer, Nursing University of Manchester
Stephen Noorshargh QMUL Film Studies Alumni
Ibtehal Hussain KCL
Colm Murphy Deputy Director Mile End Institute QMUL
Jo Lumley Teaching associate University of Sheffield
Dr Elizabeth Miller Lecturer in Film, Media and Journalism Bangor University
Adriana Saetta Filmmaker - Former QMUL Film Student QMUL
Dr Bert Carlstrom Teaching Associate, School of History QMUL
Maria Costantino Dept of Cultural and Historical Studies UAL and RCA
Peter Goddard Deputy Head, Dept of Communication & Media University of Liverpool (and UCU)
Flick Adams Doctoral Researcher and Associate Lecturer Keele University and The Open University
Dr Donna Peberdy Associate Professor Solent University
Dr Tom Brown Senior Lecturer Film Studies King’s College London
Dr Daniela Plana Lecturer in Chemical and Physical Sciences Keele University
Keith Reader Visiting Emeritus Professir ULIP
Dr Jon Hackett Associate Professor St Mary's University, Twickenham
Nicolas Laugel research associate the university of Manchester
Dr Abigail Schoneboom Lecturer in Urban Planning Newcastle University
Vivien Fox Assistant Head Presessional Academic English Programme UCU member UAL
David Forrest Professor in Film and Television Studies The University of Sheffield
Aakash Pinton Economic Research Assistant University of bath
Maria Velez-Serna Lecturer in Film University of Stirling
Lewis Kellett Post Graduate PhD Student Sheffield Hallam University
Clifton Evers Senior Lecturer Newcastle university
Dr Helena Bonett Kingston University
Carolyn Laubender Senior Lecturer University of Essex
Cherie Judge Research Administrator University of Liverpool, UCU ordinary member
Hanna Ali Film Studies Student Queen Mary, University of London
Kirsten MacLeod Reader Newcastle University
Mr. Jeremy Joseph Abraham B.Tech Computer Science Student National Institute of Technology, Delhi
Dr Ruth Craggs Geography King’s College London
Dr Lisa Rull Specialist Study Support Tutor (Disabilities) University of Nottingham
Charlotte Brunsdon Professor Emeritus Film & Television Studies University of Warwick
Dr Oliver Gruner Senior Lecturer in Visual Culture University of Portsmouth
Professor Clarissa Smith Northumbria University
François Massonnat Associate Instructor Villanova University
Rachel Bosler Assistant Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies University of Essex
Dr Dominic Lees Associate Professor in Filmmaking University of Reading
Cate Brooks History and Film Studies Grad QMUL
Dr. Denis Provencher Professor University of Arizona, USA
Dr Paul March-Russell Senior Lecturer in English Cardiff Metropolitan University
 Alastair Phillips Professor of Film Studies University of Warwick
Dr Vicky Lowe Senior Lecturer Drama and Film University of Manchester
Georgina Bown Graduate, Film Studies QMUL
Dr Falco Pfalzgraf Senior Lecturer in German Linguistic QMUL
Dr Barbara Plotz Visiting Lecturer, School of Media and Film University of Winchester
Dr Seth Giddings Associate Professor University of Southampton
Rashed Shaikh Medical Student Newcastle University
Jacob Pines History Graduate (2019) QMUL Alumni
Sinead Kirwan Film Producer Bectu
Carmen Rabalska, Senior Lecturer in Critical and Historical Studies, Kingston University
Lisa Purse Professor of Film University of Reading
Muhammad Salmaan Saalim History and Politics Queen Mary, University of London
Raj Aryan Student University
Dr Isabel Crespí Catalan Teaching Assistant Queen Mary University of London
Randal Lindsell
Qi Wu MA Film Studies UCL
Dr Steve Jones Senior Lecturer Northumbria University
Dr Hongwei Bao Associate Professor in media studies University of Nottingham
Poppy Zhai PhD Candidate in Film Studies UCL
Roopa Charllotte Pinto Executive Assistant
Nigel Bryant Audiovisual Digitisation Officer University of Bristol
Dr Claire Launchbury Student Welfare Oxford/UCU
Chris Mansfield School of Languages, Linguistics and Film QMUL
Ricardo Domizio Senior Lecturer London South Bank University
Professor Virginia Davis Professor of Medieval History Queen Mary University of London
Anastasia Malama Library Assistant QMUL UNISON Branch
Dr. Jeff Scheible Senior Lecturer, Film Studies King’s College London
Dianne Foulkes Branch Administrator Keele UCU
Frances Guerin Film & Media University of Kent
Dr Laura Minor Lecturer in Film and Media University of Leeds
Dr Stefanie Van de Peer Reader Film & Media Queen Margaret University (Edinburgh) and EIS
Martin watts Phd student University of Southampton
Dr Toby Bennett Research Fellow, Centre for Culture and Creative Industries City, University of London
Dr Agustín Rico-Albero Senior Lecturer in Spanish and Film University of Hertfordshire
James Fenton Lecturer in Academic English University of Westminster
Izabella Wódzka PhD candidate in Film Studies University College London
Professor Laura Rascaroli Department of Film & Screen Media University College Cork, Ireland
Alfred Hiatt Professor of Medieval Studies Queen Mary, University of London
Antonia Aluko PhD Classics UCL
Bethan Turner Physics Alumni Queen Mary University of London
Luke Robinson Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Sussex
Jacob Hughes-Rodgers Film Officer QMUL Graduate in Film Studies
Rev’d Dr Emily Watson General Practitioner. BMA
Dr Sarah Chaney Honorary Research Fellow in History Queen Mary University of London
Professor Linda Ruth Williams Professor of Film University of Exeter
Dr Thoralf Dassler Senior Lecturer University of Westminster
Maks Del Mar Professor of Legal Theory and Legal Humanities QMUL
Hannah Fox English Former Queen Mary student
Dr Paul Dave
Xinyuan Wang MA Student in Film Studies QMUL
William Brown Assistant Professor of Film University of British Columbia
Dr Simon Murray Senior Lecturer in Theatre Studies University of Glasgow
Professor Jamie Medhurst Professor of Media and Communication Aberystwyth University
Ed Legon Lecturer QMUL, UCU
Dr Kaja Marczewska Head of Collections Research The National Archives
Ivonne Jofre Film Studies QMUL alumna
Dr. Des O’Rawe Senior Lecturer in Film Studies Queen’s University Belfast
Rachel Shanks Senior lecturer University of Aberdeen
Jennifer Warren Associate Lecturer and PhD candidate University of the Arts London
Øyvind Aamli Filmmaker / Academic Adviser DMU
Dr Joe Woodgate Research associate QMUL
Dr Nisha Ramayya Lecturer in Creative Writing (School of English and Drama) QMUL
Jade Evans PhD researcher Queen Mary University of London
Joshua Gulam Lecturer in Film Liverpool Hope University
Dr Elena Caoduro Lecturer in Media Analysis Queen's University Belfast
Pippa Catterall Professor of History and Policy University of Westminster
Kate Thompson Film studies alumni Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Nadia Atia Senior Lecturer in World Literature QMUL
Stefani Nedanova 3rd Assistant Director in Film & TV (former Film student) Queen Mary University of London
Louise Stevens Filmmaker
Professor Andrew Tudor Professor Emeritus, Dept of Theatre, Film, Television & Interactive Media University of York
Dr Carla Ambrósio Garcia Lecturer in Film and Media British University in Egypt
Prof Robert Gordon Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics University of Cambridge
Nora Baker PhD Researcher University of Oxford
Jeremy Bubb Senior Lecturer University of Roehampton
Hollie Student Uni of bath
Naomi Tunis Communications Coordinator (BA Hons Film Graduate) QMUL
Dr Maria-Adriana Deiana Lecturer in International Relations Queen’s University Belfast/ UCU Member
Professor Sarah Cooper Film Studies Department, King’s College London
Laura Seylar Permanent Collection Registrar
Professor Harriet Evans Professor Emerita (University of Westminster) and Visiting Professor in Anthropology, LSE University of Westminster/LSE
Dr Margaret Prior Lecturer in HRM University of Plymouth
Shaista Chishty PhD Student Cardiff University
Ellen Holmes Finance manager
Tom Fox Sports Performance Student University of Bath
Dr Peter Latham Lecturer in English and Comparative Literature QMUL
Dr Sarah Jankowitz Lecturer in Criminology Queen’s University Belfast
Natasha Burbridge PhD Candidate/QM alum University of Nottingham
Dr Mark Betz Reader in Film Studies King's College London
Dr Peter Rees Postdoctoral Researcher Goldsmiths College, University of London
Dr Lana Liu Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Newcastle University
Matt Howard Lecturer in Law University of Kent
Dr Philippa Lovatt Lecturer in Film Studies University of St Andrews
Lin Feng Associate Professor of Film Studies University of Leicester
Mark Raeburn Production Manager University of Brighton
Thomas P. Oléron-Evans Lecturer University College London
Gargi Bhattacharyya Professor of Sociology UEL
Dr Gábor Gergely Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of Lincoln
Dario Carugo Lecturer University College London
Dr Pasquale Iannone Lecturer in Film Studies University of Edinburgh
Diana Paton William Robertson Professor of History University of Edinburgh
Rhys Jones Lecturer in Contemporary Literature Birkbeck
Julie Rose Bower TA and PhD candidate, Department of Drama QMUL
Dr Stefan Solomon Senior Lecturer in Media Studies Macquarie University
Prof Peter Howarth Professor of Modern Literature QMUL
Vivienne Lo Professor of Chinese History UCL
Dr Chris Neilan Lecturer in Screenwriting & Development Edinburgh Napier University
Dr Becky Shaw Reader in Fine Art Sheffield Hallam University
Scott Doyle Undergraduate Student QMUL
Dr DP Tonge Lecturer Biomedical Sciences Keele University | Keele UCU
Dr Emily Robinson Reader in British Politics University of Sussex
Yvonne Ossei QMUL English Alumni
Dr Lana Liu Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Newcastle University
Inaya Basu Student, MA Film and Photographic Studies Leiden University
Professor Lee Jones Professor of Political Economy and International Relations Queen Mary University of London
Xander Computer science Oxford Brookes
Mark Scrimshaw Reader Brunel University London
Miss Juanita Baquero Film and TV Content Advisor - MA in Film Studies Queen Mary, University of London
Debora Zappala
Rocío Díaz Bravo Lecturer in Spanish Linguistics University of Granada (Spain)
Tabitha Morgan BA Drama and Film Studies QMUL
Dr Lawrence Lek Artist and Filmmaker
Dr PJ Lennon Lecturer in Spanish & Comparative Literature University of St Andrews
Dr Niall Geraghty Lecturer in Latin American Cultural Studies UCL
Sean Hooley  Acting Course Leader for Esports Management & Lecturer in Esports, Sports and Events Management Birmingham City University
Noa Saunders PhD Candidate in Literature and Film Boston University
Dr Harriet Fletcher Associate Lecturer Lancaster University
Souradeep Roy PhD student QMUL
Professor Matt Hills Professor of Media and Film University of Huddersfield
Dr. Eleni Axioti Lecturer University of the Arts London
Dr Musab Younis Lecturer in Politics QMUL
Dr Victor Ladron de Guevara Lecturer in Theatre Brunel University London
Jamie Roberts SLLF alumni
Dr Clive Nwonka Lecturer in Film, Culture and Society University College London
Gill Ritchie Technology Enhanced Learning Services Manager IT Services, Queen Mary University of London
