【《叔.叔》慈善場. 支持「晚同牽」】 Charity Premiere of “Suk Suk”, Support “Gay & Grey”
日期 Date: 12/5/2020 (二 Tue)
地點: PREMIERE Elements [九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道西1號圓方商場2樓]
Venue: PREMIERE Elements (2/F, ELEMENTS, 1 Austin Road West, Kowloon)
招待會 Reception:18:45-19:30pm
電影放映 Screening: 19:30- 21:30
票價 Price: 每張為港幣 $500或 $1,000 (貴賓票) $500 or $1,000 (VIP) per ticket
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匯款方式 Payment method: 銀行 Bank: 滙豐銀行 HSBC帳戶號碼 Account #: 112-547898-001帳號名稱 Payee: 晚同牽 / Gay & Grey請保留匯款收據,並將收據拍照連同 您的姓名和聯絡電話發短信至「晚同牽」(6677 0728) ;我們將於確定匯款後為 您預留門票。如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡「晚同牽」(6677 0728) 。Please print out the pay-in slip and message/text it to Gay & Grey (6677 0728) with your full name and telephone number. A receipt will be given upon request. Tickets can only be reserved with full payment. If you have any queries, please contact Gay & Grey (6677 0728). Remark: The ticket reservation is temporarily closed. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. 備註: 門票預定暫時關閉, 我們對造成任何不便深感歉意。
我願意捐款** $___________元。I would like to make a donation** of $___________
我不需要門票,我願意捐款** $___________元,支持「晚同牽」(* * 「晚同牽」屬香港社團註冊團體。稅務局的減稅措施不適用於在捐款)。I do not need any tickets, I would like to make a donation** of  $___________ to support "Gay & Grey" (* * Gay & Grey is a registered society in Hong Kong. Tax deduction by the Inland Revenue Department is not applicable).
名字 Name
聯絡電話 Contact number
備註 Remark
如有任何查詢,歡迎聯絡我們 (6677 0728) 。If you have any queries, please contact us at 6677 0728.
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