The ADHD Adults Podcast Testimonials
We absolutely love receiving your messages about the podcast: your 'journeys', silly stories and general musings. Please keep them coming and use this form to write to us if you'd just like to leave us a message. Bit like a voice note that we don't have to listen to! 

About the Podcast
The ADHD Adults Podcast (in)expertly covers ADHD in adults, sharing evidence-based information and personal experiences. Join us for balloon-headed Alex the Psychoeducation Monkey's evidence-based information, James's annoyance and genuinely poor tips for coping, and the "Queen of Chaos", Mrs ADHD. Each episode also features regular games, "jokes", correspondence from absolutely real people and chaos... lots of chaos.
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You can use your real name, nickname, social media name, Discord name or the name you wish you had.  
Can we read out your name on the podcast if we read out your message?
We get so many amazing messages and stories from you that we couldn't read them all out, but please know every single one is received, read and loved by the team. 
What would you like to tell us?  *
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