Ronan McGovern MA Film Studies Student Queen Mary University of London
William Hardman University teacher University of Liverpool
Darya Yaitskaya PHD Candidate Film Studies/QMUL Film alumni Kings College London
Chris Wells PhD Student, English Literature The University of Sheffield
May Adadol Ingawanij Professor of Cinematic Arts University of Westminster
Dr David Butler Senior Lecturer in Drama and Film University of Manchester
Ms A Tshisekedi SPIR and SLLF student Queen Mary UoL
Clau Nader Teaching Assistant and PhD candidate in Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive media University of York
Mr  Nasiruddin G Shaikh Advocate and researcher Gujarat university
Liz DeGregorio
Dr. Joanne Bernardi Professor, Japanese and Film & Media Studies University of Rochester
Alex Fink Lecturer in Maths QMUL
Dr Michael Samuel Lecturer in Film and Tv University of Bristol
Jared Juliano Film Studies Alumnus (MA, 2007) QMUL
Dr Erin Harrington Senior Lecturer in English, Film and Cultural Studies University of Canterbury
Hon-Lee Poon Film Studies 2019 alumni
Zoe Rose Smith Head of Content Student
Prof Stephanie Dennison Director Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures
Professor Rüdiger Görner Centenary Professor of German and Director of the Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations QMUL
Dr Guven Demirel Lecturer in Supply Chain Management QMUL
Chantal Tucker Online Reading List Coordinator QMUL
Nariman Massoumi Senior Lecturer in Film and Television University of Bristol, Bristol UCU
Pierre Pica Dr Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
Dr Gary Caldwell Senior Lecturer, Marine Biology Newcastle University
Dr Rossella Catanese Postdoctoral Researcher University of Udine, Italy
Dr Lucy Donaldson Senior Lecturer in Film Studies University of St Andrews
Jules Deering Technical Director of Drama QMUL
Professor Shreepali Patel Prof Film & Screen, UAL & Hon Professor ARU
Professor Erica Carter Professor of German and Film King’s College London
Melanie Bhend Assistant Professor in Modern Languages University of Nottingham
Daniel Katz Professor of English and Comparative Lit University of Warwick
Dr Vicky Ball Senior Lecturer Cinema and Television Histories De Montfort University
Dr Laura Canning Course Leader, BA (Hons) Film Falmouth University
Simone Hazanavicius SLLF alumni QMUL
Dr Matthew Denny Teaching Fellow Film and Television Studies, University of Warwick
Laras Nicklin BA Film Studies QMUL
Heather Barsam Careers Consultant for SLLF Queen Mary University
Professor Richard Rushton Professor in Film Studies Lancaster University
David Mead Professor of UK Human Rights Law UEA
Sam Halliday Reader, English QMUL
Dr Fiona Bloomer Social Policy, Senior Lecturer Ulster University
Ed Oliver Former cartographer School of Geography, QMUL
Peter Alldridge Drapers' Professor of Law Queen Mary University of London
Dr Huw Marsh Senior Lecturer in Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Literature Queen Mary University of London
Dr Steve Presence Associate Professor, Film Studies UWE Bristol
Roger Cotterrell Anniversary Professor of Legal Theory QMUL
Julian Preece Professor of German, Deputy Chair of the EC, Council for the Defence of British Universities Swansea University
Nick Bernard Senior Lecturer in Law QMUL
Chris Berry Professor of Film Studies King's College London
Prof Lasse Thomassen Professor of Politics Queen Mary University of London
Omowunmi Adebambo Exams and Assessment Administrator SLLF, QMUL
Emily Moore BA History graduate Queen Mary University of London
Lucy Parker UCL
Dr Vlastimir Sudar Senior Lecturer in CHS for Filmmaking Kingston University
Professor Ratna Kapur Queen Mary University of London
Nikolaus Perneczky Leverhulme Early Career Fellow 2023-2026 QMUL
Dr Julian Stringer Associate Professor of Film and Television Studies University of Nottingham
Dr Monia Acciari Associate Professor il Film and Television History De Montfort University
Sophie Holmes-Elliott Lecturer in Sociolinguistics QMUL
Professor Lindiwe Dovey Professor of Film and Screen Studies SOAS University of London
Nile Connolly-Martin Film Studies BA / English BA Queen Mary graduate
Dr Natalie Sedacca Lecturer in Law University of Exeter
Professor Tanya Aplin Professor of Intellectual Property Law King's College London
Dr Jonathan Larcher Lecturer Université Paris Nanterre
Colin Moore Lecturer in Law University of Essex
Professor Wayne Morrison Professor of Law School of Law, Queen Mary University of London
Greg Singh Associate Professor University of Stirling
Prof. Catherine Fletcher Professor of History Manchester Metropolitan University
Olivia Wyatt PhD student in History QMUL
Caitlin Williams PhD Candidate QMUL
Dr Karine Chevalier Senior lecturer (film) University of roehampton
Nicola Ward Academic Liaison Librarian Manchester Metropolitan University / Unison
Professor Paul Curzon Professor of Computer Science QMUL
Tom Cornford Senior Lecturer School of Law, University of Essex
Dr Claire Hines Lecturer in Film Studies University of East Anglia
Chukwudi Dozie Teaching Fellow SLLF, QMUL
Dr Julian Ward Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh
Dr Joanna Orr Postdoctoral Research Assistant QMUL
Dr. Raynee Gutting Lecturer in Politics University of Essex
Dr Mara Arts Researcher Graduate of Birkbeck, University of London
Maria Laura Sciascia PhD student UCL
Professor Angus Nicholls Prof of Comp Lit and German QMUL
Catherine Johnson Professor of Media and Communications University of Huddersfield
Dr Judith Rifeser Lecturer Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Sarah Winkler-Reid Lecturer in Social Anthropology Newcastle University
Beth Roberts PhD student University of Surrey
Sonja Kleij Lecturer in English Language and Culture Radboud University, Nijmegen
Dr Owen Robinson Senior Lecturer in U.S. Literature University of Essex
Alison Rowlands Professor in European History University of Essex
Tahmima Choudhury Teaching and Records Administrator Queen Mary University of London
Hannah Dormor Alumni Engagement Coordinator Queen Mary University of London
Dr Nicole Graham Lecturer in Religious Studies University of Kent
Dr Helen Piper Associate Professor of Television Studies University of Bristol
Andrea Reyes Elizondo Researcher Leiden University, the Netherlands
Dr Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite Associate professor, twentieth century British history UCL
Amy Ryall UCU, The Open University
Prof. Matthew Purver Professor of Computational Linguistics Queen Mary University of London
Dr Malcolm Cook Associate Professor in Film University of Southampton
Rosamund Attwood QMUL Film Alumni QMUL, University of Cambridge, National Film and Television School
Dr Jonathan Dean Associate Professor of Politics, and general film nerd University of Leeds
David Scott Senior Lecturer, Film Production ARU
Catherine Wheatley Reader in Film and Visual Culture King's College London
Dr Stephen Butler Lecturer in English Literature Ulster University
Robert Gillett Emeritus Professor of German and Comparative Cultural Studies Queen Mary University of London
Adam O'Brien Associate Professor of Film University of Reading
Dr Katie Brown Senior Lecturer University of Exeter
Anne-Marie Creamer Senior Lecturer, Art programme Central Martins College of Art & Design, Convenor of HEARD Research hub, University of the Arts London Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, University of the Arts, London
Alex Culshaw Lecturer AUB
Nino Grillo Senior Lecturer in Linguistics University of York
Giorgia Pigato Queen Mary, University of London
Dave Churchley Integration Manager Newcastle University
Dr Annalisa Sonzogni Lecturer in Critical and Historical studies Kingston University
Dr Fiona Anderson Senior Lecturer in Art History Newcastle University
Dr Andrew Shail Senior Lecturer in Film Newcastle University
Hayley O'Hagan Research Degrees Officer QMUL
David Evans-Powell PhD Film Studies University of Birmingham
Dr Conal Ruddy Lecturer HCUC
Dr Laura McMahon Assistant Professor in Film University of Cambridge
Dr Jennifer Wallis Lecturer in History Imperial College London
Dr. Tarja Laine Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam
Shakti Lamba URF and Senior Lecturer University of Exeter
Dr Louis Goffe Research associate Newcastle University
Professor Ceri Sullivan Professor in English Literature Cardiff University
Dr Eli Vilar Senior Lecturer in Spanish Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Gary Jenkins NCUC UCU
Dr Erica Sheen University of York
Mandy Rose Professor UWE Bristol
Dr Claire A. Ross Lecturer in German University of Reading
Dr Ilektra Christidi Senior Research Software Developer UCL
Professor Pavel Drábek Professor of Drama and Theatre Practice University of Hull
Dr Daniel White Lecturer in Musicology University of Huddersfield
Dr Geoffrey Maguire University of Cambridge
Lillian Crawford Film writer and former film student University of Cambridge
Catherine Dousteyssier-Khoze Professor of French Durham University
Prof Allyson Pollock Clinical Professor  of Public Health Newcastle University
Mathew Wayne Parkin MFA Alumni Glasgow School of Art
Dr Chris Bundock Lecturer University of Essex
Dr. Sonia Campanini Goethe University Frankfurt
Dr Nikki J.Y. Lee Senior Lecturer in Asian Media Nottingham Trent University
Professor Jeroen de Kloet Head of Department of Media Studies University of Amsterdam
Laurence Champ Film Studies BA (2016 Graduate) QMUL
Ben Seville English teacher NEU
Dr Johnny Walker Associate Professor, Film and Media Northumbria University
Dr Dylan Kerrigan Lecturer University of Leicester
Jade Film studies alumni University
Dr. Amy M. Davis Lecturer in Film & Media Studies University of Hull
Professor Al James Professor of Economic Geography Newcastle University
Dr Kate Egan Senior Lecturer in Film and Media Northumbria University
Professor Alan Dignam Queen Mary University of London
Nadine Saupe Lecturer in German University of York
Lexa Olivera-Smith Senior Lecturer in Translation & Subtitling University of Essex
Kate Taylor-Jones Professor East Asian Cinema University of Sheffield
Dr Caroline Ruddell Reader in Film and Television Brunel University London
Dr Sharon Thompson Reader in Law Cardiff University
Dr Katherine Farrimond Senior Lecturer in Media and Cultural Studies University of Sussex
Dr Rosa Ainley Lecturer, Architecture and Communications Royal College of Art
Dr David Morris Research Fellow UAL / UCU CSM
Dr Chris Grosvenor Lecturer in Film Studies University of Exeter
Dr David Hartley Writer & Scholar University of Manchester & QMUL
Dr Jesus Martinez-Garcia Lecturer in Pure Mathematics University of Essex
Dr Lawrence Davies Early Career Research Fellow Newcastle University
Michael Bailey Sociology Essex University
Deivi Norberg Doctoral Student School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Ashley Woodward Senior Lecturer in Philosophy University of Dundee
Zara Joan Miller Filmmaker, Qmul alumni
Professor Florence Myles Language and Linguistics University of Essex
James Staunton-Price AHRC PhD Researcher in Anti-Extractive Filmmaking Pedagogy Aberystwyth, UWE. UCU.
