The Louisville Energy Alliance (LEA) is excited offer the next round of Portfolio Manager Training to assist local organizations starting their energy efficiency journey.
In this three-part series, participants will learn everything from the basics of entering building and energy data into the software to the more advanced functions of setting goals and targets for their energy improvements. Technical experts will be on-site to assist. Attend all 3 to receive a Certificate of Professional Development Hours!
Don't miss our final session on September 1!
LOCATION: Jefferson Community and Technical College (JCTC)
TIME: 9:00-11:30 AM
Thursday, August 4 - Completed!
Thursday, August 18 - Completed!
Thursday, September 1
Louisville’s built environment represents a tremendous opportunity for action against climate change, as approximately 80% of Louisville’s greenhouse gas emissions result from the energy used to heat, cool, and power buildings. The LEA envisions sustainable buildings throughout Louisville through energy-related efforts that benefit both the environment and businesses alike. We promote energy efficiency and conservation with commercial building owners and operators through education, training and collaboration.
Please reach out to with any questions, and be sure to subscribe to LEA updates at to hear about our latest events, trainings, and award opportunities. Hosted in partnership with Louisville Metro Government and the University of Louisville's NEW Industrial Assessment Center,