Welcome to our survey on neurodiversity in the UK music industry. This is a collaborative project led by Andrew Kingslow, an autistic neurodivergent music producer and composer, the London Autism Group Charity and the University of Bedfordshire. Before continuing please take a few minutes to watch this video from Andrew Kingslow explain what this survey is, why this survey wase created, and what we plan to achieve from it: https://vimeo.com/862014355/819207dbcf?ts=0&share=copy
The purpose of this survey is to capture your experiences, insights, and views on the current state of the music industry in relation to neurodiversity. Your input will play a crucial role in shaping our upcoming strategy, which aims to summaries the key issues neurodivergent musicians face, and propose a set of actionable recommendations and tools for the UK music industry. Our goal is to promote a deeper understanding of neurodiversity within the industry, as well as facilitate increased support for neurodivergent individuals in music. By sharing your experiences and perspectives, you will be making an invaluable contribution to this mission.
Why have I been chosen?
We would like to invite you to participate in this survey if you identify as neurodivergent (e.g. autistic, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Tourette’s) and you work within the UK music industry (in any capacity).
Do I have to take part?
It is completely your decision whether to participate or not in this study. As a token of appreciation for your time and valuable insight, you will have the chance to win one of several exciting prizes, donated by XLN audio-software licenses totalling at about £10,000, by participating in this survey. If you decide to participate in this survey, please click on the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of this page. If you decide to participate but would prefer to withdraw after you have begun completing the questionnaire, you may do so at any time without needing to provide a reason. A decision to withdraw will not affect you in any way. If this happens, the data you had entered up to the point of withdrawal will not be saved or used in this research study.
What do I have to do?
Please follow the on-screen instructions very carefully which will guide you through the questionnaire. The most important thing that we would request from you is to answer all of the questions truthfully. You should also be aware that there are no right or wrong answers, as this survey is not a test.
Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
All of information collected during this research study will be kept strictly confidential. No information that can be identified to you will be disseminated so that your identity and confidentiality is protected. All of the data will be securely stored on encrypted password protected servers which only the core research team will have access to. All data processing and management procedures adhere to the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018. Please also note that this survey has obtained ethics approval from the Institute for Health Research’s Ethical Committee at the University of Bedfordshire.
What will happen to the results of the study?
The information collected will be analysed and used to underpin the creation of a ground breaking national strategy for enhancing the UK music industry’s appropriateness and support for the neurodivergent workforce within the UK music industry. The findings will also be used for the creation of high impact research journal articles, conferences and media dissemination. The data will be permanently destroyed three years after the survey data collection period ends.
Trigger Warning
Please be aware that some of the questions in this survey ask about personal experiences that could be potentially distressing or triggering. We encourage you to only complete this survey when you feel comfortable to do so. Should you find any part of this survey upsetting, please remember you are under no obligation to continue. If you need support, the London Autism Group Charity is here to help. The contact email is contact@londonautismgroupcharity.org, and the website is https://www.londonautismgroupcharity.org/. In addition, if you have any further questions about the survey, or wish to make a complaint, please contact the London Autism Group Charity. Thank you for considering participating in this survey.
By clicking on the ‘Next’ button at the bottom of this page, you are confirming that:
1. You have read and understand the participant information document and have had the opportunity to ask questions
2. You understand that taking part in this research study is voluntary and that you are free to withdraw at any time without providing any reason
3. You understand that the information you provide will be treated with complete confidentiality, and will be securely stored.
4. You understand that this study has received ethical approval from the University of Bedfordshire.
5. You are happy to proceed and begin completing this survey.