Susan Pintzuk Professor Emeritus University of York
Angeliki Polatou PG Programme Coordinator School of Law, QMUL
Dr Jennifer Hoyal Cuthill Lecturer in Life Sciences University of Essex
Clare Mac Cumhaill Associate Professor Durham University
Dr Anthea Taylor Associate Professor, Department of Gender and Cultural Studies University of Sydney
Dr. Galia Kollectiv Senior Lecturer in Art London Metropolitan University, UCU
Dr. Pil Kollectiv Senior Tutor in Contemporary Art Practice Royal College of Art, UCU
Dr Martin Farr Senior Lecturer in Contemporary British History Newcastle University
Jo Hauge Artist QMUL alum
Dr Giulia Champion Lecturer / Research Assistant The University of Essex / The University Warwick
Godela Weiss-Sussex Professor of Modern German Literature Institute of Modern Languages Research
Dr Joe Hoover Senior Lecturer in Political Theory Queen Mary University of London
Dr Jordan Osserman Lecturer in Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex
Dr Giulio L Giusti Senior Lecturer SHU
Georgia Brown PhD (Film) Queen Mary, University of London
Neil Bromwich Senior Lecturer in Fine Art, Newcastle University
Dimitris Eleftheriotis Professor of Film Studies University of Glasgow
Dr Toby Wood Lecturer in Mathematics Newcastle University
Suzy Miller Goldsmiths PhD student
Dr. James Allen-Robertson Senior Lecturer in Sociology University of Essex
Professor Paul Foulkes Professor of Linguistics University of York
Dr Petros Karatsareas Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics University of Westminster
Professor Timo Jütten Professor of Philosophy University of Essex
Dr Richard Anderson Lecturer in History University of Aberdeen
Anne Mary Chelsey Selvarajah Reader in English Literature QMUL
Joshua Bullin MA Student, Film Studies, Programming & Curation National Film and Television School
Tracey Loughran Professor, History University of Essex
Dr Victor Fan Reader in Film and Media Philosophy King's College London
Dr Faisal Hamadah Assistant Professor of Postcolonial Studies Maastricht University
Dr Belén Vidal Reader in Film Studies King's College London
Charlotte Gleghorn Senior Lecturer in Latin American Film University of Edinburgh
Dr Martin Welton Reader in Theatre and Performance QMUL
Dr Andrea Nini Senior lecturer University of Manchester
John Currie Director, Beeston Film Festival  Accountant ACCA
Dr Ruth Doughty Programme Leader: Film Studies Liverpool John Moores University
Samuel Fisher PhD student / GTA KCL
Claire Nolan Filmmaker and QMUL Film Studies Alumni
Lorna Vassiliades PhD Candidate Drama, Teaching Fellow SLLF QMUL
Dr Ahmed Khaleel Associate lecturer in Arabic University of york
Lawrence Napper Senior Lecturer in Film Studies King’s College London
Gwennaëlle Counson QMUL English & Film Studies Alumna
Cecilia Corzo Film maker Royal College of Art
Maggi Hurt
Eugene Brennan Lecturer in International Politics University of London Institute in Paris
Vicki Thornton Senior Lecturer, BA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography  London College of Communication (UAL)
Paula James PhD ancient novel retired senior lecturer Open University UCU
Dr Flora Renz Senior Lecturer in Law University of Kent
Isabel Smith Masters Student (Film and TV Studies) University of Warwick
Dr Martin Deahl Consultant Psychiatrist Nil
Yari Perez Marin Associate Professor Durham University
Dr Amy Louise Morgan Lecturer in Medieval Literature University of Surrey
Eva Johanna Holmberg Visiting fellow School of History
Dr Diego García-Mejuto Lecturer in Urban Planning Newcastle University
Dr Jamie Sherry Reader in English Literature De Montfort University
Dr Caoimhe Mader McGuinness Senior Lecturer in Drama Kingston
Dr Amy Borsuk former QMUL TA and PhD student formerly QMUL
Mira Shapur Teaching Fellow, Language Centre QMUL
Toby Ashworth Phd in Film & Screen Studies University of Cambridge
Dr Lindsey German Senior Lecturer Employment Relations Hertfordshire Business School
Jamie Wyld Director, videoclub
Professor Des Freedman Head of Department, Media, Communications & Cultural Studies Goldsmiths, University of London
Natasha Marburger
Lewis Herries Graduate and Visiting Lecturer, MA Animation Royal College of Art
Dr Jules O’Dwyer Research Fellow in Film Studies University of Cambridge
Dr Tina Kendall Associate Professor of Film & Media Anglia Ruskin University
Jennifer Shearman Curator QMUL Alum
Dr Esther Murray Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology QMUL
Rudo Makoni English Literature Queen Mary University of London
Dr Angela Torresan Masters in Visual Anthropology Programme Director University of Manchester
Colleen Cotter Linguistics Department QMUL
Dr Akshi Singh Postdoctoral Fellow QMUL
Alexandra Markovic
Dr Chris Kempshall Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Exeter
Dr Emily Harmer Senior Lecturer in Media University of Liverpool
Pippa Catterall Professor of History and Policy University of Westminster
Professor Stacey Abbott Professor of Film and Television University of Roehampton
Matthew Symonds Senior Research Associate UCL
Dr Rachel Herrmann Senion Lecturer in Modern American History Cardiff University
Dr. Leon Jackson Associate Professor of English University of South Carolina
Dr Emre Tarim Lecturer Lancaster University
Benjamin Thomas White Senior Lecturer in History University of Glasgow
Ingrid Sharp Professor of German cultural and Gender history University of Leeds UCU
Matthew Charles Senior lecturer, Humanities University of Westminster
Dr Michael Cook RAE Research Fellow Queen Mary University of London
Dr Sarah Thomas Senior Lecturer in Communication and Media University of Liverpool
Che Stone-Edwards Film Studies with Drama student Qmul
Alexis Alvarez-Nakagawa School of Law
Anja Prummer Senior Lecturer QMUL
Dr Sarah Godfrey Senior Lecturer University of East Anglia
Dr Steven M. Foster Associate Lecturer The Open University
Georgie Carr PhD (Film) University of Sussex
Dr Jeremiah Garsha Assistant Professor of Global History University College Dublin
Dr Maayan Geva Lecturer in Criminology University of Roehampton
Mantalena Sotiriadou Research Integrity Manager University of Essex
Professor Jerome de Groot English University of Manchester
Dr Ronald Hartz Interim Professor of Work, HRM and Organisation University of Duisburg-Essen
Dr Brodie Waddell Senior Lecturer Birkbeck, University of London
Dr Rebecca Bates Lecturer in Environmental Law QMUL
Max Riviera PhD student UCL
Tom Cowin Doctoral Tutor and Researcher University of Sussex
Dr Lindsay Bywood Senior Lecturer University of Westminster
Olivia Blair PhD student University of Kent
Dr Catherine Laing Lecturer University of York
Dr Jacqueline Rattray Lecturer in Modern Literature Goldsmiths
Prof Ghada Khattab Professor in Phonetics and Phonology Newcastle University
Dr Martin James Lecturer University of Birmingham
Chris McCabe Library at Home volunteer Unite Community
Caro Williams Artist
Nihl Hutnyk Student Queen Elizabeth's
Émile Blake-Harbord Queen Elizabeth's
Lara Mubaydeen Writer & Filmmaker, BA and MA Film Studies alumna Queen Mary University of London
Dafydd Huw Rees Lecturer in Philosophy Cardiff University
Vedran Velagic, MD, PhD Assistant Professor University of Zagreb
Wolf Wilson BA History Alumni
Zenobia Bharmal QMUL Almuni
Dr Helen Kingstone Research Fellow University of Surrey
Dr Paul Newland Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange University of Worcester
Bridget Escolme Professor of Theatre and Performance School of English and Drama QMUL
Dr Leslie James Sr Lecturer in History QMUL
Olive Parker Film Studies alumni QMUL
Dr Jamie Woodcock Senior Lecturer The Open University
Dr Huw Jones Lecturer in Film Studies University of Southampton
Karen Dale Professor Lancaster University
Gibson Burrell Professor Manchester University
Dr Melanie Richter-Montpetit Senior Lecturer in International Security University of Sussex
Phillip Tipton Lecturer in Linguistics University of Salford
Dr Jo Henderson Senior Lecturer Contextual Studies UWL  UCU
Professor Lucy Munro Professor of Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature King’s College London
Dr Silke Panse Reader in Film, Art and Philosophy University for the Creative Arts
Sophie Chamas Lecturer in Gender Studies SOAS, University of London
Prof John L. Drever Co-Head, Unit for Sound Practice Research Goldsmiths, University of London
Ed Owles Filmmaker Associate Lecturer, Goldsmiths
Dr Isabelle McNeill Lecturer in French and Film Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge
Sofiya Imran Alumni QMUL LLM
Chris Groenveld PhD student University of Sussex
Laura Lennuyeux-Comnene PhD student , department of Psychology City, University of London
Dr Rachel Moore Convener MA Film and Screen MCCS, Goldsmiths
Professor Kate Bedford University of Birmingham
Billy Jones 3rd year History QMUL
Graeme Arnfield Filmmaker and Visiting Artist to QMUL
Ellen Paine Programme Administrator SLLF QMUL
Dr Alice Finden Assistant Professor of International Politics Durham University
Michael Witt Professor of Cinema School of Arts, University of Roehampton
Dr Will Higbee Professor of Film, Head of Film and Television Studies University of Exeter
Dr Emma Wagstaff Associate Professor University of Birmingham
Dr Siavash Bakhtiar Lecturer in Humanities University of Westminster
Kitty Howarth BAO UCU UoN UCU University of Nottingham
Rahul Rao Lecturer University of St Andrews
Liz Farahadi Filmmaker and Director of Soho London Independent Film Festival I work in the film industry and am very aware of the incredible work done with the students. To have this kind of interference is completely detrimental to the students and their incredible teachers.  
