The VA-NKO Day of the Resident is finally back! 
We have put together an exciting scientific program in the morning about 'ENT & Company'. Afterwards, we organize lunch and we'll finish the day with fun social activities at O'Learys. The event will take place in Ghent from 9 a.m. until around 5 p.m. 
We hope we can welcome many members and socialize together! 
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Any questions or interesting topics you would like to see discussed concerning all aspects of speech therapy, globus, rehabilitation of vestibular disorders, tinnitus from diagnosis to treatment?  *
Other questions or dietary restrictions we should take into account? 
Complete registration 
Filling out this form confirms registration for the lectures. 
Your registration for lunch and activities (15 euros for members and 45 euros for non-members) is only valid once the payment is received: 
BE35 6451 4903 1037
Kroonlaan 20
1050 Brussel
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