Twin Cities Small Business Solar Program
Thank you for your interest in promoting renewable energy in the Twin Cities!  Please complete this form to indicate your interest in adding solar to your business property. This program requires $0 down and will deliver 20% savings on the small business electric bill. We have an investor who will provide all capital for the project. Solar will be installed at no risk to the business owner.  We will contact you in one business day to review the program process, answer any questions, and take the next step.

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Email *
Contact Name *
Contact Phone *
Contact Email Address *
Business Name *
Business Street Address / Zip Code *
Do you / your business own the building? *
If your building is joint owned, please list all parties.
Please give us as much info as you can on your roof; type, life expectancy, obstructions, pitch, etc. Its OK if you don't know or have this info at this time, we will figure it out together *
Business Type
Race / Ethnicity of building owner (mark "NA" if you prefer not to answer)
Was your business / building impacted by civil unrest in 2020?
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Describe any energy efficiency measures you have taken or plan to take at this time.
Will this solar project provide benefits to low-income, underserved, or energy burdened residents? If Yes, please describe.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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