Dr Abigail Boucher Lecturer Aston University
Randy Banks Professional Services (Retired) UCU
Dr Maria Flood Senior Lecturer in World Cinemas, Subject Lead for Film University of Liverpool
Hayley O'Hagan Research Degrees Officer QMUL
Julia Rollitt Admissions Recruitment and Marketing SLLF (QMUL)
Dr Gil Toffell Former Leverhulme Early Career Fellow at QM
Dr Kulraj Phullar Former QMUL Film Studies teaching assistant
Denise Wong PhD / Teaching Associate Queen Mary University of London
Amanda Langley Postgraduate Research Student QMUL
Dr Graham White Professor of Drama University of Roehampton
Seemab Producer/director London Film School
Dr Dominic Topp Lecturer in Film University of Kent
Ali AlAttar Student Imperial College of London
Sabiha Allouche Lecturer in Politics University of Exeter
Dave Fogg Postles Ubite
Dr Rich Moth Senior Lecturer Liverpool Hope University
Dr Graham Clarke Visiting Fellow, Psychoanalytic Studies University of Essex and UCU
Dr L Tokarchuk Senior Lecturer EECS, QMUL
Dr Serafeim Perdikis Lecturer University of Essex
K Kwok SLLF Alumnus QMUL
Prof. Paul Kerswill Emeritus Professor of Sociolinguistics University of York
Bob Tsukada Bright Senior Lecturer University of Greenwich
Matteo Falomi School of Philosophy and Art History University of Essex
Jamie Sexton Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies Northumbria University
Dr Dimitra Lazaridou-Chatzigoga Affiliated Lecturer University of Cambridge
Eve Chrysogonou 2nd year Politics and International Relations Queen Mary University of London
Antioco Floris Professor of Film Studies University of Cagliari, Italy
Prof. Ann Taylor Emeritus Professor English Language and Linguistics University of York
Prof. Andreas Bieler Professor of Political Economy University of Nottingham
Dr Lorena Salud Gadella Kamstra Lecturer in Linguistics University of Essex
Tia Debenham History BA QMUL
Dr Pei-Sze Chow Assistant Professor of Media and Culture University of Amsterdam
Drazen Cepic Assistant Professor University of Zadar
Dr Matt Bennett Senior research officer (postdoc) University of Essex, UCU
Dornu Agbloe Actor Non Union
Dr Tom Whittaker Reader in Film and Spanish Cultural Studies University of Warwick
Suzanne Leonard Professor of Literature and Writing Simmons University
Dr Lyle Skains Principal Academic in Health and Science Communication Bournemouth University
Dr. Ruth Maclennan Artist, lecturer MRes in Moving Image Central Saint Martins UAL
Professor Mario Weick Durham University
Una Byrne  (Former QMUL employee and QMUL UNISON rep) GMB
Dr Daniel O’Brien Lecturer in Film and Digital Media Studies University of Essex
Professor Tracey Hill Professor of Early Modern Literature & Culture Bath Spa University
Dr Subir Sinha Reader in Development Studies SOAS, London
Alys Scott-Hawkins   Visiting Tutor Arts University Bournemouth
Dr Tarquin Holmes Research Administrator University of Oxford
Kim Gilchrist Lecturer in English Literature Cardiff University
Dr Liz Oakley-Brown Senior Lecturer Lancaster University
Dr Laura Sangha Senior Lecturer in History University of Exeter
Cathrine Degnen Professor, Social and Cultural Anthropology Newcastle University
Philip Schwyzer Professor of English University of Exeter
Dr Lucy Clarke Teaching Fellow Warwick
Helen Goodluck Professor Emerita University of York, UK
Joe Mason-Jones Film Studies alumni QMUL
Professor Natalie Fenton Goldsmiths
Michaela Collord Assistant Professor University of Nottingham
Dr Sarah Neely Senior Lecturer University of Glasgow
Dr. Nora Stone Filmmaker, Visiting Instructor University of Alabama
Robert Sharp MA Former Film Studies Student University of Nottingham
Alysha Nelson Artist, BA Film Studies 2019 Queen Mary University of London
Dr Anthony P McIntyre Lecturer in Film and Media University College Dublin
Dr Sarah Martindale Nottingham Research Fellow and QMUL alumna University of Nottingham
Dr Barry Nevin Lecturer in French TU Dublin
Dr Emily Jones Lecturer in Modern History University of Manchester
Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott Anniversary Chair in Law QMUL
Jill Harbord PhD student University of Sussex
Prof Bill Burgwinkle University of Cambridge
Dr Nessa Johnston Lecturer, Communications and Media University of Liverpool
Dr Rebecca Bowler Senior Lecturer in English Literature Keele University
Prof. Nikolaj Lubecker Professor of French and Film Studies University of Oxford
Dr Jonathan Ervine Head of Modern Languages and Cultures Bangor University
Dr Gyorgy Toth Lecturer University of Stirling, UCU
Nicola Frith Senior Lecturer in Francophone Studies University of Edinburgh
Holly Aylett Associate Research Fellow Birkbeck
Yuehan Liu PhD student QMUL
Sebastian Berns Teaching Fellow and PhD researcher Queen Mary University of London
Emma Sandon Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Birkbeck
Emma Kennedy Senior Lecturer in HE Learning and Teaching University of Greenwich
Alison Smith lecturer in French and Film Studies, University of Liverpool
Dr Greg Herman Senior Lecturer Swansea University
Dr Mike Niblett Lecturer University of Warwick
Dr Jean Braybrook Senior Lecturer in French (retired) Birkbeck
Bruna Foletto Lucas PhD Student Kingston University
Rainie Tamakloe Bsc Computer Science
Sharon Bernor Programme Administrator (SLLF) QMUL
Sesilia Niehaus Project Assistant University of Aberdeen
Prof. Natalie Edwards Professor of French University of Adelaide
Prof. Clare Finburgh Delijani Director of Research, Department of Theatre and Performance Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Michael Szpakowski Artist & writer UCU member
Ewan Jones Associate Professor in English University of Cambridge
Georgina Le Breuilly PhD candidate King’s College London
Dr Marion Hallet Scientific Fellow University of Namur, Belgium
Nick austen I’m a student School
Jenny Thompson Tutor Morley College UCU
Dr Stephen Watkins Lecturer in English Literature University of Derby
Professor Raymond Kuhn Emeritus professor of Politics Queen Mary University of London
Shelley Angelie Saggar PhD candidate, English University of Kent
Dr Ann Miller Senior Lecturer (retired) in French University of Leicester
Ethan Williamson MSc Film Studies Student UoE
David Cunningham Professor of Modern and Contemporary Literature University of Westminster
Andy Kimpton-Nye Producer/director Fan
David Ewing PhD student in French University of Cambridge
Anne Goldgar Professor of European History University of Southern California, and formerly KCL
Jess Goebel MA student QMUL
James Harriman-Smith Lecturer Newcastle University
Professor Emma Wilson Modern and Medieval Languages University of Cambridge
Prof Lisa Blackman Professor of Media and Communications Goldsmiths, University of London
Dr Stefania Di Ció Postdoc Qmul
Mike Just Associate Professor Heriot-Watt University
Lucy Wardley QMUL Alumna & Producer at Open City Documentary Festival UCL
Prof. Jonathan hardy Professor of Communications and Media University of the Arts London
Dr Jan Machielsen Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History Cardiff University
Dr Tom Roberts Lecturer in English Exeter College, Oxford
Dr Hugo Azerad Associate Professor, French and Comparative literature and Fil University of Cambridge/Magdalene College
Dr Mike Esbester Senior Lecturer in History University of Portsmouth
Prof Ruth Ahnert Professor of Literary History and Digital Humanities QMUL
Dr Doriane Zerka Leverhulme Early Career Fellow University of Cambridge
Dr Kat Hill Senior Lecturer in early modern history Birkbeck
Zsofia Szemeredy . Film& History joint degree. Film professional Alumni
Laura Tisdall Postdoctoral Fellow in History Newcastle University
Dr Olga Kourelou Independent scholar
Executive Committee of BAFTSS ( Dr Liz Watkins on behalf of BAFTSS EC) Chair of BAFTSS British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies
Dr Mark Williams Reader in Early Modern History Cardiff University
Dr Nicola Clark Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History University of Chichester
Débora Staryfurman Lecturer in Spanish University of Westminster
Patricia Caillé Associate Professor - Communications Université de Strasbourg
Dr Julie Rodgers Associate Professor of French Maynooth University
Prof. Thomas Pollet Professor of Psychology Northumbria University
Maddie Davies Film Studies Graduate 2018 Queen Mary UoL
Dr Dion Georgiou Senior Lecturer in Modern History and Politics University of Chichester (QMUL alumnus)
Adan Yassin PGR in Geography KCL
Gideon Nisbet Reader in Classics University of Birmingham
Andy Stafford Professor of French and Critical Theory University of Leeds
Dr Ella Dzelzainis Lecturer in English Literature Newcastle University
Dr Martina Williams Teaching Associate University of Nottingham
Dr Nicki Kindersley Lecturer Cardiff University
Dr David L Clements Reader Imperial College London
Tom Mitchell Postdoctoral Researcher Centre for Microvascular Research, QMUL
Dr Apurba Kundu Deputy Dean (Education) ARU
William Fowler Curator, BFI National Archive
Dr Deborah Toner Associate Professor of History University of Leicester
Dr Debbie De Girolamo Reader in Law QMUL
Dr Alexis Moraitis Lecturer Lancaster University
Professor Susan Harrow Ashley Watkins Chair of French University of Bristol
Ion Belesis Student Former History Student at Queen Mary University
Dr. Kyle Barrett Lecturer in Screen and Media The University of Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand
Connor Lempriere QMUL alumnus TSSA
Dr David Roberts Lecturer in Roman Archaeology Cardiff University
Dr Arushi Garg Lecturer in Criminal Law University of Sheffield
Ian Christie Professor Birkbeck, University of London
Rebecca Woods Lecturer in Language and Cognition Newcastle University
Amelia Smith-Gibbs Former QMUL Film Studies student, former QMSU staff, and former QM Unison Member
Prof Eric Robertson Dept of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Royal Holloway, University of London
Annette Kuhn Emeritus Professor in Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Dr Geoff Goodwin Lecturer in Global Political Economy University of Leeds
Robin Howells,  Professor Emeritus, Retired academic Birkbeck, University of London
Marilena Parouti Film Studies BA & MA Queen Mary University
Dr Dan Stowell Associate Professor Formerly of QMUL (until 2020)
Maitê conde Professor University of cambridge
Poppy Wild Politics undergraduate University of Cardiff
James Wilson
Emily University of Iowa (USA)
Rebecca Morrison PhD student QMUL
Anahita Razmi Lecturer in Fine Art Central Saint Martins
Teresa Pelinski PhD student in Artificial Intelligence and Music Queen Mary University of London
Roy Sterritt Lecturer in Informatics Ulster University
Dr Bridget Conor Associate Professor, Communications University of Auckland
Dr Maryam Ghorbankarimi Lecturer in Film Practice Lancaster University
James Canellos Producer/Field Manager - Film/TV Emerson College
Sarah Pyke Postdoctoral Research Fellow Anglia Ruskin University
Jose Fevereiro Research Associate University of Sheffield
Dr Claire Lozier Associate professor in French ad Film University of Leeds
Serafima Buravsky Film Studies Graduate QMUL
Serafima Buravsky Film Studies Grad QMUL
Jean-Thomas Tremblay Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities York University
Dr Matilda Mroz Lecturer in Film Studies University of Sydney
Prof Adrian Renton Emeritus Professer University of East London
Daniela Treveri Gennari Professor of Cinema Studies Oxford Brookes University
Prue Tsylor Senior Lecturer University of Auckland, New Zealand
Cecile Guigui Phd candidate QMUL
Dr Alice Blackhurst Lecturer in French St John's College, University of Oxford
Cansu Yilmaz PhD Candidate in Film Studies Ankara University
Dr Reza Zia-Ebrahimi Reader in History King’s College London
Harriet Corke Writer/MA student KCL; QMUL alumni (BA English, 2018)
Rei Terada Professor of Comparative Literature,  Director of Critical Theory University of California, Irvine
Prof. Hans Lindahl Chair of Global Law Queen Mary University of London
John Adenitire Strategic Lecturer in Law QMUL
Cinnomen McGuigan Creative Writing student and VP Education Open University
Professor Pamela Abbott Professor Aberdeen
Dr Stephen Whiteman Reader, History of Art The Courtauld
Nicky Hamlyn Professor in Experimental Film. University for the Creative Arts,  Canterbury.
