Petition: Support Protected Bicycle Lanes in Porter Square
Please add your support to Cambridge Bicycle Safety's petition:

In 2016 Joe Lavins was killed by a truck while biking through Porter Square; while some improvements have been made, the Square is still not safe for people who ride bikes. We need protected bicycle lanes that will separate people riding bikes—families with children, residents, shoppers, and commuters—from trucks, buses, and other motor vehicles. Everyone deserves to get around the city safely.

What is more, the city is legally required to install protected lanes by April 30, 2022, according to the Cycling Safety Ordinance timeline passed in 2020.

We support a design that will improve safety for people riding bikes and pedestrians, improve public transit, provide necessary ADA accessible parking spots, and support the needs of businesses. We urge the city to install critically-needed protected bicycle lanes in Porter Square that will reduce the risk of further injuries and deaths, and to meet the city's legally required deadline.
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