Yoda Frenchie Fur Me
Pet Parent Questionnaire
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Email *
First & Last name *
Address City/ State *
Phone Number / Email *
Instagram/Facebook *
How would you like to be contacted? *
Gender preference? *
Color preference ? *
Are you interested in a Pet or adding a member to your breeding program? *
Why have you selected this breed ? *
How soon are you looking to bring home a puppy? *
Are you looking to bring home a puppy during a particular time of the year ? Please explain. *
Do you own any other pets ? If so how many? What species & breed? *
Do you rent or own ? *
Are there any children in the household? If so, how would they be instructed to handle the puppy? *
Does anyone in the household have allergies? Frenchies are not hypo allergenic. *
Do you have a Veterinarian of choice ? *
If you take home a puppy as a “pet only ” do you agree to spay or neuter them once they reach the recommended age suggested by your vet? *
Are you willing to puppy proof your home? Frenchies are known for eating things they shouldn’t during the teething phase , which can be life threatening and lead to a very expensive vet bill . *
Are you prepared to adjust your schedule for constant potty breaks throughout the day & middle of the night , until they reach about a year old? *
What is your approach toward potty training? Please be specific *
Are you prepared to make food accommodations for the puppy if she shows signs of allergies , an example would be allergy testing and cooking meals ?
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Are you prepared for the cost of boarding while away on vacation? *
Would you be willing to leave a review on our Facebook page about your experience purchasing a puppy ? It would help other families when deciding who to work with . *
Puppies range from $3k-$5k with limited registration (no breeding rights) we accept the following methods of payment , which one would work best for you ? *
If you take home a puppy, are you comfortable with us taking a family photo to post on our social media and website? *
How did you hear about us ? *
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