Professor Julian Stallabrass Art History Courtauld Institute
Dr Gwyneth Lonergan Research Fellow Lancaster University
Dr David Mills Lecture in imaging and calcified tissues QMUL
Dr Sahra Taylor Visiting Lecturer in Social and Political Theory City, University of London; City UCU
Susan Wiseman English Theatre & Creative Writing Birkbeck'
Dr Daniel Lee Senior Lecturer in Modern French History Queen Mary University of London
Dr Kim Trogal Reader University for the Creative Arts
Prof Dorothy Price The Courtauld Institute of Art
Tom Crookston Social Media Manager QMUL
Pamela Hutchinson Freelance writer Society of Authors
Dr Jonathan Lewis Lecturer Bangor University
Patricia Prieto-Blanco Lecturer, Media and Cultural Studies Lancaster UCU
Barbara Schenkel PhD student, Centre of Gender Studies SOAS, University of London
Dr Ruth Hemus Head of Department, Languages, Literatures and Cultures Royal Holloway University
Keifer N Taylor Filmmaker & Photographer Alumni
Dr William Wright Postdoc in Physical and Chemical Sciences QMUL
Tatiana Wnek BA French and Film QMUL
Tom Musgrove PhD Candidate QMUL
Prof Jo Applin Courtauld Institute of Art, London
Laura Tisdall Postdoctoral Fellow in History Newcastle University
Dr Mark Williams Reader in Early Modern History Cardiff University
Dr Nicola Clark Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History University of Chichester
Débora Staryfurman Lecturer in Spanish University of Westminster
Patricia Caillé Associate Professor - Communications Université de Strasbourg
Dr Julie Rodgers Associate Professor of French Maynooth University
Prof. Thomas Pollet Professor of Psychology Northumbria University
Maddie Davies Film Studies Graduate 2018 Queen Mary UoL
Dr Dion Georgiou Senior Lecturer in Modern History and Politics University of Chichester (QMUL alumnus)
Adan Yassin PGR in Geography KCL
Gideon Nisbet Reader in Classics University of Birmingham
Andy Stafford Professor of French and Critical Theory University of Leeds
Dr Ella Dzelzainis Lecturer in English Literature Newcastle University
Dr Martina Williams Teaching Associate University of Nottingham
Dr Nicki Kindersley Lecturer Cardiff University
Dr David L Clements Reader Imperial College London
Tom Mitchell Postdoctoral Researcher Centre for Microvascular Research, QMUL
Dr Apurba Kundu Deputy Dean (Education) ARU
William Fowler Curator, BFI National Archive
Dr Deborah Toner Associate Professor of History University of Leicester
Dr Debbie De Girolamo Reader in Law QMUL
Dr Alexis Moraitis Lecturer Lancaster University
Professor Susan Harrow Ashley Watkins Chair of French University of Bristol
Ion Belesis Student Former History Student at Queen Mary University
Dr. Kyle Barrett Lecturer in Screen and Media The University of Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand
Connor Lempriere QMUL alumnus TSSA
Dr David Roberts Lecturer in Roman Archaeology Cardiff University
Dr Arushi Garg Lecturer in Criminal Law University of Sheffield
Ian Christie Professor Birkbeck, University of London
Rebecca Woods Lecturer in Language and Cognition Newcastle University
Amelia Smith-Gibbs Former QMUL Film Studies student, former QMSU staff, and former QM Unison Member
Prof Eric Robertson Dept of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Royal Holloway, University of London
Annette Kuhn Emeritus Professor in Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Dr Geoff Goodwin Lecturer in Global Political Economy University of Leeds
Robin Howells,  Professor Emeritus, Retired academic Birkbeck, University of London
Marilena Parouti Film Studies BA & MA Queen Mary University
Dr Dan Stowell Associate Professor Formerly of QMUL (until 2020)
Maitê conde Professor University of cambridge
Poppy Wild Politics undergraduate University of Cardiff
James Wilson
Emily University of Iowa (USA)
Rebecca Morrison PhD student QMUL
Anahita Razmi Lecturer in Fine Art Central Saint Martins
Teresa Pelinski PhD student in Artificial Intelligence and Music Queen Mary University of London
Roy Sterritt Lecturer in Informatics Ulster University
Dr Bridget Conor Associate Professor, Communications University of Auckland
Dr Maryam Ghorbankarimi Lecturer in Film Practice Lancaster University
James Canellos Producer/Field Manager - Film/TV Emerson College
Sarah Pyke Postdoctoral Research Fellow Anglia Ruskin University
Jose Fevereiro Research Associate University of Sheffield
Dr Claire Lozier Associate professor in French ad Film University of Leeds
Serafima Buravsky Film Studies Graduate QMUL
Serafima Buravsky Film Studies Grad QMUL
Jean-Thomas Tremblay Assistant Professor of Environmental Humanities York University
Dr Matilda Mroz Lecturer in Film Studies University of Sydney
Prof Adrian Renton Emeritus Professer University of East London
Daniela Treveri Gennari Professor of Cinema Studies Oxford Brookes University
Prue Tsylor Senior Lecturer University of Auckland, New Zealand
Cecile Guigui Phd candidate QMUL
Dr Alice Blackhurst Lecturer in French St John's College, University of Oxford
Cansu Yilmaz PhD Candidate in Film Studies Ankara University
Dr Reza Zia-Ebrahimi Reader in History King’s College London
Harriet Corke Writer/MA student KCL; QMUL alumni (BA English, 2018)
Rei Terada Professor of Comparative Literature,  Director of Critical Theory University of California, Irvine
Prof. Hans Lindahl Chair of Global Law Queen Mary University of London
John Adenitire Strategic Lecturer in Law QMUL
Cinnomen McGuigan Creative Writing student and VP Education Open University
Professor Pamela Abbott Professor Aberdeen
Dr Stephen Whiteman Reader, History of Art The Courtauld
Nicky Hamlyn Professor in Experimental Film. University for the Creative Arts,  Canterbury.
Professor Julian Stallabrass Art History Courtauld Institute
Dr Gwyneth Lonergan Research Fellow Lancaster University
Dr David Mills Lecture in imaging and calcified tissues QMUL
DR Sahra Taylor Visiting Lecturer in Social and Political Theory City, University of London; City UCU
Susan Wiseman English Theatre & Creative Writing Birkbeck'
Dr Daniel Lee Senior Lecturer in Modern French History Queen Mary University of London
Dr Kim Trogal Reader University for the Creative Arts
Prof Dorothy Price The Courtauld Institute of Art
Tom Crookston Social Media Manager QMUL
Pamela Hutchinson Freelance writer Society of Authors
Dr Jonathan Lewis Lecturer Bangor University
Patricia Prieto-Blanco Lecturer, Media and Cultural Studies Lancaster UCU
Barbara Schenkel PhD student, Centre of Gender Studies SOAS, University of London
Dr Ruth Hemus Head of Department, Languages, Literatures and Cultures Royal Holloway University
Keifer N Taylor Filmmaker & Photographer Alumni
Dr William Wright Postdoc in Physical and Chemical Sciences QMUL
Tatiana Wnek BA French and Film QMUL
Tom Musgrove PhD Candidate QMUL
Prof Jo Applin Courtauld Institute of Art, London
Professor Matt Houlbrook Head of the Department of HIstory University of Birmingham
Dr Klara Kemp-Welch Reader Courtauld Institute of Art
Dr Tim Causer Senior Research Fellow Faculty of Laws, University College London
Dr Chris Millard Senior Lecturer in the History of Medicine and Medical Humanities University of Sheffield
Prof Kevin Malone Lecturer in Film Composition Univ of Manchester
Millie Wild ESOL lecturer New City College, UCU rep
Sanaz Raji Visiting Researcher, Northumbria University & Campaigner, Unis Resist Border Controls (URBC) Northumbria University & Unis Resist Border Controls (URBC)
Michael Moriarty Drapers Professor of French University of Cambridge
Simon Leese Researcher Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Thomas Jochum-Critchley Lecturer in German University of York
James Chapman Professor of Film Studies University of Leicester
David Mayer Emeritus Professor of Drama & Research Professor University of Manchester
Micki Colker-Pearlman 1st Assistant Director, former student in Film Studies QMUL
Neil Suttie Lecturer in Games Technology The University of the Creative Arts
Dr Kim Charnley Lecturer Art History Open University
Fiona Bardsley Freelance Deputy Stage Manager Equity
Ed Hadfield PhD candidate University of Westminster
Dr Anna Sturrock Lecturer / UKRI Future Leaders Fellow University of Essex
Dr Michael W. Thomas Postdoctoral Research Fellow SOAS, University of London
Dr Katrin Ettenhuber Faculty of English University of Cambridge
Lynda Fitzwater Senior Lecturer, Business School University for the Creative Arts
trevor Mulgrew Artist  Socialist
Dr Bee Hughes Lecturer, Media, Culture, Communication, LJMU Chair, LJMU UCU & UCU NEC
Professor Diana Holmes Professor of French University of Leeds
Becky Gardiner Snr lecturer, Media Culture & Communications, Goldsmiths UCU
Dr Chris Moores Associate Professor, History University of Birmingham
Spencer Curtin Producer (former MA Documentary Practice student) University
Raktim Ray Lecturer UCL
Dr Rowan Rose Boyson Reader in Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Literature King's College London
Dr Elaine Swan Senior Lecturer in Management University of Sussex
Penny Welch Honorary Research Fellow University of Wolverhampton
Dr Sarah Comyn Assistant Professor University College Dublin
Dr Feyzi Ismail Lecturer in Global Policy and Activism Goldsmiths, University of London
Henry K. Miller Senior Research Fellow University of Reading
Dr Alkistis Pourtsidou UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Reader in Theoretical Astrophysics University of Edinburgh
Robin Deacon Artist and Curator
Dr Tessa Baker Reader in Physics QMUL
 Brian Dillon Professor of Creative Writing QMUL
Séagh Kehoe Lecturer in Chinese Studies University of Westminster
Gavin Butt Professor of Fine Art Northumbria University
Dr Owen Parry Lecturer in Critical Studies Fine Art Central Saint Martins, UAL
Dr Claire Reid Senior Teaching Fellow University of Portsmouth
Nicolas Helm-Grovas
Dr Andrew D Wilson Reader in Psychology Leeds Beckett University
Hope Walket Faculty Western Governors University
Casci Ritchie PhD (Design) Notthumbria University
Dr Fraser Elliott Lecturer in Film, Exhibition and Curation University of Edinburgh
Dr Jonathan Murray Senior Lecturer in Film and Visual Culture University of Edinburgh
