UPTAKE CDR Stakeholder Forum 

We are delighted that you have decided to join the UPTAKE CDR Stakeholder Forum. The Forum aims to bring together stakeholders from various groups and with different focuses within the field of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies. Our goal is to form a CDR community that shares findings, insights, and updates with other members of the Forum. We hope that you will help us make the deliverables of our project as informed as possible.

To tailor the Forum to the needs of different stakeholders, we would like to know more about your affiliation and CDR-related interests. Below, we have developed a few questions, and we kindly request that you answer them. Once you complete the form, we will send you a link to sign up and log in to the Forum upon our approval.

Please be aware that based on the information provided in this form, we may invite you to specific events and surveys held within the UPTAKE project.

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First name: *
Last name: *
E-mail address: *
Title / position *
Institution / Company name: *
Which group do you represent:  *
In which CDR method are you interested: *
Dear User, according to Article 13 of the GDPR, we would like to inform you that the data provided through this form will be processed by the UPTAKE’s Project Partners, specifically by CMCC Foundation, to execute your request to join the “Uptake CDR Stakeholder Forum”.
Furthermore, we would like to inform you that your email address will be collected and used to send you newsletters and other informative communications regarding the UPTAKE Project and the CDR Stakeholder Forum. You can unsubscribe from this service at any time by emailing fabiana.gerardi@cmcc.it or
changing your email settings from your account.
For further information regarding the processing of your data and to learn about your rights and how to exercise them, we invite you to read the complete privacy policy, available here and eventually get in touch with privacy@cmcc.it."

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