Community Member Permit Application
Please provide the information below to obtain a UNC Asheville Community Member Permit. While we do our best to protect user information, please do not provide financial information as this is not a guaranteed secure database.
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First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Contact Number *
A phone number you can be reached at while a vehicle is parked on campus.
Email Address *
Enter if no email is available
Driver's License Number *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Vehicle Make (Example: Buick) *
Vehicle Model (Regal) *
Year of Make (Example: 2015) *
The year in which your vehicle was made.
Tag or License Plate Number *
North Carolina General Statute G.S. 20-279.1(11) requires that those who apply for parking permits have valid insurance for all vehicles covered by the permit. *
I the user acknowledge that I have insurance coverage that meets the requirements of the State of North Carolina. I further agree that I will purchase additional coverage if the coverage requirements of the State of North Carolina are increased.
Are You the Registered Owner of the Vehicle? *
If you are not the Owner of the Vehicle, provide the owner's name below.
Permit Type Requested *
Application Terms of Use *
I have completed all requested information and provided correct, complete, and up-to-date information on this form, and I will apply for a new permit should such information change. I agree to abide by the current Regulations Governing Traffic, Parking, and the Registration of Motor Vehicles for Use on the Campus of the Universityof North Carolina Asheville, found at:
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