Land Trust Agreement Form
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Name *
Your Telephone Number *
What is the best day/time to call if we have questions? *
What is the name of the person or entity that is creating the land Trust? *
What is the trustee name or entity  of your land trust? *
What would you like your land trust to be named? *
Is the beneficiary of your land trust an entity such as an LLC? *
What is the name of the entity beneficiary of your land trust? *
If the beneficiary of your land trust is not an entity, is there more than one beneficiary of your land trust? *
If more than one beneficiary, what are the names of each of the beneficiaries of your land trust? *
If more than one beneficiary, how much interest percentage is owned by each of the beneficiaries of your land trust, in the order of the names listed above, i.e. 50%? *
Do you want to set up a personal property trust as the beneficiary of your land trust for an extra layer of anonymity? *
If yes, please supply the names of the personal property trusts for each of the beneficiaries named above in the order of each name. *
Street address of each beneficiary who has set up a personal property trust in the order listed above *
City/State/Zip of each beneficiary who has set up a personal property trust in the order listed above *
Are there successor beneficiaries of your land trust? *
Please name your successor beneficiaries in the order of succession for each beneficiary, ie                Successor Beneficiary #1 of Beneficiary #1       Successor Beneficiary #2 of Beneficiary #1     Successor Beneficiary #3 of Beneficiary #1 *
Please supply the street address of each of your successor beneficiaries in the order of succession for each beneficiary, ie                                                                                 Street Address of Successor Beneficiary #1 of Beneficiary #1                                                                     Street Address of Successor Beneficiary #2 of Beneficiary #1                                                                      Street Address of Successor Beneficiary #3 of Beneficiary #1                                                                  
Please supply the city, state, zip of each of your successor beneficiaries in the order of succession for each beneficiary, ie                                                                                 City, State, Zip of Successor Beneficiary #1 of Beneficiary #1                                                                       City, State, Zip of Successor Beneficiary #2 of Beneficiary #1                                                                      City, State, Zip of Successor Beneficiary #3 of Beneficiary #1                                                                      
Are there successor trustees of your land trust? *
Please name your successor trustees in the order of succession.
What is the dollar amount you will compensate your trustee per year? *
Full street address of the property (include street address, city, state, zip) *
Property County *
In what state is your land trust is formed? *
Will you be living in the property? *
I would like to set up my land trust as follows: *
Order Price *
Please review your order for accuracy before you click the SUBMIT button
We will send your finished product to the email you provided here in a minimum three (3) days after you place your order.
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