Avenue Lend-a-Hand Form
We do our best to prioritize pay for the artists creating the art and working with our young creatives. We are therefore dependent on and grateful for our friends who are able to provide valuable assistance, support, and resources when they have spare time! When there are paid opportunities we will always spread the love! Please tell us more about how you'd like to help. Complete a much or as little as you'd like us to know!

Want to share the form with others? They can find it on avenuetheatre.org (at the bottom) or use this quick Link bit.ly/avevolunteer

NOTE: MLK DAY OF SERVICE 2024 is Monday, 1/15 1-5pm is POSTPONED!! We will post a new date soon so you can sign up for a NEW time slot and tell us how you’d like to lend a hand!

Here’s the form link to share with others who may be interested: bit.ly/avevolunteer (type directly into your browser at tips NOT Google search.) It is also found at the bottom of the webpage at avenuetheatre.org (LEND-A-HAND button)

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Are you an Avenue affiliate, community partner or artist in residence? *
Last Name: *
First Name: *
Pronouns (check all that you identify with.) *
Best phone # to reach you: *
Facebook Name @:
Instagram Name @:
Twitter Name @:
Are you volunteering with a group? Please list group name here.
City of Rochester Clean Sweep Volunteer? *
Does your employer offer Volunteer Time Off (VTO)? (Let us know if we need to provide you with any documentation of your time with us. We're happy to do it!) *
Some employers match gifts of time and money to non-profits like us. Please provide your employer's name to see if they do!
T-Shirt Size? (In case we get a t-shirt sponsor!) *adult unisex sizes listed.
Clear selection
Availability (please check all that apply and indicate times below)
INTERESTS (Please check all areas in which you'd like to volunteer)
EXPERIENCE  (Please check all areas in which you have experience.)
Mac or PC?
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I use computers for (check all that apply):
Microsoft Word (check all that apply)
Microsoft Excel and spreadsheets (check all that apply)
Microsoft Powerpoint (check all that apply)
Google Drive and apps (check all that apply)
Canva (check all that apply)
Wix.com Website Builder (The Avenue website was already created on Wix. It needs occasional updating. Check all that apply.)
Other applications and software (check all that you have experience with)
Artists, tell us about your art!
Are you interested in teaching your art form(s)?
Clear selection
SPECIAL SKILLS OR QUALIFICATIONS (Please summarize special skills and qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities, including hobbies or sports.) **Artists, please tell us what you’d like to contribute here!
Do you have a Pickup truck that you'd be willing to move things for us with?
Clear selection
Do you have a bike rack and willing to deliver bikes to youth
Clear selection
I am willing to donate supplies:
I am willing to lend the following tools:
Person to notify in case of emergency *
Emergency contact phone # *
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the Avenue Blackbox Theatre, 780 Joseph Avenue Rochester, NY 14621.  Email: info@avenuetheatre.org with questions or concerns. We'll be in touch soon!
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