Tom Schindler Professional services, Medicine & Dentistry QMUL
Theo Anton PhD student QMUL
Katharine Hodgkin Professor School of Arts and Creative Industries, University of East London
Dr Cecilia Muratori Honorary Fellow/Marie Curie Fellow QMUL (Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations)/Ca' Foscari Università di Venezia
Dr Melissa Schuh Lecturer Kiel University (Germany)
Dyfrig Jones Senior Lecturer in Film Bangor University
Theresa Easton lecturer in Fine Art UCU & AUE
Dr Shela Sheikh Lecturer, Postcolonial Cultural Studies Goldsmiths, University of London
Thomas Chesworth Incoming Comparative Literature PhD candidate University of Birmingham
Prof Rebecca Coleman Bristol Digital Futures Institute University of Bristol
Dana Moreno Furniture Design BA Tutor - Rycotewood Furniture Centre and Oxford Brookes University Curatorial Administrator - Tate Britain
Marcin Waszak Furniture Design and Make Tutor Rycotewood Furniture Centre
Dr H.M. Altorf Research Fellow, Iris Murdoch Institute, University of Chichester  
Dr Samantha Colling Senior Lecturer Manchester Metropolitan University
Emmeline May Film Studies BA Student QMUL
Dr Martina Deny Senior Lecturer and Coordinator in German Language Studies QMUL
Dr Xuelei Huang Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh
Dr Sridhar Govindarajan Senior Lecturer In engineering De Montfort University
Bradley Stephens Associate Professor in French Literature University of Bristol
Dr Diana Damian Martin Senior Lecturer, Performance Arts Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
Luke Gent PhD researcher University of central Lancashire
Prof Dina Iordanova Emerita Professor in Global Cinema University of St Andrews
Amber C History BA QMUL
Dr. Ranita Chatterjee Senior Lecturer in Film and Television Studies University of Exeter
Jessica Wise UEA
Shivani Hassard PhD Graduand QMUL
Dr A. Haziz-Ginsberg Lecturer King's College London
Sara Student QMUL
Dr Anna Zueva Senior Lecturer in Management University of Huddersfield
Dionne Tims Music TU Dublin
Dr Ana Maria Sanchez-Arce Reader in Contemporary and Postcolonial Literatures Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Alexandra Kokoli Middlesex University
Professor Akane Kawakami Professor of French Birkbeck, University of London
Amanda Couch Senior Lecturer in Fine Art University for the Creative Arts
Steve Fore Associate Professor (ret.) City University of Hong Kong
Dr. John Keefe Senior Lecturer London Metropolitan University
Emily Frisby EAP tutor UCA
Dr Rebecca Sykes Critical and Historical Studies Royal College of Art
Iman Hadya Niazi Khan PhD Student Loughborough University London
Gordon Asher Independent Scholar University of Glasgow
Dr Elisa Wynne-Hughes Senior Lecturer in International Relations Cardiff University
Dr Aidan Power Lecturer in Film University of Exeter
Dr Jacob Harrison Post-Doctoral Research Assistant QMUL
Dr Jonas Larsson Senior Lecturer Royal Holloway University of London
Dr Jonathan Jarrett Associate Professor of Early Medieval History University of Leeds (and ex-QMUL staff)
Katerina Flint-Nicol Lecturer in Film Studies QUB
Clair Sharpe Liaison Librarian University of Liverpool (UCU)
Paul Wheeler Technical Tutor University for the creative arts
Gareth Thomas (SFHEA) Senior Lecturer Music & Cimmunications University for the Creative Arts/UCU
Matthew Fuller Professor of Cultural Studies Goldsmiths, University of London
Lois Weaver Professor of Contemporary Performance Practice QMUL
Joe Solomon Producer/ Director Spoil Productions Ltd
Natalie Cubides-Brady Filmmaker
John Cleary Associate Prof  Languages Heriot-Watt University
Dr Matthew Mesley Learning Development Advisor  University of Plymouth
Anna Colgan Associate Lecturer The Open University
Brittany Eldridge Doctoral Student UCL
Jade Phillips MSc Information Security Student Royal Holloway University of London
Dr Karl McCreadie Lecturer Ulster University
Dr Patricia A Vargas Associate Professor Heriot-Watt University
Mark Dillingham Professor of Biochemistry University of Bristol
Dennis Pirdzuns PhD candidate in Political Theory & Teaching Assistant University of Manchester
Dr Chris Lloyd Mills Lecturer Nottingham Trent University
Dr Anastasia Christou Associate Professor & UCU Branch Chair Middlesex University
Professor Hazel Conley University of the West of England
Dr Samantha Youles Senior Research Associate in Cosmology University of Portsmouth
Sandrine Devlin Lecturer in French University of York
Dr Miriam Goldby Professor QMUL
Mark Van Hoecke Professor of Comparative Law Queen Mary University of London
Robert Wilson Emeritus Professor QMUL Mathematics
Dr David Calder Lecturer in Theatre & Performance Studies University of Manchester
Xiaofan Li Lecturer UCL
Dr Annalaura Alifuoco Lecturer in Drama and Performance Studies Liverpool Hope University
Sunil Banga Senior Teaching Fellow President, Lancaster UCU
Professor Vincent Gaffney MBE FSA Anniversary Chair in Landscape Archaeology University of Bradford
Dr Kara Reilly Senior Lecturer, Drama EUCU/ University of Exeter
Helen Lowles-Hourigan Lecturer ESOL Oaklands College / UCU
Prof. Rob Knell Professor of Evolutionary Ecology QMUL
Dr Alessia Risi Lecturer in Italian and Film University of Exeter
Peter Brett Senior Lecturer in International Politics QMUL
Dr Alessia Risi Lecturer in Italian and Film University of Exeter
Professor Philip Crang Professor of Cultural Geography Royal Holloway University of London
Ben Balcom Assistant Professor UW-Milwaukee, AFT 3535
Omeiza Haruna
Prof Eric Olson University of Sheffield
Iris Vidmar Jovanovic Assistant professor University of Rijeka
Dr Laura Kormos Senior Lecturer in Physics Lancaster University
Dr. Terri Ginsberg Assistant Professor School of Cinema, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
André Pettman PhD Candidate Columbia University
sarah ballard Lecturer, MFA Candidate in Cinematic Arts University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, AFT Local 3535
Luisa B PhD Candidate - Health Humanities University College London
Dr Charlotte Wrigley Postdoctoral fellow in environmental history University of Stavanger
Dr. Roger Brock Senior Lecturer University of Leeds
Richard Kotter Senior Lecturer and Advanced Practice lea Northumbria University
Dr. Steve Macek Professor and Chair, Communication and Media Studies North Central College
Rebecca Roskill Research Assistant Student Workers of Columbia UAW
Dr Rebecca Bamford Senior Lecturer in Philosophy Queen’s University Belfast
Dr Chloe Preece Associate Professor of Marketing ESCP
Sara Sowell Adjunct professor, Milwaukee Institute College of Design, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Humphrey Price MA Film Studies UCL
Yixuan Wu PhD in Film Studies University College London
Avi Zeff PhD student Columbia University, SWC-UAW (UAW Local 2710)
Dr. Andrew O'Bannon Associate Professor University of Southampton
Joe Harris Prof of Early Modern French and Comp Lit Royal Holloway, University of London
Pat Devine Honorary Research Fellow Manchester University
Dr Ruth Ballardie Senior Lecturer University of Greenwich
Gurman Woodwal Theoretical Physics student Queen Mary, University of London
Ezekiel Ornelas Grip IATSE Local 476
Dr Tomasz Kosmala postdoctoral researcher in Mathematics QMUL
Lucy Comparative literature and film studies QMUL
Tabatha Paidar Material Operations Coordinator Film Studies BA Alumni
Robert Mercer Student University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Robin Schuldenfrei Reader Courtauld Institute of Art
Deborah Rees London Metropolitan University
Lee McFarlane Education Support Worker UCU
Dr Steve Rawle Associate Professor, Media Production York St John University
Professor Markman Ellis Professor School of English and Drama
Ewa Pajdzik ESOL TUTOR WMC London
Dr Koshka Duff Assistant Professor of Philosophy University of Nottingham
emily fitzell phd candidate university of cambridge
Dr Tiffany Watt Smith Reader in Cultural History Queen Mary, University of London
Leo Parascondola Adjunct Lecturer, English (Retired) William Paterson University / AFT Local 1796
Professor Robert Hampson Research Fellow, Institute for English Studies, University of London UCU
Juan E De Castro Professor Eugene Lang College, The New School
Jake Whalen Filmmaker University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Chuiwen MA Film studies UCL
Paolo Ruffino Senior Lecturer University of Liverpool
Elizabeth L. Bullock Cinema Instructor City Colleges of Chicago & Dominican University River Forest
JP Spinks Web Developer Heriot-Watt UCU Branch
Valentin Khoze Professor of Physics Durham University
Conor O’Callaghan Video editor former QMUL Student
Cyril Closset University Research Fellow University of Birmingham
Michelle Trujillo Visiting Assistant Professor MassArt
Mike Phillips Clinical Asst. Prof. of Media Studies Southern Illinois University
Gisele Edwards PhD student UCL
Ayesha Riaz PhD Candidate QMIL
Lucia Pradella Senior Lecturer International Political Economy Vice President KCL UCU
Sian fleming Geography QMUL
Christian Mossman Senior Lecturer University of Exeter
Maya Marlette Editor, Scholastic Former QMUL student
Paola Debellis Alvarez Visual Cultures PhD student Goldsmiths, University of London
Sarah Harvey Artist UAL Alumni
Sebastian Oenning QMUL
Dr. Shweta Ghosh Lecturer in Screen Practices and Industries University of Reading
Dr Cynthia Baron Professor Bowling Green State University
Dr. Jennifer Lynn Peterson Professor and Department Chair Media Studies, Woodbury University, Los Angeles, CA
Ellie Goodfellow Student University of Hull
Yael Sharvit UCLA
Justin Pemberton Documentary Filmmaker
Prof Dick Clements Emeritus Professor University of Bristol
Dr Anne Carruthers Associate Lecturer in Film Newcastle University
Ricardo Matos Freelance Film Programmer and Researcher Birkbeck University
Elif Sendur Teaching instructor Rutgers University New Brunswick
Annabelle Shaw Copyright Manager Unite
Dr Brian Smith Senior Lecturer University of Glasgow
Keith Lodwick Write and curator,
Dr Mark Baxendale Innovator Freelance
William Byrd Research Assistant LSE
Sadie Wearing Associate Professor Gender, Culture and Film LSE
Dr Blaise Nkwenti-Azeh University of Manchester
