RSVP for AAJA-DC's picnic on the mall
🗓 Saturday, June 17, 2 p.m. 

We'll provide some tasty bites – possibly Lucky Danger again – but BYO drinks, more snacks and blankets/chairs. +1s, kids, dogs welcome. Please fill out this RSVP form so we know how many folks to expect. 

We'll find a semi-shaded grassy spot just south of the American History museum. Once we're there, we can send our exact location via an email to RSVP-ed folks + by dropping a note into our AAJA Slack. If you can't find us please ping board member Em Nguyen at 
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Let us know if you're bringing a +1 or kids so we know how much food to order
Is your AAJA-DC membership up to date?
(All are welcome regardless!)
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