RSVP for New Literature from Europe events with Bulgarian writer Vladimir Poleganov
Elizabeth Kostova Foundation, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria, is pleased to participate in the 2018 edition of the NEW LITERATURE FROM EUROPE festival in NEW YORK.
Bulgarian writer VLADIMIR POLEGANOV will appear in three events.  If you plan to attend an event, please kindly RSVP filling in your details below.
All events will be held in English at Instituto Cervantes (211 E. 49th St., btw. 2nd & 3rd Ave, New York), and are free and open to the public.
For the full program, please visit the Festival's website:
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Public Vs. Private Narratives
6:45-8:00 p.m.
Brit Bildøen (Norway), Adrian Grima (Malta), Sarah Meuleman (Flanders, Belgium), Vladimir Poleganov (Bulgaria), Ferenc Temesi (Hungary)
Moderated by Eric Banks
In fiction, lies can tell the truth, but in today’s public discourse, reality is under attack, and lies are sold as truths. What is the relationship between truth and reality when it comes to words? Five writers discuss how they navigate the intertwined realms of private and public narratives, and the social responsibility of the writer when words can powerfully influence public opinion.
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Reading: European Voices in O.V.
6:45-8:00 p.m.
Bruno Vieira Amaral (Portugal), Theodora Bauer (Austria),  Gabija Grušaitė (Lithuania), Vladimir Poleganov (Bulgaria), Ioana Pârvulescu (Romania), Ferenc Temesi (Hungary), Chiara Valerio (Italy)
Moderated by Sean Bye (Polish Cultural Institute New York)
This live reading offers a rare opportunity to hear five acclaimed writers from different parts of Europe read from their work in their mother tongue. The event will include English translations and will be followed by a Q&A.
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IT: What's at Stake?
8:10-9:25 p.m.
Gabija Grušaitė (Lithuania), Luna Miguel (Spain), Ursula Andkjær Olsen (Denmark), Vladimir Poleganov (Bulgaria)
Moderated by novelist YZ Chin
Modern technologies have radically altered our means of communication and contributed to the development of a global economy. But have these new technologies helped to achieve greater equality, or are they creating new divisions? How do new generations navigate the impact of the IT revolution and globalization? And how is the immediate availability of information affecting human lives?
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