Dr Valerio Bacak Associate Professor Rutgers University, USA
Norman Riley Doctoral Researcher University of Essex
Prof. Karin Littau Director of Film Studies University of Essex
Dr Matthew Hawkins Senior Lecturer London South Bank University
Dr Nadia Edmond Principal Lecturer University of Brighton UCU
Abelardo Clariana-Piga Retired lecturer UCU
Debs Miles
James S Williams Professor of Modern French Literature and Film Royal Holloway, U. of London
Mitchell Harris Video Editor / Producer Alumni, BA Film, QMIL, 2014
Elias Abebe Lecturer New City College
Benjamin Schonken BA Film Studies QMUL
Dr Deirdre O’Neill Lecturer in film theory and practice University of Hertfordshire
Dr Patricia Whatley Senior Lecturer in History University of Dundee
Dr Patricia Whatley Senior Lecturer in History University of Dundee
Edward Masters Student - Politics and IR QMUL
Ioan Andrei Serdenciuc Undergraduate Student Queen Mary, University of London
Dr Stephanie Jones Lecturer in Film Television and Media Studies Aberystwyth University
Alice Student of Politics and Sociology University
Elodie Harvey History BA QMUL
Lorena Lombardozzi Senior Lecturer Economics The Open University
Dr Holly Smith Lecturer in Higher Education UCL UCU Joint Vice President
Jamie Riddick BSc Geography with Economics LSE
Sergey Grekov Founder Alumni
Saskia Griffiths Film Studies BA QMUL
Ada Kotowska Alumna, Postgraduate Film Studies QMUL
Maia Conran PhD Candidate at QMUL QMUL
Dr Jenna Ng Senior Lecturer in Film and Interactive Media University of York
Elisa Mattiauda PhD Candidate Linguistics University College London
Mat McHale Producer
Luca Newman Student QMUL, CSSD
Kayleigh Kee Film studies Queen Mary
Kirsti J-Kuszmider Copywriter QMUL Comparative Literature & Film Studies alumna
Nicki Hitchcott Professor of French and African Studies University of St Andrews
Bruce Downie Associate Lecturer The Oen University
Lily Yates BA History Queen Mary University of London
Dr Eithne Nightingale Researcher and film maker Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Suzanne Ferriss Professor Emeritus, English Nova Southeastern University
Dr. Suzanne Ferriss Professor Emeritus, English Nova Southeastern University
Ziad Elmarsafy Professor of Comparative Literature King's College London
Michael D Dwyer Associate Prof of Media & Communication Arcadia University
Cynthia Felando, Ph.D. Senior Lecturer, Film and Media University of California, Santa Barbara
Solveig Qu Suess Filmmaker & PhD Candidate Critical Media Lab & Basel University
Professor Mark Taylor-Batty Professor of Theatre and Performance University of Leeds, UCU
Amelia Kaminski BA in Film Studies QMUL University
Tchiki von Bismarck AA Architectural Association
Melisa Erol Art Teacher University of the Creative Arts
Carl Lyon Ed D Student CCCU
Joe H Screenwriter University of Cambridge
Dr John Ritchie Research Fellow University of Stirling
Joseph Lynch Instructor Madison Area Technical College
Ravinder Basra Senior Creative Writing Lecturer Ucu
Jerry Brotton Professor of Renaissance Studies QMUL
Noah McDaid Economics University of Southampton
Ricardo Matos Cabo Freelance Film Programmer and researcher Birkbeck
Wendy Eastwood Counsellor
Dr Chiara Quaranta Teaching Fellow in Film Studies University of Edinburgh
Professor Kevin Donnelly Film Studies University of Southampton
Veena Hariharan Associate Professor, Cinema Studies Jawaharlal Nehru University
Dr Tor Krever Assistant Professor University of Warwick School of Law
Dr Bethan Jones Research Associate University of York
Dr Anthony Sullivan Senior Lecturer Cultural and Historical Studies - London College of Fashion UAL UCU
Kevin Ward Student Welfare Advisor Middlesex University UCU
Lisa Cazzato PTV lecturer in media University of Westminster
Anton Califano Visiting lecturer UAL
Ian Mantgani Filmmaker
Dr Elliot Piper-Brown Senior medical writer University of Kent
Dr.Cath Davies Senior Lecturer Visual Culture Cardiff Metropolitan University
Dr Anna Seymour Professor of Dramatherapy University of Roehampton
Hana-Iman Moktar-Mohamed Film Studies QMUL
Maxine Alleyne Alumnus School of Languages, Linguistics and Film
Alicia Roche CSM
Dr Alexandra Perovic Associate Professor University College London
Holly Antrum PGR Researcher and Artist Filmmaker Kingston School of Art & British Film Institute
Mari Paz Balibrea Reader in Spanish Cultural Studies Birkbeck, University of London
Chris Paouros Business Consultant
Professor Paul Hamilton Emeritus Professor of English QMUL
Prof Philip Drake Professor of Media and Creative Industries Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Estella Tincknell Associate Professor in Film and Culture UWE Bristol. Bristol City Councillor.
Dr Matthew Franks Associate Professor University of Warwick
Jane Cheadle Independent film-maker & HPL UCA
Dr Nick Jarrett Educational Psychologist AEP
Calum Farmer Film Studies Postgrad
Victor Simonis UNITE the Union
Charlotte Mulliner Associate Lecturer The Open University
Umberto Albarella Professor of Zooarchaeology University of Sheffield
Joshua Aistrop Archaeology Undergraduate Student, Chair of Societies Committee The University of Sheffield
Dr Nick Hostettler Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations QMUL
Tony Simmonds Senior Research Librarian University of Nottingham
Vee Eastham Education & Training Consultant UCU
Dr Monika Smialkowska Senior Lecturer in English Northumbria University
Deana Heath Professor of History University of Liverpool
Dr Gail Edwards Lecturer in Education UCU Newcastle
Mark Bell Teaching Fellow School of Languages, Linguistics and Film QMUL
Rosine Smyrl Student Support Officer SLLF QMUL
Dr Fiona Hughes Senior Lecturer in Philosophy University of Essex
Esther Johnson Professor Film and Media Arts Sheffield Hallam University
Dr Kathryn Jones Associate Professor of French Swansea University
Dr Minou Norouzi Postdoctoral Researcher University of Helsinki
Dr Isabel Seguí Leverhulme ECF University of Edinburgh
Chris Dymond PhD student, film studies, QMUL QMUL
Professor Sean O'Connell QUB UCU Branch President Queen's University Belfast
Dawn Lyon Reader in Sociology University of Kent
Lia Betti Senior lecturer in evolutionary anthropology University of Roehampton
Elle Gillespie Admissions Manager School of Law QMUL
Alex Campsie Lecturer in Modern British History University of Manchester
Eoin Ó Gaora Film Studies Tutor University College Dublin
Emmanuel Kiese Film Studies QMUL Alumnus
Niamh Ryan Internal Communications Manager Queen Mary University of London
Dr Dirk Brandherm Reader in Prehistoric Archaeology Queen's University Belfast
Paige Isaacson PhD Student Goldsmiths, University of London
Sukhbir kalsi Rj at Mirchi fm india
Dr Kirsty Sinclair Dootson Lecturer in Film Studies University of St Andrews
Dr. Kristina Pla Fernandez Lecturer in Spanish (Teaching) Durham University
Lucy O'Meara Senior Lecturer in French University of Kent
Elizabeth Benjamin
Dr Claudia Civai Senior Lecturer in Psychology London South Bank University
New Edwards-Byfield Script Reader QMUL
Dr Ethan Hack Guest member of staff Newcastle University
Antal Wozniak Lecturer in Communication and Media University of Liverpool
Matthew Woodcock MA Film Studies Alumnus QMUL
Bernice Donszelmann Senior Lecturer University of the Arts London
Tiana Dinard-Samuel BA Film Studies and Hispanic Studies Graduate Queen Mary University of London
David Student of Film Studies
Matt Phull Lecturer University of the Arts London
Dr Eleanor Rye Associate Lecturer University of York
Thanos Hartavellas Lecturer New City College
Graham Kirkwood Branch Chair Newcastle University UCU
Andrea Mensch Senior Lecturer, Retired North Carolina State University
Dr Siddharth Soni Isaac Newton Trust Fellow in English Cambridge University
Dr Bonnie Evans Honorary Research Fellow History, QMUL
Dr Jessica Sklair Research Fellow University of Cambridge
Dr Stephen Muir Senior Lecturer in Music University of Leeds
Dr Edward Lamberti Independent researcher
Xihui Chen Assistant Professor of Accountancy Heriot-Watt University
Jeff Smith Professor of Film Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dr Tom Fallows Adjunct Associate Professor of Film Old Dominion University
Dr Paolo Russo Senior Lecturer in Film Oxford Brookes University
Dr. Kata Szita Researcher Trinity College Dublin
Gianni Barchiesi Phd Candidate New York University, department of Cinema Studies
George Turner BA (Kent), MSt (Oxford)
Joerg Fingerhut Prof. Dr. LMU Munich
Rupert Waldron Senior Lecturer LCF UAL
Dr Filippo Contesi Beatriu de Pinós Postdoctoral Fellow Universitat de Barcelona
Lucy Harris Film editor and previously Lecturer BA Filmmaking Kingston University,
Dr. Dooley Murphy Researcher Independent
Elizabeth Akinyemi Film Studies BA Queen Mary University of London
Ted Nannicelli Senior Lecturer University of Queensland
Dr. Héctor J. Pérez Professor of Theory of Art Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)
Rhodri Kemp Research Technician ECHOES Project Aberystwyth University
Neha Graduate student University of Calgary
Simon Choat Head of Economics Kingston University
Dr Kathryn A. Burnett Senior Lecturer Arts and Media University of the West of Scotland
Dr Zoe Alker Lecturer University of Lancaster
Michal Bilewicz FMD Faculty Comms and Events Manager QMUL
Dr Kate M. Graham Senior Lecturer in English Literature (Theatre) University of Westminster
Cecilia Frugiuele Film Producer / Screenwriter Alumni
Dr Bartosz Stopel Associate Professor University of Silesia
Randall Halle, Klaus Jonas Professor of German Film Director, Film and Media Studies Program University of Pittsburgh
Darryn Mitussis Senior Lecturer Queen Mary University of London
Caley Stonestreet Film Studies (BA) QMUL
Dr. Liz Gloyn Reader in Latin Language & Literature Royal Holloway
Professor Andreas Schonle Professor of Russian, Head of School of Modern Languages University of Bristol
Noel Carroll Professor of Philosophy Graduate Center CUNY
Dr. Arianna Rotulo Assistant Professor University of Groningen
Dr. Jason Gendler Lecturer California State University, Long Beach
Samiyah Talukdar International Relations Queen Mary University
Dr. Aaron Taylor Board of Governors Research Chair, Cinema Studies University of Lethbridge
Dr Douglas Morrey Reader in French Studies University of Warwick
Lisa Zimmerling Producer Former QMUL Student
Sylvia Shaw SL English Language and Linguistics University of Westminster
Azad Ashim Sharma Publisher the87press
Margherita Sprio Reader University of Westminster
Dr. Catalin Brylla Principal Lecturer in Film and TV Bournemouth University
Dr Andrew Caink Principal Lecturer in Linguistics and English Language University of Westminster
Hannah Durkin Lecturer in Literature and Film Newcastle University
Anji Rae Senior Lecturer Newcastle University
Alison Phipps Professor of Sociology Newcastle University
Doerthe Rosenow Senior Lecturer in International Relations UCU
Alexandra Osben Film Studies alumni QMUL
Dr Stephen Moonie Lecturer in Art History Newcastle University
Justin Williams Associate Professor in Music University of Bristol
Miles Pearce Professional Services University of Bristol, UCU
Dr Carrie Etter Reader in Creative Writing Bath Spa University
Prof Clare Hemmings Gender Department LSE and UCU
Professor Violeta Moreno Lax Professor of Law Queen Mary University of London
Dr Carol O'Sullivan Associate Professor University of Bristol UCU
Melanie Florence Lecturer in French, Trinity College, Oxford
Angelica Baker Ottaway PhD Student & GTA King's College London
Dr Clyde Ancarno Lecturer in Applied Linguistics KCL UCU
Dr Andrea Rehberg UCU
Professor David Treece Camden's Professor of Portuguese UCU, King's College London
Dr Angela Becher Lecturer in Chinese Film Studies University of Liverpool
Dr Rachel Malik
Dr Nicola Clarke Lecturer in History Newcastle University
Dr. Trevor Hearing Principal Academic Bournemouth University
Elane Heffernan Psychotherapist UCU
Andrea Cox Careers Consultant King's College London
Dr Lucy Bradnock Associate Professor of Art History University of Nottingham
Graham Kirkwood Senior Research Associate Branch Chair, Newcastle University UCU
Dr Ania Plomien Associate Professor LSE
Dr Gregory Schwartz Senior Lecturer, Business School University of Bristol
Dr Sian Barber Senior Lecturer in Film Studies Queen's University Belfast
Lalu Delbracio Lecturer UAL, London
Professor Timothy Mathews Emeritus Professor of French and Comparative Criticism University College London
Elizabeth Akinyemi Film Studies BA Queen Mary University of London
Dr Ashley Harris Postdoctoral Research Fellow in French Stirling University
Cecilia Sayad Senior Lecturer in Film University of Kent
Ana Lopes Newcastle University
Dr Andrew Warstat Senior Lecturer Manchester School of Art, MMU
Anna Strowe Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies University of Manchester
Debbie Phillips Information Consultant Royal Holloway
Dr J Greatorex University of Cambridge
Andrew Hawke Managing Editor, Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Lesedi Ledwaba-Chapman Researcher KCL
Dr Marina Vishmidt Lecturer, MA Culture Industry Goldsmiths, GUCU
Dr. Haluk Sengun Senior Lecturer, School of Mathematics and Statistics University of Sheffield
Dr. David Roberts Senior Lecturer, International Relations Loughborough University
Dr Matt Parker Research Fellow Oxford Brookes University
Matthew Spencer Lecturer, ecology and marine biology University of Liverpool
Natasha Ruiz-Gomez Senior Lecturer in Art History University of Essex
Julianne Regfan Senior Lecturer Bath Spa University
Julianne Regan Senior Lecturer Bath Spa University
Rogan Clark PhD Student King's College London
Rosie McNiece Senior Lecturer Kingston University /KU UCU Vice chair
K Armstrong SPC UCU
Joel Baker Impact Administrator University of York
Sean Fear Lecturer in International History University of Leeds
Pam Clarke Researcher University of Liverpool UCU
Leo McCann Professor of Management University of York
Pedro Mendes Loureiro Latin American Studies Cambridge
Claire Monk Professor of Film & Film Culture Cinema & Television History Institute, De Montfort University
Dr Lorna Sharpe Associate Lecturer The Open University, UCU
Dr Nathaniel Barron Teaching Fellow, Sociology University of Birmingham
Lucia Boldrini Professor of English and Comparative Literature Goldsmiths
Alex Watson Associate Professor UCL
Gareth Jenkins Senior Lecturer (Retired), School of Humanities, University of Greenwich UCU
Mally Smith PhD Student, RA & TA University of Edinburgh
Dr.Tony Coult Independant researcher in Drama UCU
Dr Dylan Carver Stipendiary lecturer in English St Peter's College, Oxford
Dr Matt Prout Lecturer in English University of Bristol
Ciara Flanagan UCU
Norman Jope Plymouth Marjon University
Paul Reynolds Senior Lecturer University of Wolverhampton
Timothy LaRock Postdoctoral Research Associate Oxford University
Sharmila Peake BA English and History, QMUL University of Essex
Mike McConnell Branch Officer Aberdeen UCU
Emma Lay Lecturer Arts University Bournemouth & UCU
Dr Morris Brodie Digital Intern Aberystwyth University
Dr Astrid Haas Research Fellow in English University of Central Lancashire
David Fudger Retired member UCU
Alan Bevington Retired Lecturer Leicester
Geoff Taylor Retired teacher UCU / TEFL Workers Union (IWW)
Greville Corbett Professor of Linguistics UCU
Maria Nefeli Navrozidi BA Student, Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Madalena Lemos Assistant Professor Durham University
Rishabh Bajoria Phd University of Cambridge
Dr Javier Argomaniz Senior Lecturer University of St Andrews
Manjeet Ramgotra Senior Lecturer in Political Theory SOAS University of London, UCU
Christopher Reid Professor Emeritus of Rhetoric Queen Mary University of London
Philippa Price Subject Librarian Swansea University
Dr Roshan de Silva-Wijeyeratne Senior Lecturer in Law Liverpool Hope University
Mica Nava Emeritus Professor of Cultural Studies University of East London
Tony Whelan Guest Teacher, Maths, LSE UCU
Simon Allen University of East Anglia
Dr. Jeffrey M. Zacks Professor Washington University in Saint Louis
Dr Freya Sierhuis Senior Lecturer, Department of English University of York
Dr. Celine Petitjean Lecturer University of Bristol UCU
Henry Holborn GTA UCU
Paul Massiah
Dr Sylvia Broughton Teaching Fellow, SLLF QMUL UCU
Dr Fiona Essig Lecturer KCL
Sarah Nicholson Lecturer in Uniformed Services Burnley College
Josh Robin Thorpe Alumni (Ex-Course Representative) Ex-Course Representative
Jon Bryan Regional Support Official UCU
Professor Julian Goodare Emeritus Professor of History University of Edinburgh
Pravina Ellis LSA UCU
Dr Malcolm MacLean Doctoral Supervisor University of Wales Trinity St David
Lydia Frost MA Film Directing Fiction Queen Mary University of London
Jelena Stojkovic Lecturer in Photography Oxford Brookes
Dr Thembi Luckett Research Fellow Newcastle University
Alex Marshall Senior Lecturer in German Sheffield Hallam University
Umberto Albarella Professor of Zooarchaeology University of Sheffield
Regan Burles Postdoctoral Research Fellow SPIR, QMUL
Sareen Galbraith Senior Lecturer Leeds Beckett University, UCU
Dr Nil Palabiyik QMUL, English Department
Simon Carder Course leader tutor Construction GLLM UCU Member Sec.
Dr David Turns Senior Lecturer in International Law Cranfield University
Professor Kate Oakley University of Glasgow
Sérgio Dias Branco Assistant Professor of Film Studies University of Coimbra (Portugal)
Chris Paterson Professor of Global Communication University of Leeds
Moya Luckett Gallatin School New York University
A.M.Mullally Lecturer in Film and Media Studies Technological University of Dublin
Sarah Cleaver Founder, Zodiac Film Club
Dr Vlastimir Sudar Senior Lecturer in CHS Kingston University
Annie Mitchell QMSU
Lina Hakim Senior Lecturer Kingston University
Kathy Kubicki Senior Lecturer Kingston University
Naomi Smith MPhil/PhD Film and Screen Studies student Dept. of Film, Media and Culture; Birkbeck, University of London
Emeritus Professor Peter William Evans Emeritus Professor Queen Mary University of London Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Dr Melissa Beattie Independent Scholar
Kate Rennebohm Postdoctoral Fellow Concordia University
Cecily Blyther Lecturer UCU NEC Rep for Casually Employed Members in FE
Dr Djuna Hallsworth Sessional Lecturer University of Sydney
Harikrishnan Bhaskaran Assistant Professor Central University of Himachal Pradesh
Chandak Sengoopta Professor of History Birkbeck College, University of London
Nuri Moseinco Film Studies BA Alumnus QMUL
Chiara Scurati Film Studies Alumna (2019) QMUL
 Rita Machin Retired lecturer FE sector Manchester College
Dr Alison Atkinson-Phillips Lecturer in Public History Newcastle University  / UCU
Paul Mackney General Secretary NATFHE/UCU 1997-2007
Simon Keefe JR Hoyle Chair of Music University of Sheffield
Zara Abbas Teaching Associate University of Roehampton
Erin Tilley PhD Researcher University of Sussex
Christian Markham BA Student, English and Film Studies Queen Mary University of London
Oscar Fouda MA Film, Class of 2022 Queen Mary, University of London
Savina Petkova PhD Student/GTA King's College London
Dr Min Wild Lecturer in English , University of Plymouth, UCU
Dr Lutz Sauerteig Senior Lecturer (Medical Humanities) Newcastle University
Dr Lauren Wilcox Associate Professor of Gender Studies University of Cambridge
Simon Welsh Doctoral College Programmes Manager University of Leeds
Nahee Lecturer King's College London
Caitlin Smith Curator BFI
Beth Pyner PhD Candidate English Literature Cardiff University (QMUL Alumni)
Tom Rutter Senior Lecturer University of Sheffield
Professor Nicholas Harrison King's College London
Dr Cristina Johnston Senior Lecturer University of Stirling
Kimberly Barber BA Student, Creative Film, TV, and Digital Media Production University of Northampton
Dr Joseph Ward Teaching Associate University of Sheffield
Peter William Evans Emeritus Professor Film Studies QMUL
Chris Day Associate Lecturer, Foreign Language Centre University of Exeter / UCU
Luka Opacic QMUL Film & Drama BA Student
Dr Michael Hrebeniak Convenor New School of the Anthropocene
Dr Angela Piccini Associate Professor School of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Plymouth

[signatories will be updated regularly - last update 28/07/22 08.36]
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